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Liz – Getting Inside A Woman, Everything a Woman Thinks, Feels, and Experiences From “Hello” to “How Was It For You?”

Liz – Getting Inside A Woman [4 CDs – MP3, 3 eBooks – PDF]



Liz, the inside woman from Sean Stephenson (Little man in the wheel chair) is a Female PUA instructor. Her product is really refreshing. If you need a female perspective in the topic of pick up and dating, this product is a must-listen/read. Check her out online:[url]  [/url]I upload just the ebook before. This is the complete package with audio books, interview with Sean Stephenson and 2 other bonus ebooks. Enjoy!Hugh —————————————————————–What A Woman Thinks Ebook/Audio book Did you know that a woman sorts every man she meets into three categories?1.      The creepy guys she wants to get away from.2.      Her guy friends that she doesn’t think of “that way.”3.      The guys she CRAVES to have as her lover.So let me ask…Which kind of guy are you?I’ll give you a hint…if you aren’t fully enjoying your dating life and dating the woman (or women) that you want, you’re probably NOT the lover…But you could be.And you don’t need killer abs or a large bank account…You just need to understand women.I probably don’t have to tell you that women are complicated creatures, but I will tell you that it’s extremely unattractive to us if you don’t GET IT.Getting into that sweet spot (pun intended) is tricky if you don’t know anything about who women are or what they want from you.That’s why I wrote my eBook: Getting Inside a Woman: Everything a Woman Thinks, Feels, and Experiences from “Hello” to “How Was it For You?”In the eBook, I take you through a night out on a date with me and tell you EXACTLY how to land in the third category: the LOVE ZONE.If you’ve ever seen a woman do something that made NO SENSE whatsoever…If you’ve ever had a woman reject you and you had no idea why…If you’ve ever wondered why “that other guy” gets all the girls and you don’t…Then this eBook is definitely for you.Again, to attract women, you need to understand what women are thinking, feeling, and experiencing when they are with you…Because it’s VERY DIFFERENT than what’s going on in your head…Trust me.If you don’t know what’s going on with her, then you’re practically walking into a mine field of possible missteps!I don’t want that to happen to you. I want you to have the key to the secret thoughts and feeling of women…Not only because I want you to have crazy success with women…But because I want my fellow females to have incredible lovers — yes, I mean YOU!!!When you buy the eBook, you’ll get the PDF and AUDIO versions.Plus, you’ll get TWO SPECIAL BONUS MATERIALS.Women are always looking for the ‘right man.’ When a woman is attracted to you, there’s no such thing as the wrong place, the wrong time, or ‘too busy.’ If you want to learn how to become the kind of man that women DESIRE…


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