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Lynn Waldrop – Heart Health Series Bonuses (Part 02)

Lynn Waldrop – Heart Health Series GB Bonuses (Part 02)
[WebRips – 12 MP3]



Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elsewhere will get you banned!Brought to you by the participants of the Lynn Waldrop – Heart Health Series GB()GB is CLOSEDLynn Waldrop – Heart Health Series Bonuses (Part 02) [WebRips – 12 MP3]Product Page: Included:Addiction AtticQuote:This MP3 works on addictions of all kinds: food & sugar, alcohol, relationships, porn, past traumas, drugs and more! Lynn dives in to the TFE’s (thoughts feelings and emotions) that create the addiction in the first place such as escape, release, reward, to hide form the world, to be seen and so forth. She also clears these programs from the cells of the physical body so you can overcome the temptations that are running your life.Bone BuildingQuote:Bone – Bones deals with some Mind Detox on things like a fear of breaking bones, genetics and hereditary conditions or even fear of moving forward. We clear these TFEs from the cells as well as work the physical components such as calcium and phosphorus production, osteoporosis, bone marrow health, fractures, living in pain and much more!Breast HealthQuote:Breast Health MP3 – There are many physical issues that could be affecting your breasts – This MP3 is geared towards clearing damage from surgeries, implants, implant removal and scar tissue issues. Lynn also clears growths such as cysts and fibroids by pulling out toxins and releasing good nutrients into the breasts.DiabetesQuote:Diabetes MP3 – This highly anticipated MP3 deals with both the physical issues and TFE’s (Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions) related to Diabetes. Many people who suffer from diabetes struggle with the TFE’s around taking insulin which Lynn clears in this recording. She covers all types of diabetes including Pre-diabetes, Type I and Type II. MP3 Length: 14 minutesEar, Nose & ThroatQuote:Ear, Nose and Throat MP3 – Here, Lynn combines 3 of the body’s senses into one powerful MP3. She detoxes the body of everything from sinuses and post nasal drip to restructuring and reshaping broken noses to get rid of the bump. In the ears she plays with the Auditory nerve and Eustachian tubes all while doing a wax clean-out. Finally in the throat – she releases energies that are stuck in the throat causing inflammation, GERD and more. Time to clear those ENT issues!Foot & AnkleQuote:Foot and Ankle Health MP3 – This highly requested MP3 covers a wide variety of issues and ailments that may be keeping you off of your feet. Lynn brought in some powerful energies to clear anything from inflammation and calcifications in the feet and ankles to structural problems such as fractures, hammer toe, pigeon toe, falling arches and more.Grief ReleaseQuote:Grief Release MP3– This is a TFE (thoughts, feelings and emotions) release of all types of Grief from the body! Grief from the loss of a loved one, loss of relationship or even money; any anger or resentment left behind; hiding behind grief; feeling alone and so much more. Even more so everywhere you have stored grief in your body creating dis-ease or dis-harmony – Leave the Grief behind and in with Joy!Kidney HealthQuote:Kidney Health – In this highly anticipated MP3, Lynn does energetic dialysis that removes waste by-products from the blood after digestion, muscle activity, and exposure to chemicals or medication. This recording also address kidney infections, restoration and repair, bed wetting, water balance in the body, kidney pain and much more! Get the kidney support that you need today!Liver & GallbladderQuote:One of the Liver’s most important jobs is to rid the body of toxic substances. It refines and detoxifies everything you eat, breathe and absorb through your skin. The energies in this mp3 will help your body resist infection and remove bacteria from the blood stream to help you STAY healthy! The Gallbladder’s main function is to store bile, which helps the body break down and digest the fats that you eat.ThyroidQuote:Thyroid MP3 – In this dynamic recording, Lynn addresses several different Thyroid issues such as Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism. She has also brought in energies to assist in Brain to Thyroid neurotransmitters and process control which is vital in balancing hormones. This MP3 is also great support for those who have had their thyroid removed. Are you ready to balance out your body?!MP3 Length: 9 minutesTotal Body Tune-UpQuote:Total Body Tune-Up Have you ever felt like your organs are tuned up like a fine cello ready for the symphony? That’s what this mp3 does! It releases stressors from the cells of the body, re-sets the communications systems of the body and re-boots the organs for optimal health!Trauma & DramaQuote:Stop Letting The Past Control YOU! There are energy centers all over the body and many people are stuffing their past energetically into these centers. What does that do to your vitality, balance and vigour on a daily basis? Time to Release the Trauma & Drama from your being AND your body!


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