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Mark Porteous – Personal Transformation Summit 2014

Personal Transformation Summit
[ 27 mp3 – 2 MP4 – 1 HTML File Set ]



Personal Transformation Summit with Mark Porteous  2014                       Personal  Transformation  Summit                     Empowering YOU to be the change you want to see in the world                     hosted by Mark PorteousOver 20 transformational speakers sharing their expertise and life experience to help you discover and implement your true purpose                in a way that helps humankind and the planet.Are you ready to make a change in your life?Many of today’s leading visionaries believe the best way to evolve humanity is through our own personal growth.  Get your own behind the scenes glimpse as top personal development leaders reveal Strategies, Secrets, and Meaningful Moments that led to their own lasting transformations.Each of theses calls is filled with nuggets of wisdom that could be the “magic key” you’ve been waiting for to help you discover and implement your true purpose in a way that helps humankind and the planet.Join us for some of the most powerful interviews and workshops in personal development history.    • Discover how your beliefs about money affect your ability to build wealth    • Get practical tools you can implement now for greater success    • Interpret the signs, symbols and patterns in your life to guide your personal journey    • Make a quantum leap in consciousness to open greater opportunities in you life    • Identify the blocks that are keeping you back    • Take control of your destiny by healing your past    • Create a clear vision for your life of meaning and joy    • Gain insights from leading luminaries to light your path    • Become a powerful change agent through self growth    • Connect with transformational leaders and others sharing your pathWhat’s in it for You?Over 20 transformational speakers sharing their expertise and life experience to help you discover and implement your true purpose in a way that helps humankind and the planet. All of these calls are absolutely free.  Free special bonuses from each speaker with even more opportunity to make great strides in your own personal growth and development. Plus you will become part of a growing global community to raise social consciousness!Imagine what it would be like if you had a road map to guide you on your transformational journey? YOU don’t have to imagine.  All you have to do is join us for these powerful calls!Meet Your Personal Transformation Summit SpeakersTHE LAW OF EMERGENCE: The Radical 7-Step Process for Effortless Success! – Derek RydallIn this unconventional training you’ll discover:    • The BIGGEST MISTAKE that Makes Most Success Strategies Fail — and How to End This Destructive Pattern Forever       (it’s not what you think)    • The REVOLUTIONARY PRINCIPLE for Manifesting Everything You Need, No Matter What Conditions You Face       (This is a game-changer)    • The WEIRD PRACTICE for Getting Unstuck and Unlocking Massive Abundance (You’ll never be a victim of anything again)    • The REAL SECRET that Generates Rapid Wealth and Opportunity In Your Life (we’ll flip the switch on your inner Power Plant!)    • The UNCONSCIOUS HABIT that Has Secretly Sapped You of Your Power and Control — and How to Reverse It All The Power of Self-Healing – Dr. Fabrizio ManciniIn this interview Dr Fabrizio Mancini will share the best ways to heal physically as well as how our emotions can make us sick or help us heal. He will also share how important it is to have a spiritual practice. A reminder that ALL healing happens from the inside-out and the we have the Power of Choice.Personal Accountability: Live Your Life Purpose – Jay FisetThis presentation will teach you how to embrace personal accountability to in order to raise your vibration and tap into your limitless energy for an amazing life.How to Be a Real Food Champion – Ocean RobbinsIn this interview you will learn about    • How to protect you and those you love from toxic foods and GMOs    • How to take a stand for food that is nourishing, sustainable, and deliciousThe Secret to Living Your Fullest Life – Dr. Karen WyattFacing our greatest fear – our own mortality – is the key to finding higher meaning and living a soul-guided life rather than an ego-driven life.Living a Healthy Abundant Life – Alexandria BarkerIn this presentation, Alexandria will be sharing how much control we have over our lives through the law of attraction and how we can guide our thoughts and emotions to create anything we want to be, do or have.Claiming Your Role in the Global Great Story – Leza DanlyEach of us has a “Great Story” that is part of the global shift of awakening consciousness, which will transform our lives when we know where to find the clues.The Path of Collective Awakening: Remarkable Relationships – Ron and Victoria FriedmanLessons learned on the path of Collective Awakening about the transformation of relationships in marriage, family and friends.What if I’m the Only One Trying? – Aimee SerafiniIf you have a relationship (romantic, sibling, parent, child) that seems like it will never get better, don’t give up – Aimee can help you in this presentation.On the Verge – Amy Scott GrantImagine if you could clear your worst fears and most limiting beliefs on your own and they were gone for good. How light and free would you feel? What could you accomplish? Learn how you can clear your mind of the bondage that holds you prisoner.Going Beneath the Sand: God’s Holding on Line One – Ken StoneThe divine is within each of us no matter what we’ve done to other people or what’s been done to us – and you can feel God’s presence in your body right now.Our Greatest Power: Sacred Sexuality is NOT an Oxymoron – Lisa VunkA frank discussion about the true nature of our sexuality, how and why it has been bastardized in our society, and how you can take your power back and fully engage in and enjoy the power of your birthright, Divine Sexuality.What’s Next? – How to Divorce Your Divorce Now to Have the Life and Love You Desire and Deserve – Anthony DiazIn this presentation Anthony will provide tools on moving on from divorce with integrity to have certainty in your lifeCPR for the Creative Soul – Breathe out the Stress, BS and Creative Kryptonite and Breathe in Healing, Enthusiasm and Your Super Soul Powers – Julie GenoveseIn this presentation Julie will share how to make peace with your life and your purpose so you can trust the creative call of your magnificent soul.Sex, Money, Miracles – Lillian Eve MooreLet’s find fulfillment and satisfaction with sex and money, by reconnecting with life.Maximizing Your Human Experience – Mark PorteousMark Porteous, host of the Personal Transformation Summit will share how he discovered his purpose and is devoting his life to it and how discovering your purpose and devoting your life to it is the most exciting adventure imaginable.From Self-Directed Compassion to Global Change:The Missing Link That Ties It All Together – Edward MannixHow visionary leaders and changemakers can use The Compassion Key to show up as more powerful and effective changemakers in the worldCreating Happy and Productive Work Cultures – Carolyn VincentIn this presentation you will learn how to transform your organizational culture so you can have a better work life balance and make a difference in our world.Stay Positive and Profit! – David BouffordIn this presentation David shares how you can reprogram your mind and increase performance in any area of your life using creative visualization.Bridging the East and The West and our Multi Sensory Self – Carly Alyssa ThorneIn this presentation Carly will share how it is possible to bridge eastern and western philosophies to tap into our multi-sensory selves.Business Strategist for New Businesses – Charlene FisherDiscover what steps you can take immediately to accelerate your business that will save you time and alot of money.Make the Biggest Difference Through Working Your Biggest Passions – Darrell GurneyWhen you’re working in your areas of greatest passion, you make the biggest difference in the world, in your heart, and in your wallet.The Assertiveness Formula ~ How to Get What You Want From Your Life – Catherine SternbergIn this presentation you will learn the difference between Passive, Assertive and Aggressive Behaviors and how to apply this information to get to the next level in your career as well as your relationships.Three Ways to Use Your Creativity to Get More Time and Make More Impact – Dr. Morgan GiddingsThis presentation is about the ties between creativity and the notion of being “productive” and “successful” – and why traditional notions of productivity fail us.Living in Oneness – Steve FarrellOur non-profit partner for this year’s Personal Transformation Summit- Humanity’s Team, a global grassroots spiritual movement awakening the world to Oneness and compassionate service so we may create a compassionate and sustainable world for ourselves, our children and the next generation.  In this presentation Steve will share what you can do to live in a life of Oneness‘Supersize Me’ – A New View – Jacqui BiernatGod has already answered the questions we are asking and seeking for, and this presentation begins to pry open the door to illuminate the answers for you in a very common sense approach.The #1 Money Repelling Mindset – Fia-Lynn CrandallOn this call you will discover:    • The #1 Money-Repelling Mindset that most Coaches and Healers have that stop them from making the money they desire      and deserve!    • Learn the one key element needed to attract a consistent flow of clients and cash!LIVE Personal Transformation Summit Wrap-Up Party – Mark PorteousAbout Your Host Mark PorteousMark Porteous is the author of Maximizing Your Human Experience; A Personal Travel Guide for Your Journey of Life. In his book, Mark shares powerful tools to navigate your path toward self actualization and his personal understanding of manifestation to create the joyous life you truly desire. Fueled by his vision of humanity’s return to a state of oneness, a world where we all recognize our connection to each other and all that surrounds us, Mark is on a mission to accelerate the shift in social consciousness from “fear and separation” to “love and unity.”  Mark practices a two prong approach to achieve his mission, personal development and service to others. To help others employ his approach, he offers two training programs, Max Your Life personal empowerment training and the Transformers Mastermind for Visionary Leadership. Through his Transformers Mastermind for Visionary Leadership Training, Mark helps heart-based entrepreneurs share their gifts with a larger audience and create personal prosperity by designing a strategic success plan for monetizing their unique combination of experience, knowledge and passion. Mark recently hosted the Personal Transformation Summit where twenty of today’s leading luminaries and twenty emerging visionary leaders collaborated to share tools and information for global change through personal development.  After living in Central Florida for 23 years, Mark now lives in Ohio with his wife Renee and their twins Alexender and Eden. Mark and Renee work as a team operating their company, Max Your Life, LLC to empower visionaries to share their gifts with the world.


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