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Matt Furey – How To Eliminate Shoulder Pain

How To Eliminate Shoulder Pain
[2 DVDs – MKV]


Here is the requested rips!Never suffer from shoulder pain again…Gets Rid Of Shoulder Pain FAST!Finally, A Proven Method That’s GUARANTEED To Eliminate Nagging Shoulder Pain In 7 Days, Or LESS!Dear Friend, If you’ve got a nasty case of shoulder pain that’s preventing you from doing so many of the things you used to enjoy, then today will be one of the happiest days of your life. Why? Because I’m about to show you my proven method for quickly getting rid of the aching, nagging and possibly even debilitating shoulder pain that’s been keeping you down for so long. Honestly, I believe that I can help you solve your problem and I promise not to waste your valuable time! So please keep reading…Are You Currently Suffering From Any Of These Troublesome Symptoms?**Pain And DiscomfortDo you have chronic pain anywhere in your shoulder, or the surrounding area? Is it difficult to get comfortable when trying to sleep? Do you sometimes sit there in misery as your shoulder throbs, aches or radiates pain into your neck and down your arm? **Lack of FlexibilityAre you experiencing restricted motions of your arm due to a stiff shoulder? Have you lost your ability to make simple arm movements that you once did automatically and without discomfort? **Lack of StrengthDo you have difficulty lifting, pushing or pulling objects (light or heavy), throwing a ball or doing routine exercises involving the arm? **Strange NoisesDo you hear unusual and concerning noises coming from your shoulder joint, such as crunching, popping or snapping? **FrustrationHave you tried various home remedies or bought into so called “shoulder pain miracle cures,” without getting the results you expected? **Decreased ConfidenceHas your confidence taken a hit now that you’re afraid to do the exercises and activities you used to do, because you’re constantly trying to avoid the next flare up and its resulting pain? If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, then you must keep reading this letter. This is your chance to finally get the proven and guaranteed-to-work solution you’ve been searching for. Trust me, I have that solution…and it will be yours soon.Pain-Free In As Little As Five Minutes!Just so you know, I was also once a shoulder pain sufferer. As a champion in both Shuaijiao Kung Fu and collegiate wrestling, I’ve experienced my fair share of injuries – and my shoulders were no exception. In addition to the hardcore martial arts and wrestling training I was doing daily, I was also a personal trainer. That’s how I made my living. So I was usually working out (training myself or my clients) for about 10 hours a day, seven days a week. So it’s no surprise that over time my shoulders began to hurt worse and worse. At times, I was literally in agony. For years, I tried to get rid of my chronic shoulder pain using all kinds of methods that simply did not work. I was actually even considering going under the knife at one point, because I was so sick and tired of letting my nagging shoulders dictate how I was going to live my life. It was around that time when I met a Kung Fu and Tai Chi teacher who was a master of ancient Chinese healing techniques. He liked me, trusted me and wanted to see me continue on as a high performance athlete. And so one day, he kindly showed me his special exercises for strengthening the tendons and ligaments in and around my shoulder area. I have to admit, these exercises were not like any others I had seen before – they were definitely not common in Western medicine, or society. So I began doing the master’s exercises and in a few short days – to my complete astonishment – the shoulder pain that had been aggravating me for years WAS GONE! I’m telling you it totally disappeared. All at once, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders (no pun intended). I felt like a new man. But the most mind blowing part of it for me – still to this day – is just how QUICKLY the master’s exercises eliminated my chronic shoulder pain. I mean years of suffering, ended in a couple of days. Plus, I didn’t have to use exercise equipment, weights, topical ointments or harmful medications. I definitely didn’t have to get the surgery I had been considering. And the exercises he prescribed were so easy to do that I was literally dumbfounded by how well they worked. SIMPLY AMAZING. Next thing you know, I began teaching the Master’s exercises to my personal training clients who were also suffering from shoulder pain. And guess what happened? Their pain went away, too. Nowadays, I’m still 100% pain-free and I’m still helping people rid themselves of their shoulder pain using the master’s techniques as well as others I’ve learned over the years. In nearly every case, those who follow my advice become pain-free in less than a week. Most people actually begin to see a marked improvement in as little as five minutes. No kidding, just five minutes. And I want you to be next. So keep reading because I’m now going to tell you about my incredible How To Eliminate Shoulder Pain DVD. New DVD Program May Eliminate Your Shoulder Pain FOREVER!Here’s why you are well advised to click the order button and grab a copy of my How to Eliminate Shoulder Pain DVD – IMMEDIATELY! In How to Eliminate Shoulder Pain you will learn:• A series of simple, yet highly effective exercises that will quickly put your aching shoulder on the road to recovery • Step-by-step instructions and crystal clear demonstrations that will enable you to begin healing your damaged shoulder with effortless ease • A unique, deep tissue massaging technique to stretch the muscles in and around your shoulder, while increasing blood flow and chi to the damaged areas • How to dramatically increase the flexibility of your stiff shoulder to increase range of motion and restore normal function • Different variations of each healing exercise so you can treat your problem area from a variety of angles, finding the most effective ones for you • Save a fortune on doctor visits and physical therapy sessions when you eliminate the pain yourself • How to exercise the tendons and ligaments in your shoulder region to prevent future injuries, while substantially increasing arm strength • How to finally end the pain, discomfort and frustration that your chronic shoulder pain is causing you – GUARANTEEDEVEN MORE…• ALL of the exercises and healing techniques you’ll learn can be done from the comfort of your own home • Eliminate Your Pain WITHOUT Clumsy Fitness Equipment Or Expensive Therapy Devices that may SHOCK you • How you may finally be able to say GOODBYE to harmful NSAID drugs, inconvenient ice packs or smelly topical pain creams • Learn what may have caused your shoulder injuries in the first place and how to avoid future shoulder problems • Discover the most effective liniments, oils and supplements for quickly curing shoulder pain


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