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Laura Silva – Silva Peaks: The Silva Method (Compressed)

Laura Silva – Silva Peaks – The Silva Method
[15 MP4s, 7 MP3s, 1 PDF]


Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! Note: This is a remake I made for myself that I am uploading for the convenience of others who may want a smaller size. Since I want to keep it here, I am making it Exclusive and setting limits. Original: Mine are all properly named, and in order (I believe that even some of Mazen’s updated list of the order of files was wrong on some of them, as I found, anyway). ~~~ Laura Silva – Silva Peaks: The Silva Method – Breaking the Boundaries of Human Potential “As The World Opens Its Mind & The Banks Close Their Doors, I Present to You The Highest Level Of Silva Training.”This is The Wisdom that will Take You from Silva Graduate to Silva Master, with Unimaginable Power Over Your Wealth, Health, Happiness & Destiny—and for the First Time in History, You have Access to It. Silva PEAKS is an 8 DVD package containing 12 hours of Silva seminar footage that for the first time ever reveals the full spectrum of Silva’s teachings – from basic to advanced. It’s the key to unleashing the full power of your mind, so you can start accomplishing mind-blowing breakthroughs with your wealth, health and happiness.Silva PEAKS DVD 1 Module 1: A New Mind ● The crucial get-it-wrong-and-lose-everything question you must ask yourself before finding your destiny. ● The “hush-hush” secret spiritual masters use to retain a constant connection to the source. ● Quantum physicists have proven it, but how do you do it? How to use your mind’s brainwaves to influence solid matter in the physical world. ● PLUS: Are you making the right decisions in life? What you must do to discover your true destiny… and live it. Module 2: Roadmap to Success Part I ● The mysterious ‘twist’ on managing stress. How to effortlessly turn stress into fuel for your goals.“Am I who I think I am?” Why 8 in 10 people don’t know their true selves… and what you must do to discover it. ● The ‘life-eater’ that’s ROBBING you of your life’s pleasures… and how to eliminate it for good. ● PLUS: 90% of all physical illnesses are caused by one single culprit. What you must do to vanquish it, and manifest perfect health for you and your loved ones. Silva PEAKS DVD 2 Module 1: Roadmap to Success Part II ● The 5-minute solution to experiencing a perfect, lasting Alpha State… each and every time (you’ll be ahead of the 80% of those who can’t). ● “Your wish is my command!”—the most reliable, efficient method to ‘manipulating’ the Universe into giving you only what you want, and repel the things you despise. ● It’s the ____ that makes the difference—the little-known fact behind failure, and how to overcome it TODAY. ● ‘The One-Second-Savior’—how you can automatically eliminate 85% of the external stimulus around you and instantly become more creative, intuitive and resourceful. ● PLUS: The famous ‘Three-Fingers-Technique,’ and how this powerful tool can save you over and over again from the dangers of your own actions. Module 2: Roadmap To Success Meditation Exercise ● Experience an eye-opening live meditation induction that’ll unlock the door to deep, flawless, monk-like meditation, time and time again. Silva PEAKS DVD 3 Module 1: Connect With Your Spirit ● The Mysterious Case of the Helping Soul. How you can get MORE in return for what you give others with amazing consistency. ● The blink-and-you’ll-miss-it roadblock that’s stopping you from OWNING the brilliance of people you admire (Warren Buffett, Einstein, Mother Theresa, etc.) within seconds. ● Beyond temporary fixes. Experience a lasting sense of heightened awareness all day, every day by controlling your focusing faculty. ● PLUS: Correct abnormalities with effortless ease. Discover the surefire method to fixing stubborn flaws in you and those around you, and manifest a better reality for all. Module 2: We Are all ONE with the Universe ● Get rid of that alarm clock! How to effortlessly wake up at the exact time you desire, full of energy and strength to face the day… every day. ● The gut-stirring method to manifesting your desires at precise times you specify. You’ll finally have total control over your life. ● Discover how to use the “Law of Compound” to accelerate your goals up to 1,000% faster. ● How to leave the world in perfect health (yes, you can choose whether to surrender your last breath in a bang or in agony). ● PLUS: The miraculous “Soul Molding” technique. How to train your soul to accommodate your dreams and desires. Module 3: The Story of Jose Silva, by Nelda Sheets ● Watch in awe as one of Jose Silva’s EARLIEST students reveals the roots of the Silva Method, before this known only to Silva insiders. ● The ability many believed to be a special gift from God in the 60’s—and how you can effortlessly attain it now. ● PLUS: What Jose Silva did to make his first 50 students INSIST he return, barely a week after their first session. Silva PEAKS DVD 4 Module 1: The “Mirror of The Mind” Technique ● Learn the “Mirror of The Mind” technique, one of Silva’s most requested tools, and secure endless success for you and your goals. Module 2: The “Holo Viewing” Technique ● Transform your future into what YOU want it to bewith the highly effective “Holo Viewing’ technique. Silva PEAKS DVD 5 Module 1: The 3 Scenes and Energizing Water Technique ● What does your potential as a human being have to do with scientist Masaru Emoto’s work with water molecules? The answer may surprise you. ● Become an expert healer, instantly. Learn how monks bless water that miraculously heals physical illnesses. Silva PEAKS DVD 6 Module 1: Past Life Presentation by Isabel Silva ● In less than 37 seconds… discover how to bring two of the world’s most intelligent, empowering and inspiring counselors into your life to lead you where you want to go. ● How to create a laboratory dimension in your mind where you can formulate failproof plans towards realizing your dreams. ● PLUS: Why you will never feel the same again about your intuition. (HINT: once you follow this advice, your intuition will grow LEVELS beyond where it is today) Silva PEAKS DVD 7 Module 1: Finding Your Life’s Purpose ● “B _ _ _ _”, “D _ _ _ _”, “H _ _ _ _ _”—3 short words that hold the key to becoming an unstoppable achiever. ● What you must do to unveil your life’s true purpose… and how to pursue it without wasting another second of your life. ● “Hypnogogic Images”—the technique that will move you towards your goals as effortlessly as going down a slippery slide. ● PLUS: How to stop trying in vain, and simply get what you desire from this moment onwards. Module 2: Alternative Healing Session by Dr. Jose Huerta ● Discover Dr. Jose’s quantum healing secrets, and start using them for dramatically better health in a matter of days. Better in 30 seconds? How to melt away every single emotional, psychological or physical problem with the “Colored Breathing” technique. ● PLUS: Zero Limits—discover the step-by-step instructions to Dr. Joe Vitale’s unconditional healing technique. Silva PEAKS DVD 8 Module 1: Healing Techniques and Exercises ● Never feel down, tired or beat again—the fail-safe technique to absorbing all the energy you need. ● How to shock your doctor. The Rapid Healing Technique that’ll heal your physical wounds in nearly the blink of an eye. ● PLUS: Witness with your own eyes a mind-blowing live healing session… and discover the incredible results you can achieve. Module 2: Creating A New Mind ● The “Moving Energy” concept—why it holds the key to increasing your intelligence, creativity and learning abilities. ● What you must do to sew your seeds of purpose, and leave a positive mark on the planet. ● PLUS: The center of our galaxy—how you can tap into this infinite, potent and reliable power as a surefire method to fulfilling your dreams. 7 Silva Meditation Audios 7 of Silva’s Most Powerful Meditations Packed In 3 Audio CDs For your convenience, we’ve extracted 7 of the most powerful meditations featured in the seminar into 3 audio discs, so you can take them wherever you go for easy listening: CD 1 ● Meditation Exercise: Your Beliefs ● Deep Meditation Exercise CD 2 ● We Are ONE Exercise ● Dynamic Meditation ● Finding Your Life’s Purpose Exercise CD 3 ● Healing Exercise ● Universal Mode Exercise: Creating A New Mind VIP+ Now Power Users: 2 days Users: Please upgrade, as per the rules, or download the original. Thank you for understanding! ~~~ IN Joy! ~~~


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