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Logan Christopher – Secrets of the Handstand Quickstart 2.0

Secrets of the Handstand Quickstart 2.0
[1 MP4]


Dear Friend,I struggled with learning the handstand when I first began. Making slow if any progress and suffering from daily frustration. It took me over a year to reach a 30 second handstand.But that doesn’t have to be you…That’s why I put together the Secrets of the Handstand Quickstart DVD. Here’s what people have been saying about it.Better Explanations Then Anywhere Else”I have viewed the video……You did an awesome job explaining the technique and showing the variations of handbalancing. I especially liked the part where you taught the the forearm stand, I tested myself out on that and did what everyone really starts at shrugging the shoulders and not keeping the upper arms perpendicular to the floor, I held that for a few seconds then I tried the best I could the way you did it and was difficult but I held for a second or 2 longer then what I originally tried. The frogstand was better explained then I was originally taught and with practice I know I can get better. Great job bro and I will be practicing these more often no matter what…..You got something special here and its made me want to do better in my conditioning and coordination.”-Ben BergmanMore Progress in 3 Months than 3 Years!”If I had Logan’s Secrets of the Handstand DVD I could have made more progress in a couple months than my first 3 years!”-Tyler J. BramlettMaking Instant Breakthrus”I was playing around the other day with the frog stand(knees on elbows) and I had a hard time till I watched it again and overlooked a key element you mentioned. I was afraid at first of smashing my face in the ground….but lo and behold when i gripped the ground hard I stayed in that position for about a minute! If I can make instant progress like that I cant wait to see what this month of training will bring me.”Having someone around my age put in there own words how they achieved there goals makes it easier for everyday folks to understand.”-Felix CincottaHow to Hit Sweet Spots Magically Transfers over in Video”I practiced the tiger stand a lot against the wall but after weeks of practice I could never consistently find that “sweet spot.” After seeing you do a tiger stand in the video, that same day, when I went to the gym it took me 2 tries and now I can easily and consistently find the “sweet spot” hold the tiger stand. I must of unconsciously picked up something when I watched you kick up and hold the tiger stand.Another thing I learned from the video is that the kick up is way more important than I originally thought. I was basically muscling the handstand back from my kick up (which was way too hard). I could do it but it took a lot of energy. For the past few days I just worked my kick up over and over again. After only 2 days of working my kick up I am hitting my “sweet spot” 8 times out of 10 when before I was only hitting it 1 or 2 times out of 10 and the other hand stand attempts I was muscling back from an over anxious kick up.So, your videos were helpful to even someone like myself who has been practicing handstands successfully for several weeks. Just seeing someone else do the move and step me through the process, which is something I have read about and knew all ready, helped me greatly. Thanks a lot.”-Ricky Duelley70 Year Old Consistently Holding 10 Second Handstands”I’m now able to correct my under or over balance in time to stay nice-and-straight for almost 10 seconds. I’ve discovered how easy it is to over-correct! It’s definitely important to be gentle! Your Quick Start DVD has been very helpful. It applies well even to a 70 year old student! Thanks again.”- Richard CabotAnd honestly those are just a few of the comments I’ve received. But here’s the best part……That was for the first version.The Secrets of the Handstand Quick Start DVD 2.0 has Over Twice the Information, Drills and ExercisesI had more to add so I re-shot the video from the ground up. I added so much I could barely fit it on a single DVD with it clocking in at 80 minutes long!The drills and exercises you’ll discover on this DVD will shave months off of your learning curve for the handstand.Its up to you whether you want to take the path of trial and error and frustration. Or you can follow a proven system that quickly takes you from the start to the end goal.The diagram below shows you the difference between taking the long path of just working on the freestanding handstand and the short path of systematic training.The Quick Path to Learning the HandstandVIP+:NowPU+: 1 WeekUser:Upgrade to pU


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