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Lester Levenson (Sedona Method) – The Ultimate Goal Vol 2

Lester Levenson (Sedona Method) – The Ultimate Goal Vol 2 [32 MP3s]
[32 MP3s]



The Ultimate Goal Volume IIAs you listen to these tapes, you will find yourself listening to them time and again, each time gaining deeper insights to your natural state of Beingness.Tape 1– Happiness is LoveOn this tape Lester describes the experiences and realizations that led up to his ultimate understanding of the absolute Truth.Tape 2 – The Source of All IntelligenceOn this tape Lester talks about “Beingness is freeing yourself from thoughts of limitation”.Tape 3 – The Answer is Here All the TimeOn this tape Lester talks about “Eliminating desire itself”Tape 4 – There Are No ProblemsOn this tape Lester talks about “Converting all desires to the desire to go free.” “There is no satisfying a desire . . . just release it.”Tape 5 – The Steps to Being What you AreSome of the topics include: “When you are being your Beingness, there is nothing else!” You cannot use words to describe Beingness.”Tape 6 – Beingnessn this tape Lester talks about what it is like to experience your natural state of Beingness.WARNING!! Some of the tracks are a little hard to understand due to the fact that they have been converted from audio cassette to mp3. Tip: try using headphones or if your creative, an audio editor.


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