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Lucas Rockwood – YogaBody Handbook

Lucas Rockwood – YogaBody Handbook [eBook, 1 PDF + 2 MP3s]
[eBook, 1 PDF + 2 MP3s]



“If You Have 15 Minutes Per Day, I Can Double Your Flexibility in Less Than 4 Weeks!”Sign up at :’s a secret that bendy people know, but aren’t telling you: stretching exercises & yoga poses aren’t enough. You need Gravity Poses & 6 specific nutrients to get flexible fast!Learn how a stiff office-guy-turned yoga teacher discovered a special set of nutritional supplements & funky yoga exercises that added six inches onto his forward bend in just 28 days!Stretching Exercises and Yoga PosesFrom: Lucas RockwoodYoga Teacher/Nutritional CoachDear Inflexible Friends,Let me guess… you’ve got stiff hamstrings, locked-up hips, and a painful lower back?Well, guess what? I used to be so stiff I couldn’t even touch my toes-not by a long shot! I tried yoga classes, DVDs, and even read half-a-dozen human anatomy books. And nothing was working!But then I learned the secret connection between nutrition and flexibility, and suddenly, the stretching exercises and yoga poses I was doing actually started to work-and I mean fast!Here’s what happened:I met this weird guy named Anthony. He was my age and attended the same Bikram Yoga classes as me at the Soho studio in New York City. Anthony and I started out with the same size bodies and the same ability (which was actually NO ability), but after just 4 weeks, Anthony was on fire!He was losing weight really quickly and getting super strong AND flexible while I was lucky to make it through the standing yoga poses without getting queasy! And in terms of my stretching flexibility? Forget it! I wasn’t getting anywhere.In yoga class, you’re supposed to stay focused, but I couldn’t help staring. After 6 weeks, Anthony could lay flat against his shins in forward bends, cross his legs in full lotus, and go three times as deep as I could in backbends!So after 2 painful months of Bikram Yoga torture (I was going every day), I finally got up the nerve to invite Anthony for pizza after class (this was before I became vegan). Anthony reluctantly agreed, and although he didn’t eat a thing at dinner, he did tell me three secrets to stretching flexibility that I later learned are 100% true for everyone.TAKE THE FLEXIBILITY TESTIf you cannot do these five poses comfortably, it means that you have seriously lost your stretching flexibility-but don’t worry, you can get it back!Stretching Exercises and Yoga PosesRule #1: Anyone Can Become “Oh My God!” FlexibleWhat most people would consider extreme flexibility-the splits, full lotus, wheel pose-is actually just natural range of motion. If you doubt this, spend an afternoon with any 10-year-old kid and you’ll realize that we were ALL naturally flexible- we just lost it!Rule #2: You Don’t Get Flexible by Going to Yoga ClassesI used to think yoga was all about stretching and flexibility, but Anthony taught me that most yoga poses demonstrate rather than develop flexibility. “Yoga is a spiritual practice,” he told me. “If you’re stiff, you don’t need yoga. You need to stretch!”After struggling through daily yoga classes for 2 solid months, this was the last thing I wanted to hear-even though I knew it was true. Despite all my efforts and commitment, my stretching flexibility had barely improved at all!Rule #3: Pizza Makes You StiffAnthony told me:”It’s possible to eat junk food and improve, but if you really want to increase your stretching flexibility fast, you need to eat less junk and take nutritional supplements every day.”He said:”To think that if you stretch more you’ll become more flexible is like saying if you eat less, you’ll lose weight. In theory, this is true, but in the real world, it just doesn’t work like that. To lose weight, you’ve got to EAT RIGHT and to get flexible you’ve got to stretch right and get proper nutrients.”I could tell Anthony was getting sick of my questions, but before he left, he wrote down a series of bizarre yoga poses that he claimed he practiced everyday for a mere 15 minutes. He also made me list of weird nutritional supplements I’d never heard of.So you’re probably wondering where Anthony got all these ideas, eh?Now this is where it gets weird! Anthony learned all this stuff from a series of doctors and specialists (2 in L.A. and 5 in New York City) that had attempted to treat a nerve condition that sometimes caused Anthony’s entire right side to go numb.The doctors hadn’t been able to cure the nerve problem, but they had given Anthony some of the most cutting-edge nutrition research AND stretching routines (to relive the nerve pain) that I’ve ever heard of-even to this day!”Don’t get me wrong,” Anthony said. “Yoga has done me more good than 7 specialists’ treatments combined, so keep coming to class. But if you want to improve your stretching flexibility, do these stretching exercises every day, skip the pizza, and take the nutritional supplements I wrote down for you!”I’d seen Anthony in class, and I’d seen his progress… so I knew this was the real deal.Plus, I had nothing to lose!So that night, I went online and ordered a dozen different supplements that Anthony recommended. Some were really rare, and I had to have them shipped from Japan. All-in-all, it took about three weeks before had everything I needed to get started, but let me tell you, once I got going, I never stopped!I followed Anthony’s stretching exercises exactly as he instructed (it really only takes 15 minutes per day!), and I took all the nutritional supplements he recommended. And you know what? It worked!In less than 30 days, I added six inches onto my forward bend, slid my legs into full lotus for the first time, and even practiced full wheel pose with straight arms… and I’m not naturally flexible!Get this: people used to laugh at me when I bent over to pick a pen up off the ground. Really, I was that stiff. I used to move like a seventy-year-old man, but using Anthony’s simple system, I doubled my stretching flexibility, and it felt amazing, like adding an extra room onto my house.And it didn’t stop there!Imagine waking up in the morning and being able to fold forward completely flat against your legs. What if your lower back was loose, limber, and pain-free all the time? What if your hips were so flexible that you could sit on the floor with your legs crossed for hours without any discomfort?Sound goods good, eh? And it just gets better! Even traveling becomes more enjoyable when your back and legs don’t get achy from long flights.And here’s the thing: flexible people sleep better, suffer from fewer injuries, build lean muscle more easily, dance better, and have higher self esteem. Plus, bendy people are better at sports, and they’re even better in bed!I’ll tell you this, after you experience total freedom and mobility in your back, hips, and hamstrings, you’ll never tolerate a stiff body again!Here’s the straight story:Flexible people come in two forms. Those who are naturally flexible and those who can’t even touch their toes without their hamstrings screaming out and their lower backs on fire with pain.”Any chiropractor will tell you that 80% of all physical aches and injuries are the result of tight muscles…” But don’t’ worry! Even if you’re completely stiff now, there is still hope!When I started using Anthony’s system, I made massive stretching flexibility gains within 6 days! And here’s the best part: I’ve now helped hundreds of people double, triple, or even quadruple their stretching flexibility using this same method.


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