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Low Testosterone by the Numbers – Lee Myer

Low Testosterone by the Numbers – Lee Myer.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]

Description… Many, many men have very low testosterone with accompanying classic symptoms and yet their physicians will not give them HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). You can read story after story on The Peak Testosterone Forum for examples.The tragedy is that almost always it is ignorance on the doctor’s part. What a large percentage of doctors do not realize is that low testosterone is potentially very dangerous in and of itself and puts men at risk for many medical conditions. The doctors simply do not realize that by NOT treating men for low testosterone, they are actually putting their patients at risk.So how does a man combat this kind of situation with his doctor?  Unfortunately, he may need to actually teach his physician. This book gives you the study after study to show your doctor just what low testosterone is doing to your body, mind and sex life and at what level.  If your testosterone is below about 375 ng/dl (12.8 nmol/l) and your doctor is not treating you, then you need to read this book.  (The risks dramatically increase at about this level but men can definitely struggle above this as well.)One condition after another is examined, including the risks for hardening of the arteries, erectile dysfunction, diabetes, insulin resistance, venous leakage, depression, weight gain, osteoporosis, anemia and cognitive issues just for starters. In fact, over 50 studies on low testosterone issues will be summarized along with a discussion of the corresponding testosterone level.Now I cannot advise you, of course, whether or not to go on HRT (testosterone therapy).  That’s a decision between you are your doctor based on symptoms, pre-existing medical conditions and potential side effects. However, HRT should not be ignored as an option simply because the physician is not aware of the basic research that has come to light in the last ten to fiften years.Also, this book can definitely help you with the woman in your life. The studies will show her as good as anything else why you feel the way you do!


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