Private Library for Anything and Everything – Influencing others

Lynda – Influencing others
[ 29 Videos – MP4 ]


Authored by: John UllmenDuration: 1h 21mReleased: Apr 21, 2014Ever had trouble persuading someone to do something, even if it was in their best interest? Sometimes people don’t budge, but thankfully you have more than rewards and penalties at your disposal. Join John Ullmen, PhD, as he explains how to influence others when you’re at the “pivot point of influence,” by applying 18 scientifically confirmed methods. Whether you’re influencing at work or at home, you’ll learn what the best influencers do before they influence, and see how to choose the best steps for your situation, and have people want to be influenced by you.Topics include:   Turning objections into actions   Adding more impact to your ideas   Establishing urgency   Using the influence advantage checklist   Influencing to inspire   And many more….Course titles:   Introduction   2m 50s       Welcome           1m 0s       The pivot point of influence           1m 50s   1. What the Best Influencers Do Before They Influence   17m 50s       The number one mistake influencers make without even realizing it           4m 4s       The two truths of influence           4m 56s       Choose the right “who” to influence           3m 59s       Start where they are, not where you wish they would be           4m 51s   2. How to Choose the Best Influence Methods for Your Situation   48m 4s       How to use the influence advantage checklist           2m 47s       Provide rational analysis           1m 49s       Cite credible sources           1m 17s       Reference legitimate policies, rules, or standards           1m 22s       Establish urgency or scarcity           1m 14s       Demonstrate pain and gain           1m 8s       Build alliances and coalitions           1m 31s       Use social proof           2m 17s       Initiate reciprocation or exchange           1m 40s       Encourage commitments and consistency           2m 57s       Present striking comparisons or contrasts           2m 57s       Add impact to your ideas           3m 22s       Align with shared values, principles, or purposes           2m 22s       Connect to strategy or high-level goals           1m 20s       Build rapport, relationships, and trust           3m 22s       Like and be likable           3m 11s       Request help or advice           3m 12s       Be influenceable           2m 43s       Lead by example           2m 43s       Turn objections into actions           4m 50s   3. How to Make Your Influence Welcomed and Wanted   8m 51s       Go for more than results           3m 56s       Influence to inspire           4m 55s   Conclusion   3m 54s       Action-based gratitude and the “power thank-you”           3m 54s


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