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Matt Furey – How To Make $100,000 (Or More) As A Personal Trainer

Matt Furey – How To Make $100,000 (Or More) As A Personal Trainer [4 DVDs – ISO, MP4]
[4 DVDs – ISO, MP4]



This is the bigtime heavy hitting bonus for the Theatre of the Mind Group Buy I mentioned – the 4 DVD course How To Make $100,000 (or more…) As A Personal Trainer.  This isn’t some “L@@K how I made $5,364.29 using this one weird trick” bullkshit WSO – it’s serious mental training for success built on Psycho Cybernetics.  If we get some more funding there will additional audio along these lines that hasn’t been available for purchase since 2005.  If there was ever a time to get in, it’s right now. DVD ISOs have proven to be popular I’ve included them here.  You don’t need them if you don’t want them.Copy of the product is below:”How to Make a Million Dollars a Year (or more) Helping People Get Physically Fit”I am writing this letter to you from my vacation home on China’s Hainan Island. I just finished my outdoor workout and now it’s time to get down to business.While I was training I couldn’t help but think about the best method of communicating my story to you – not so much to brag – but so that you will be inspired to help people get physically fit and healthy while being compensated in a big, big way.If what I am writing seems egotistical, please forgive me. That is not my intent. But the truth is I must tell you that I am the most qualified person to point you in the direction of free-flowing success as a personal trainer or fitness professional.. Personal Trainer, Matt Furey makes money while playing on the monkey barsMatt Furey exercising on the monkey bars at his vacation home in ChinaHere’s why:Number one, I was a full-time personal trainer for ten years. I began in 1987, fresh out of college, when the idea of this profession hadn’t really caught on.Number two, I have been through thick and thin. I know what works in this business and what doesn’t. I know how to make money, enormous gobs of it, and I know how to starve. I’ve done both and I know for a fact, rich is better.Number three, I have actually made well over ONE MILLION DOLLARS per year as a fitness professional. I don’t just write about how to do it when I never have myself. No, I write about how “I DID IT” and how you can, too.Number four, I have figured out a system of taking my vast business experience, as well as my knowledge on fitness – and have leveraged this into an information publishing business, where we currently serve customers in 117 countries.Number five, I’ve been teaching others for several years (even those who are not personal trainers) how to take their knowledge and do likewise. And guess what? Inside of one year, the results are staggering. My students are now kicking butt and taking names. And they are thrilled with their results.You’ll see some of my testimonials in a minute, but for now let it suffice to say that I helped Peter Ragnar raise his income more than $300,000.00 per year. And I helped Richard Myers go from $1,500.00 per month to over $250,000.00 per year. In addition to that, I helped another man, Duke Clarke, earn $153,600.00 from one letter sent to only 600 people.Bottom line: If you’ve been searching for a way to turn your fitness knowledge into big-time profits; if you’ve been looking for a way to instantly make the phone ring with customers who hunger and thirst for your expertise, then sit back for a moment and pay close attention, because this letter is going to show you how you can make it big, too.From $200 a Month to Thousands Per DayHere’s the truth: If you’re going to make at least $100,000.00 a year as a personal trainer (and that should be your bare minimum goal) – you gotta understand and use direct response advertising. It’ll be relatively easy to move up the ladder when you use it, too – because your competitor won’t do so. He’ll be afraid to because he’ll think that “no one has time to read all that copy” or some other totally false premise. Don’t let him in on your little secret.In addition to making $100,000.00 per year as a trainer, if you want to move up to the big leagues, you’ve got to learn how to take your information and organize it into books, videos, courses and so on. This won’t take long to learn – especially when you follow my method.FACT:I’ve gone from training people for $200.00 a month to thousands per day. I’ve gone from ONLY making money through one-on-one training to training people in groups, to doing seminars to earning far more money from the sale of information products than I could ever make getting an hourly wage. In fact, my books and courses now sell in over 117 countries worldwide. Name another fitness trainer turned author who can claim that! You can do the same. And contrary to popular belief, it ain’t hard to do. If you simply take the time to learn how the system works – you, too, can be up and running on autopilot.With my help you’ll can learn how to:Fill your gym or place of business with a never-ending list of clients!Put together a book, video or series of tapes in one weekend, even if you can’t write and flunked grade school English!Make top-selling fitness products in a couple of hours!Yes, it’s easy – but only when you do things the RIGHT WAY. Follow the advice of others to your own peril. There are some who can teach how to put together a book – but if you do it their way you “pay out the ass” – far more than you should have – then you end up with a garage full of books or videos that no one wants to buy. Don’t let that happen to you.How do I know? From “personal” and very painful experience. I’ve done graduated from “duh skool of hard knocks,” that’s for sure. I’ve paid thousands to have a book put together when I now know how to get it done for a few hundred. I’ve paid thousands for a garage of books that I was told would sell in no time flat. Wrong! I’ve paid big bucks for fancy covers, graphics, full-color, and so on – and let me tell you – you don’t have to begin that way. In fact, you don’t have to pay out the gazoo, ever – unless of course you like blowing your money.All top professionals in every field have books, videos, courses and seminars. And do you want to know why? It’s because …. That’s where the big money is!Here are the other benefits of being a published fitness professional:    When you are published you become an authority – the most credible person on a subject! This is HUGE and will send you all the clients you want and need at a much higher price point than if you were unpublished.    Gives you “multiple streams of income” so you’re making money while you sleep, vacation, visit with friends or workout. What a life!    Allows you to get FREE publicity virtually anytime you want. As for myself, without any pushing or prodding, I have graced the covers of four magazines in three different countries. This would not have been possible if I wasn’t published.    Puts you into an “elite” group of other professionals, all of whom are published to.    Helps you get articles published by you and about you – and these articles lead to major amounts of money rolling to you as if it fell from the sky.    Sets up live seminars and trainings where people come to learn the same thing you already taught them in your book, but at an even higher price point.    Positions you so that you can give live “teleseminars” and people from all over the country, as well as from abroad, will pay to listen to you talk about fitness. You do this from your home office. No travel. No hassles. You deliver and they love it.    Puts you in place to approach others about joint ventures and cross promotions. If you don’t have a product – no one takes you seriously.Once Upon a Time I Slept In My Gym Because I Couldn’t Afford an Apartment (much less a home)Here’s a personal revelation that is painful – so I’ll keep it short. Believe me, it won’t get sweet no matter how often I tell it, so hear goes: All the worthless ads I wasted money on in the olden days, as well as the money I wasted publishing my products the wrong way – put me so far in debt that I had to sleep in my gym just to have money to pay my bills. Even worse, I was still in debt even though I slept in my gym. What a sucky way to live.But I’ve come out the other side and I because of my experiences, including the bad ones, I absolutely know what I’m talking about. I know the right way to run this business. I know how NOT to lose money. And I know how to make it in abundance. Wouldn’t you like to know the “inside secrets” on how I do it? Wouldn’t you like to follow an idiot-proof system that virtually insures that you won’t end up in the poor house trying to make a bundle of cash?Believe me, when I got smart and figured out what it really takes to succeed as a fitness professional – the clients and money came so fast I was in shock. You will be, too.Today I have homes on two continents. Real homes, too. One is in China, where I stay for a long spell each year – the other is in Tampa, Florida. Along with my wife Zhannie and my son Frank we live a great life, with plenty of free time to do as we please. How would you like to be set up in the same position? You can if you simply take the time to learn how to do it.How many people do you know, regardless of profession, who are financially free? Not many. Won’t it be great when YOU are one of the smart ones, one of the few who rose above the masses?Introducing: The How to Make $1,000,000 a Year (or more) as a Personal Fitness Trainer SystemBefore I tell you what you’re going to be absorbing and using from my unique system for personal fitness professionals, take a look at the following testimonial:”Just a few of your suggestions have given us so many info calls in January I couldn’t put them all in my notebook. It’s over 120 though. We’ve made the most money ever this month. Thank you Matt. Really, your advice has made a huge difference.”Dermot McGrathLimerick, IrelandNow, bear in mind that Dermot got this response for his kickboxing and fitness school. He literally modeled one of my proven ads and the rest is history. How would you like to have an ad in your arsenal that triples response? Well, there’s a whole lot more than one in my System.Another student, John Wood, of Michigan, used just one of the ideas and he now has a business that brings in well over $20,000.00 a month – automatically. Isn’t that awesome?Now, if you would rather spend a ton of dough on weak advertising with the hopes that eventually you might be fortunate enough to get a full slate of clients, fine by me. But if you want to rocket-launch your desires and bring home the bacon lightning fast, then quit doing whatever you have been doing and follow the teachings in my system.This year my business whooped all my competitors by such a long shot, you’d be stunned. I’m talking a major whooping. That didn’t happen by accident. It was by design. And I can teach you exactly how to do it, too.And just in case you might be wondering, NO, none of my success is from an MLM company or any of that other stuff. It was through the clever use of a strategy that any personal trainer or wannabe trainer can turn into big time profits.Now, if you don’t want to listen to me – you can go on as I once did. Did you know that I literally used to spend all day training people? In fact, I often began at 5:30 a.m., trained people back to back for six hours, took a two-hour recovery nap, got something to eat, then started training people again. On many evenings my day ended at 9 p.m.After that, I got another bite to eat and hit the sack. The next morning I woke up tired – but through the force of will, put myself into a positive mental state and repeated the process once more.Sound familiar to any of you? This mistake causes more personal trainers to get burned out within a couple years than anything else.You need free time.And you need a proven system that gives it to you.But in order to do so you have to have a strategy and a system that teaches you how to ask for and get what you need so that you have plenty of FREE TIME.As a result of developing my system, my personal training rates soared from $200.00 to $300.00, to $360.00, to $480.00, to $600.00, then to $720.00 per month. Today, everything is on autopilot. I don’t need to train anyone and refuse many who call – including some big name celebrities whom I cannot reveal. If I did I guarantee you’d be shocked.Today, when I do train someone or coach them in their marketing, it costs $10,000.00 to $15,000.00 for a single day (price varies depending on whether they want fitness training or help with their marketing).Yes,I have people who fly into Tampa from all over the country, and some from foreign countries, and they not only pay top dollar, but when they leave they’re working on scheduling the “next time.”How did I make this happen? It was a lot of little steps that added up to a complete leap frog over the competition.Listed below are many of those small steps – step you will learn to take when you have my How To Make a Million Dollars Per Year (or more) as a Personal Trainer System:    How to work 2 hours per day and make $100,000 a year – and this is before you have your info-products published!    How to triple the number of calls you get from an ad – even creating a stampede of new customers!    How to get free publicity in your area newspapers year after year – and how this publicity will bring you a constant stream of business with no advertising!    How to get free publicity nationwide – even worldwide!    How to create a Unique Selling Factor that gives you the edge over your competitors, so prospective clients seek you and choose you first!    How to be positioned so that you never have to beg or mooch for clients. Instead of working hard to sell them – they come to you “already sold”!    How to speak to your clients in a way that they follow you. No babysitting. No whiners, pissers or moaner!    How to get a client to pay you for three to six months of training, up front, at top dollar!    How to get on radio and television for FREE – and use the time to promote your service – or your product!    How to become a celebrity with worldwide acclaim!    How to get published in high-profile magazines and newspapers and how a couple little tweaks in what you write will flood you with business!    Why you “don’t need to be certified” as a personal trainer to be a success! Nothing wrong with certification, but I know people who have three or more and they’ve never done a single thing with them.    How to set your business up in “your image” and get the world to follow your lead!    How to create a sign (for a storefront space) that will act as a one-time high-yield advertisement. One of my signs had only a FEW magic words on it – yet it kicked butt!    How to write ads that smoke your competition! Or just model the ones I’ve already done for you.    How to raise your prices and gain more clients for doing so!    How to get an endless stream of referrals from other professionals in your area!    How to build a website that helps you get more clients – and/or makes more sales of a product!    How to create an information product that makes money!    How to avoid creating a “loser” information product!    Secrets of getting your materials produced for the best possible price!    The pitfalls to be avoided in this business and how ignorance of them cripples most trainers!    How to make HUGE amounts of money through email! I’ll even show you exactly how I have earned more than $19,000.00 in a single day from one email!    And much, much more.It’s Done For You!The beautiful thing about the system I teach is that it is so simple even a monkey could study my course and have the money start rolling in. Just watch the videos, listen to the tapes and go through the manuals. Imitate my marketing strategies and you’re set for life.You can even make it work on a low budget or on no budget. There are many strategies that won’t cost you a penny – and yes, they kick butt.Do you want to know something else that is mind-boggling?Okay, here it is: In my course, I teach you several ways where you can easily earn at least $100,000 a year without thinking about how much you’re going to charge per hour.One method I teach can bring you $100,000.00 a year from only two hours of work per day!Now, some of you may be thinking, “I don’t train people to get rich. I do it because I love it and I just want to HELP PEOPLE.” Again, this is all well and good, no argument from me. But it represents another big mistake that personal trainers make. And that is the stupid and idiotic “money is not important” mentality.Money is damn important. And those who tell you it isn’t don’t have any. That’s why they’re against it. If they had it they wouldn’t be cursing it. But, funny thing is – as long as these people curse money – it will run the other way.Believe me, I’ve been penniless and poor – and make no mistake about it, being RICH is much better. Even Mother Teresa knew the value of money. She raised tens of millions of dollars during her lifetime because she knew that you cannot help people on a large scale without it.Just because you want to make money does not mean that you don’t want to help people. In fact, it’s usually the exact opposite. Not only do my products and services help people all over the world – but I also take a portion of my income and give it to charities of my choosing. For example, in a remote village in China, where there is no running water and where many of the children have no shoes to wear, my wife and I opened a school. We intend to do this again and again. We want to make a difference in the world. Do YOU?This first school, which the village has named the Matt Furey Hope School opened in September, 2004, – below I am pictured with friends at the grand opening ceremony.Matt Furey at ground breaking for the school he donated in ChinaMatt Furey at the groundbreaking for the Matt Furey Hope School in ChinaDo you see how the above relates to your life? Can you see how much more rewarding life is to you and everyone else, when you as a trainer – step out of the box and teach more people on a larger scale with less and less effort. Eventually you’ll find, as I have, that “the less you do – the more you make”. Sounds good, doesn’t it?What if you had 500 people (and they can live anywhere in the world) who gave you $200 a year for your knowledge? That’s $100,000.00, right?Now think again. What if you could get the same amount of money in six months? That means you could take the rest of the year off if you wanted to. Wouldn’t that be great? Well, guess what? You’ll certainly learn how in my course. You can even learn how to do it by telephone. That’s right. You don’t even have to meet a client in person. In fact, you can do a group delivery tele-seminar and make 10x or more what you’d make training one person for an hourly wage. And yes, I’ve done the above, too. I don’t just write about it. Everything I teach you to do has been put through the fire. My strategies are proven money-makers.Did you know that the BIGGEST mistake fitness professsionals make is staying in a weak position of lifetime manual labor? I sincerely hope you won’t make that mistake. Let me tell you, it’s a BIGGIE and it hurts for an entire lifetime. Don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve.Today, I live in sunny Tampa, Florida, and I have clients fly in to train with me from Pennsylvania, California, Illinois, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, New York and so on. I also have clients who fly in from foreign countries. In fact, one of my clients, Ian Hodgkinson, is a superstar pro wrestler named Vampiro. How did I make this happen, especially when I started from such humble beginnings? Personal trainer, Matt Furey stands with pro wrestler, Ian Hodgkinson Matt Furey training VampiroWell, you’ll learn all about it in the How To Make a Million Dollars Per Year (or more) as a Personal Trainer System.This course will put the power into your hands. Instead of feeling like you’re begging for money or mooching for clients, you’ll be in absolute control. You’ll have clients begging YOU to take their money, rather than the other way around.You’ll also learn how to take your greatest assets (your clients and your knowledge), and turn the work you’ve done with them into a residual income that flows to you while you sleep, talk on the phone, get a bite to eat or enjoy a relaxing vacation on the beaches in the Bahamas, or Hawaii, or some other hedonistic place, while oceans of money wash over your naked body.You know, I used to train as many as 40 people per week. I was running myself into the ground HELPING people. It was fun at first, but eventually it wore me down. This doesn’t have to happen to you. And it shouldn’t happen. But if you don’t know what I know, it WILL happen. That’s why I believe you owe it to yourself to learn how to get the big bucks as a trainer.To date, now that I have taken myself out of the box and have re-defined what a personal trainer is, I have thousands and thousands of people world-wide who hang on my every word. I also have a lot of jealous detractors – and that’s half the fun. Heck, if I’m not making someone jealous by noon each day, I must be hibernating. That’s the way I look at it. Better to be envied than pitied.Better to serve people world-wide and make big money than be a slave to those who live within walking or driving distance.Anyway, it’s about time for me to sign off. But before I go, I want to let you in on my special offer. I’ve already told you about the numerous benefits of my system. Now, let me go over the contents as well as some FREE bonuses you’ll get when you act now.How To Make a Million Dollars Per Year (or more) as a Personal Trainer comes with the following:SET OF FOUR Rump-Kicking VIDEOSThese four hour-long videos are power-personified. From the comfort of my own home I show you how incredibly easy it is to make money as a personal trainer – then I go into detail showing you exactly how to parlay your experience and knowledge into high-profit easily sellable products . I give you my hard-won knowledge. I give you the DO’s – I give you the DON’Ts – I give the straight scoop that will not only make you money – but will help prevent you from doing all the dumb things that I did early on.Spy on me as I explain exactly why my method is the best method for creating information products. Learn what I do to make over a million dollars per year from my fitness knowledge and how you can do at least a tenth of that within 12 months, if not the same, OR MORE. I cover over 50 strategies that will blow you out of the water. Just one of them may rocket-launch you to fame and fortune.Kick-Butt Money-Making AUDIO TAPES Chock-Full of Strategies That I Use and EndorseIn the audio tape portion of the course, you’ll hear me interviewed for two hours – and I pore it on with idiot-proof ways to increase your income. Not only that, but there are also interviews with Martial Arts School Owner Mike Storms, who teaches you his precise method for getting clients to pay him $6,000 up front for his personal training service. Just think if someone gives you half that amount. It would pay for your course several times over – and that’s your “first client.”And don’t miss my interview with FREE PUBLICITY guru Mike Van Norden. Mike will teach you how to get on radio, tee-vee and in the magazines for FREE. Just so you know, Mike is the guy who made Kevin Trudeau of Mega-Memory and Howard Berg of Mega Speed Reading household names. Just think what you can do with Mike’s insightful knowledge. It boggles the mind.Not only that, but “yours truly” knows his share of FREE Publicity tactics – and I’ll cover them with you, too. Including the precise strategy I used to get MEGA artcles written on me year in and year out while I had my gym in California – as well as how to get on the cover of magazines. This top-secret information is material I have never revealed before. Listen to the tapes – attract more clients and money than you ever dreamed possible.TWO HUGE MANUALS WITH TAILOR-MADE Strategies and Turn-Key SystemsAdditionally, there are two hefty manuals in the course. One is filled with my proven strategies, ads and salesletters that you can use as templates for creating your own dynamic and ever-increasing income. Also contained are the “loser” ads I used to put out when my business was failing. Along with these “loser” ads are my frank hand-written comments about why they didn’t work. This is valuable, valuable hands-on know-how. The other manual contains more than 50 Powerhouse Points for cranking your income to super high levels. Everything from marketing, to down-to-earth persuasion, to the development of a make-money-while-you-sleep-business.When you factor in the tens of thousands of dollars I spent studying what I reveal to you in my system, not to mention the tens of thousands of dollars I wasted doing everything the wrong way – you’ll understand that I would be totally justified in charging you $5000.00 for the information I teach you. Especially when you consider that it can put hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions (over a lifetime) in your pocket. In fact, right now I have 10 people in my Info-Publishing MasterMind program who pay me $15,000.00 per year each – to be coached in depth in the methods taught in this very system.Fitness professional to Millionaire: Matt Furey stands with his mastermind group in front of his HUMMERThe Matt Furey MasterMind Group -10 information publishers, everything from medicine to yoga to pest control.The cold, hard reality is that the information in my course should cost you at least $10,000.00 to acquire. And that’s a minimum. I can assure you that I have paid far more than that to learn what I know. But I’m not going to charge you $10,000.00 or even $5000.00 for this course. You can get it all now for only $2,997.00.BUT WAIT!!! Right now, as part of a special promotion, you can get the entire course for only $1,000.00. But only if you ORDER NOW!And because your course NOW includes the footage from my $2000.00 per person bootcamp entitled How to Build a Million Dollar Per Year Info-Publishing Empire (from your spare bedroom) Seminar, this truly is a steal. Let me assure you, many other fitness professionals were in the room for this deal and they were blown away. Now you can find out why.In addition to that, the next 10 people who say “YES,” can get $3180.50 in other FREE gifts with their package, but you must take action immediately to make sure you get the following FIVE FREE GIFTS.FREE Gift #1:My Knockout Internet Marketing program. This course is not available for sale in and of itself. If I were to sell it individually, it would go for at least $497.00 – mostly because it contains the BIG SECRET to UNLIMITED SUCCESS that almost ALL webmasters and websites are completely and totally clueless about. This course is absolutely FREE when you act now. Again, a $497.00 value FREE!FREE Gift #2:Ron Ruiz Interviews Matt Furey – This is the interview tape that convinced me to start sharing my secrets. Learn the do’s and don’ts of being a personal trainer – and how to segway into a lucrative Info-Publishing career. This tape is no longer for sale – but if it was it would easily command $49.00. Yours FREE when you order now!FREE Gift #3:Millionaire Info-Publishing Secrets Teleseminar – This 2-hour audio is so full of information that your head will spin with ideas all day and all night – and well into the next day. There is so much crammed into this one tape that you’ll be in AWE. When I held this teleseminar I limited participation to only a few choice clients – and the cost was $197.00. It’s yours FREE when you order now!FREE Gift #4:Six months worth of critiques for your ads, salesletters or websites. These critiques are ONLY available by FAX. Not by phone or email. Simply FAX what you want me to look at and I will reply to you with my recommendations. One ad critique from me comes at a charge of $250.00. If you were to send me only one thing to critique per month, that would be $1500.00 worth of my help. And so I think it’s only fair to say this FREE gift is worth at least that much. Again, a $1500.00 value, FREE!FREE Gift #5:One 30 minute phone consultation. My hourly phone consultation fee for business advice is $1875.00. That means a half-hour is worth $937.50 During this half-hour you will literally be bombarded with “how to” information that can make you tens of thousands of dollars. I should know as one of my mentors told me one thing in a 15-minute phone consultation that I turned into over $100,000.00 in sales – within 90 days. What if I passed on that same tip? What could it be worth to you.The above five free gifts show that I have not only given you my system physically, but I am committed to your success personally. If others value my coaching and input so much that they’ll hand me $15,000.00 to be part of a group – I don’t think it would be wise to flinch when I will give you the same type of advice for FREE – as part of my personal trainer success system.Remember, that’s $3180.50 in FREE gifts when you act NOW and are one of the next 10 people to invest in my system. The price for the entire package is $2,997.00 – but if you order NOW I’ll let you have the whole she-bang for the incredibly low amount of $1,000.00. But only if you act immediately.Well, my friend. That’s it for now. Look forward to helping you transform your business into a money-making machine. Order right now by clicking the button below and start making the income you deserve.You can also call our secure voicemail to order at 813 994 8267. Or you can FAX the order in at 813 994 4947.Sincerely,signatureP.S. Listed below are testimonials I have gotten for my program and for what I teach. Here are some of the many I have in my files. Read them and get my system today!P.S. Right now you can get the entire course for only $1,000.00. And get this: Your course now includes the footage from my $2000.00 per person bootcamp entitled How to Build a Million Dollar Per Year Info-Publishing Empire (from your spare bedroom) Seminar. No doubt about it. This package truly is a steal. Let me assure you, many other fitness professionals were in the room for this seminar and they were blown away. Now you can find out why.Call our 24-Hour Order Line at 1-813-994-8267 to place your order.Or FAX your order to: 1-813-994-4947.Or Mail To: Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc. 10339 Birdwatch Drive Tampa, FL 33647Yes, I want to order the How to Make $1,000,000.00 a Year or More as a Personal Trainer course now!Million dollars personal training order make more money peronal trainer course nowPraise for Matt Furey’s Marketing Methods:”I receive hundreds of books, newsletters, programs, etc. from self appointed training gurus and 99 out of 100 are just about worthless. I’ve had the opportunity to read through your ideas and methodologies and you deserve to be commended for putting together such a comprehensive package. I’ve also viewed your videos and appreciate the manner in which you relay information … it’s presented in a format that allows people to grasp the concepts and integrate them quickly.”Phil Kaplanbest-selling author of Personal Training Profits & The Best You’ve Ever BeenSunrise, Florida”At first I thought Matt was full of B.S. When he told me how much money I could make marketing my products I was taken aback. Six months ago he advised me on some advertising. Now, mind you, I was green around the gills – I didn’t know zilch about any of this. It’s not been a year and I’ve done $242,000. I’m now averaging over $33,000 dollars per month. All I can say is, “When do you think the best time would be for you to take advantage of what Matt has to offer?'”Peter RagnarRoaring Lion Publishing”Yesterday I made over $2,200 in one hour thanks to the information in Matt’s course. He really teaches you how to take your income to the next level — without manual labor. Now the money no longer stops when a training session ends. The first time I woke up on Saturday to check my e-mail and realized I had made over $300 overnight, without lifting a finger, was such an incredible feeling! I had made money while I was asleep! The opportunity for success that Matt outlines in his course is truly addicting. I know the year of 2003 will be a banner year for my husband’s and my company. Matt’s course is worth 5 times more than what’s he’s charging. Personal trainers can’t afford NOT to invest in his course.”Kate StreetEssex, CT”Matt, I got your course and my business is booming. Yesterday I had a client pay me $12,000 for the whole year, up front. Thanks to your course I’m going to reach my goal of $100,000 this year. If I didn’t have your materials I might have saved $$$ – but I wouldn’t have the extra $11,500 I just made in profit – from one person. That’s a 12 to 1 return on one client and the totals are going up by the day. One helluva an investment if you ask me. Thanks a million.”Clint PhilipsChicago, ILThanks Matt. All of your advise has been motivational and very helpful. My gym is going to use your material to train silver and golden gloves kids. But I myself learned more than I could ever pay you enough for!Matt “Horndog” Horning”Matt taught me a few simple things that increased my income by $8000 per month – and it happened so fast I was astounded. And the “even better news” is that I made this amount without training a single person face-to-face. Awesome. Get Matt’s course and learn his powerful money-making strategies.”Ed BaranAuthor of The Secret Power of Handstand TrainingPortland, OR”When Matt Furey starts talking about business, stop everything you’re doing and listen. Because of what he has taught me I have a residual income that has made the so-called recession we’re in seem like a joke.”A.J. Comparetto, EsqSt. Petersburg, FL”Matt Furey took me aside and helped me turn a $1,500 a month website that I wanted to sell, into a $250,000 a year business. Unlike all the other so-called gurus out there, Matt is the real deal. I wouldn’t be where I am with my business without his help.”Richard MyersGreenville, SC”Mr. Matt Furey:My name is Frankie Faires. You are going to be shocked by what I do with the wealth of information you imparted. My wife, Heather, recently purchased How To Make $100,000 A Year Or More as a Personal Trainer for me. You see, I’ve always been an incredible PT but a horrible marketer. We moved to South Beach (the most competitive location for PT’s in the world) and I actually considered giving up after researching my competition – that was until, I devoured your program (as hearty as it was – I still want more!).I now have decided that not only am I going to be a PT here in South Beach – but I am going to be the #1 PT in South Beach. If I apply your marketing strategy, the muscleheads here won’t stand a chance. They’ll be the ones quitting! Matt Furey, You are the greatest of all time!! have plenty of your products in stock – ’cause I’m buying them all!!!”Frankie FairesSouth Beach, FL”There are so many ‘pretend experts’ who only know how to make money by selling other people how to make money information. It is rare when a real, honest to goodness expert decides to reveal his secrets. Matt Furey is that guy. He is the real deal. There is absolutely no question that Matt can dramatically help you to increase your income. His secrets have made me thousands and thousands of dollars. Quite frankly, I am shocked by how damn inexpensive his materials are. I’ve paid a LOT more for moneymaking advice and only received a fraction of the value that Matt delivers. If you are serious about wanting to make more money and be a ‘player’, don’t put off getting Matt’s stuff. Take action right now.”Dave DeeAtlanta, GA”I’ve learned a great deal from Matt’s amazing marketing skills. The first major changes we made to my website has increased our sales by 200-300% without any additional web traffic. Now I’m really looking forward to implementing more of the lessons I’m learning. Thanks a million.”Richard GordonBest-selling author of Quantum Touch”BRUTAL HONESTY is what you need! Matt Furey tells it like it is with no sugar coating when it comes to marketing online. Even better, Matt doesn’t get into ANY complicated schemes or tricks. Like martial arts, SIMPLE is BETTER… and it’s the same with Internet marketing. Using simple and effective techniques means you will actually DO them… instead of most courses where the author just wants to prove how smart they are with complicated schemes that rarely work. Matt tells you exactly what to do… simple, powerful, effective techniques that work!”Jim EdwardsCo-Author, Turn Words Into Traffic”In a restaurant bar filled with the greatest marketing minds on the planet, Matt Furey literally had all eyes riveted on him when he talked. Cool thing is that during a five-minute discussion I had with Matt that night, he gave me a marketing strategy that has earned me over $97,493 dollars in additional income in less than a year. Frankly, I’m not sure if the other guys overheard our conversation – but I do know that Matt revealed one stunning strategy after another that night, and I’m only giving the figures on one of the things he taught me. The greatest marketing minds on the planet make it a point to know, listen to, and profit from Matt Furey. And you’d have to be flat-out nuts not to crawl over broken glass to do the same thing.”Michael CageTechnology Profit


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