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Lori McDonald & J. S. Epperson – Emotional Choice : Enrich the Person You Are

Emotional Choice – Enrich the Person You Are
[6 MP3s, 6 PDFs, 1 JPG]



Emotional Choice : Enrich the Person You Are by Lori McDonald (music by J. S. Epperson)[MP3 – 320 kbps – CBR]Emotions are a blast, but most of us act on the whims of our feelings, our hormones and our fears. Just about every mistake you and I make comes back to us being carried away by our emotions.But you can change that. This heart-felt, scientific and transformative program gives you Emotional Choice. Stop your emotions from running you ragged. And conquer your fear, hopelessness, anger, stress, sadness and other runaway emotions.Emotional choice isn’t about avoiding emotions. It’s about conquering your emotions.  And to do that, you have to first go through them. Fully embracing and experiencing your emotions allows you to unhook them from your conscious mind. From that space you can choose into emotions that give you the life you want.Reach states of consciousness usually reserved for Zen monks with this program. This state of mind makes it easier for you to embrace your emotions, and will help you make the changes permanent. This is done through the use of verbal guidance, brainwave entrainment and emotive music created by world renowned experts.J.S. Epperson has been creating healing music enhanced with binaural beats since 1993. After listening to the guided imagery “Meditation Made Simple”, Robert Monroe contacted Epperson about using the music for “Going Home”, a program developed by Robert Monroe, Dr. Elisebeth Kübler-Ross and Dr. Charles Tart. Epperson has since created ten popular Hemi-Sync® meta-Music® recordings for the Monroe Institute. Epperson received his Bachelor of Science from the University Of Southern California, Thornton School of Music and remains involved in many projects including the likes of The Monroe Institute as well as his own record label Mellowcore, which was launched in 2009. Epperson’s work also appears in television, film and video games.Lori McDonald has been participating in, mentoring on, training for, and creating personal development programs since 1997. One of her many manifestations has been creating a way to make a living following her two passions; travel and self improvement. She is driven to assist people with seeing and living the highest versions of themselves. And to date, she has helped hundreds of mentoring clients achieve this goal.The music of Emotional Choice is enhanced with several brainwave entrainment techniques to enhance the effectiveness and depth of your Emotional Choice experience. Brainwave entrainment, also known as brainwave synchronization, is the practice of engaging the brain’s natural frequency following response to shift the brain’s dominant frequency pattern towards a more desirable frequency. In the case of Emotional Choice, the layered binaural beats and monaural tones guide you from a relaxed waking consciousness to a deep trance state known as “Theta”.The Theta brainwave state is known as the “twilight state” because it is associated with the subconscious mind. You experience Theta brainwaves every time you drift between sleep and wakefulness. While in the Theta state, you are relaxed and open, which happens to make the guided meditation experience of Emotional Choice more effective. The Theta state heightens your receptivity, improves the acceptance of the Emotional Choice guided imagery, and increases your connection to your senses, immersing you more fully in the Emotional Choice experience. It so happens that in the Theta state, you are also more receptive to information: Theta is the ideal brain state for making positive changes in your subconscious process.In the enhanced state of relaxation induced by the music of Emotional Choice, your critical, judgmental conscious mind takes a back seat while you remain open to suggestion. While this brainwave state is ideal for behavior modification, it is important for you to know that you are safe: at no time does your increased suggestibility override your free will.Fully experience contrasting emotions and choose which is forward moving for you with verbally guided meditations. Lori McDonald’s voice will guide you through the process of grounding, fully experiencing your emotions, and then making a choice based on what is moving forward for you. After this, you will re-ground and affirm to use your choice with gratitude.Here are the Steps for the Verbal Guidance:    • Ground in the present moment.    • Fully experience an emotion.    • Fully experience a contrasting emotion.    • Choose which, if either, is forward moving for you.    • Ground and affirm your choice.During the meditations you will remember times when a specific emotion has served you.  You will also look at when it has hurt you.  From that space, a space of knowing and acceptance, you will choose what emotion will serve you in the present moment.You’re busy, and you already work hard to improve yourself. You’re probably not looking for a complicated way to fully experience and choose your emotions.  The verbal guidance in the Emotional Choice exercises makes it easy. There’s no jargon to learn, no processes to study. You just listen to the exercises and follow the down-to-earth verbal guidance.From the very beginning stages of the project, we knew that the music would be a critical component of the Emotional Choice experience. After years of working with Hemi-Sync metamusic, we understand the connection between music and the emotional centers of the brain.Music directly stimulates the limbic area of the brain, which is the source of emotions like anger, fear, hopelessness, stress, and sadness as well as more positive emotions like peace, love, empowerment, relaxation and joy. The music of Emotional Choice specifically triggers emotional responses that correspond to your emotional transformation.The music of Emotional Choice was created to reinforce the psychological process of transformation that you will experience with Emotional Choice. In fact, the music of Emotional Choice is laid out in seven stages to guide you through your process of emotional transformation:    1. Establishing a neutral and safe space.    2. Experiencing the negative emotion.    3. Returning to a neutral and safe space.    4. Experiencing the positive emotion.    5. Returning to a neutral and safe space.    6. Making a transformative choice.    7. Resolution, return to a neutral and safe space.Beyond laying out the music to correspond to the seven stages of transformation, we tapped in to a musical system to engage the Chakras. The music begins by activating your Chakra energy system and engaging the Root and Crown Chakras. At key points during the transformation, we engage the Throat Chakra to help you articulate your emotions as well as your Heart Chakra to assist you in making a transformative choice in a place of safety and love.Start conquering your emotions right now. Conquer Fear, Anger, Hopelessness, Stress and Sadness with:      # 5 Worksheets to quickly work through any of the foundational emotion sets.    # Emotional Choice Manual on how to use the program    # 5 Verbally Guided Meditations that conquer foundational emotion sets.         • Fear and Love         • Stress and Relaxation         • Anger and Peace         • Hopelessness and Empowerment         • Sadness and Joy    # 1 Unguided Meditation so you can conquer any emotion you experience.With the instrumental version you will tap into any emotion that is getting in your way. Thus empowering you to conquer any emotion that could run you ragged.This course is not about judgment. Sometimes you feel sad. And that can be okay. Life could get a little bland if you always only felt happy. And let’s be honest, it’s not very realistic to think that you can maintain that happy-go-lucky attitude all the time. Emotions are a central part of the human experience, so feel them all!It’s not about control. Emotional Choice is not about controlling your emotions.  It’s not about being perfect, or not being authentic. The program is about seeing choice where you haven’t before. It’s about being conscious of what you are feeling versus letting your emotions run you.It’s about experiencing your emotions to your very core. Becoming fully conscious and tapping into your subconscious allows you to experience your emotions on the deepest of levels. Deep meditation can facilitate this heart and mind-opening experience. The Emotional Choice program uses meditation aids such as binaural beats and emotive music to assist you with experiencing your emotions to your very core.Warning!The music used in this program contains brainwave entrainment technologies. These technologies have been tested and proven effective. However, this program is not intended to replace medical diagnosis or treatment. DO NOT listen to the Emotional Choice audio exercises while driving or operating machinery.The binaural beats used in the Emotional Choice program take the listener from active Beta into a calm Alpha.  A Theta beat is introduced a few minutes later to blend in with the Alpha.  The Theta modulates for the duration of the journey from a high Theta to a low Theta to keep the brain stimulated without getting “too bored” with a single frequency.  Towards the end of each exercise the beats move from Theta to the Alpha/Theta border to assist you with making a sound emotion choice and grounding.While the binaural beats are doing their job, a monaural tone is played to add to the experience.  The monaural tone starts from the Alpha/Theta border and moves the listener to a near delta brainwave state.  The beats then move you back to the Alpha/Theta border for the emotional choice and grounding portion of the exercises.We use both binaural beats and a monaural tone with Emotional Choice for a number of reasons: first of all, you can experience most of the brainwave entrainment of Emotional Choice even if you choose to listen without headphones. A second reason is that studies have shown that monaural tones have a stronger entrainment effect on the listener than using binaural beats alone.


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