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Laura De Giorgio – Create Money

Create Money
[3 CDs – 13 MP3s]



13 MP3s Total:Create Money Hypnosis 1Create Money Hypnosis 2Create Money SubliminalCreate Money SupraliminalMillionaire Mind SubliminalMillionaire Mind SupraliminalAbundance MantraBestows All Kinds of Financial Wealth MantraCall Upon the Giver of Abundance MantraCalls Upon the Manifestation of Abundance MantraIncrease Financial Wealth MantraMoney MantraThe Power to Manifest Money MantraFollowing is a description of the “Create Money” package from the website, a description of the subliminal and supraliminal tracks, and then a description of the Sanskrit mantra tracks:Create Money:Your Road to Riches leading to Financial Freedom begins in your mind. The thoughts that you contemplate on daily basis influence your reality. If you tend to worry about money and wonder how you are going to pay your bills, you are programming your subconscious mind with outcomes you’d rather not experience. If you dislike what you do for a living, you are making it that much harder to create money and enjoy your life.Deep Trance Now Create Money CDs and mp3s are designed to help you travel the road to riches and financial freedom in a way that you can enjoy every step of the way. Money is a side-effect of living your life with passion, of loving your life and expressing your talents and abilities. You can grow happier and wealthier – wealthy enough that you can live your life comfortably and have all of your needs met. We all have different needs and wants, different amounts of money we may need to live our lives in a way that brings us joy as well as a peace of mind. Deep Trance Now Create Money CDs and mp3s are designed to help you create all the money that you need to live your life with joy, and with inner peace, feeling good about the way you are making money, and living your life with assurance that you will always have whatever money you need to meet all of you rneeds.Deep Trance Now Create Money subliminal, supraliminal and supraliminal plus CDs and mp3s contain supporting suggestions and while you may get desired results listening only to Create Money subliminal, supraliminal and supraliminal plus CDs or mp3s, for best and fastest results, I recommend that you also work with Create Money hypnosis CDs.If you have an affinity for working with Sanskrit mantras, Sanskrit mantras for Overcoming Financial Difficulties, Sanskrit Mantras for Creating Money, and Sanskrit Mantras for Financial Wealth can help you to stop worrying about money, experience inner peace and joy through chanting, and transform yourself into a money magnet by establishing a vibration of financial abundance within you and draw all the money you need into your life through vibrational resonance.Subliminal Recordings:On Subliminal recordings, the suggestions are placed at a low volume of minus 15 – 20 db, in order to bypass your conscious awareness and go directly to your subconscious.Original version of subliminal recordings I made had only subliminal messages which were entirely masked by music. This was puzzling to some people who were not familiar with subliminal recordings. Some wondered if there were any messages there, while others thought that the messages are coded in the music they hear.The current version of subliminal recordings contains the messages recorded once at an audible level so that you can hear them, as well as subliminal track throughout the recording. The music is placed at a slightly lower volume than on the previous recordings so that at certain points throughout the recording where the volume of music gets very low you can actually consciously hear few words from the subliminal track. This is done mainly as assurance for your conscious mind – that the messages are indeed there.Supraliminal Recordings:All supraliminal suggestions are placed at a very high frequency of 15.5 kHz. Due to high frequency, even though the suggestions on most recordings are very loud, they are inaudible to your conscious mind, and therefore bypass your conscious awareness and go directly to your subconscious mind.Originally, supraliminal messages were placed at a high db level. Even though they were inaudible to the conscious mind because of a high frequency, many people could sense the pressure due to high volume. For some people this was an assurance that the supraliminal messages are indeed there, but others found this too strong. The effect was somewhat like getting a buzz from too much caffeine. If you prefer the recordings with a higher db level, you can mention it when you are placing your order. Higher db level may be heard on some lower quality audio equipment as static. If you want to be on the safe side, just order the regular current version of the supraliminal recordings.The current supraliminal recordings contain supraliminal messages at a high frequency and at a moderate listening volume. They also contain both subliminal and supraliminal tracks so that the suggestions are becoming impressed upon your subconscious mind both from below and above the conscious level of hearing.You would still most likely not be able to distinguish the suggestions on the supraliminal track because they are placed at a very high frequency, but depending on your awareness and sensitivity to energy, you may feel a slight pressure when listening to supraliminal recordings, somewhat similar to what some people feel when changing altitudes in an airplane.While some people are now aware of any sensation when listening to supraliminal recordings, some find them too powerful and may prefer to work with subliminal recordings which contain subliminal track only. Subliminal recordings are much gentler, but also the results take longer time to experience. Supraliminal recordings are much more powerful than subliminals and they help to get the desired results much faster.Sanskirt, Tantra, and Tibetan Mantra CDs and MP3s:Sanskrit is primarily an energy based language, where each sound puts you in resonance with a specific vibration. Sanskrit mantras tune you into and open you up to specific energies like healing, prosperity, inner peace, love, protection, luck, illumination, happiness.Sanskrit mantras help you to release the energies that are not beneficial for you and are preventing your enjoyment of life. Sanskrit mantras help you to draw into your life whatever you need to live a fulfilling life.Each Sanskrit mantra has its own “siddhi” – a spiritual power that unfolds through the use of mantra. The word “siddhi” literally means “perfection”, “attainment”, “success”, but is frequently used to refer to any powers we may view as supra mundane, from telepathy and clairvoyance to psychokinesis, levitation, remembering past lives, changing the size of one’s body, entering the body of another person, and others. Together with “siddhis” are often included “riddhis”, which relate to obtaining material wealth, power, having sexual appeal, etc.As you work with mantras, you may find different abilities spontaneously emerging from within you, simply because through repeating mantras, your entire being begins to resonate with that particular vibration and any powers contained within that vibration begin to express through you.As you begin working with mantras, the first beneficial effect you may become aware of is an increased peace of mind, and disappearance of any worries, fears or anxieties. You may experience increased sense of inner strength and well being. If you chant mantras aloud, you may experience your entire being vibrating so exquisitely triggering endorphins, pleasure hormones within you that if you suffered from any addictions, you may find these addictions falling off of their own accord, because the inner pleasure will surpass whatever external addiction was able to do for you. You may also find different aspects of your life improving and harmonizing even if you didn’t “intend” to work on them, simply because you will begin to synchronize yourself with greater harmony.While many mantras have some instant effect and at times you may experience desired results even instantly, traditionally mantras should be repeated 108 times for at least 40 days. It may very well happen that the goal you are working on manifests sooner, but the more often you repeat the mantra, the more that particular vibration becomes established within you. Some mantras for unfolding of special powers are traditionally repeated 125,000 times or even 500,000 and it may sound like a lot, but if something thrills your entire being with ecstasy and makes you feel good, then you welcome each new repetition – even more so when along the way, you notice some unexpected wonderful surprises coming into your life because you have chosen to work with changing the vibration of your life with mantras.Mantras on each CD are repeated 108 times. Some CDs contain several shorer mantras, while others contain fewer longer mantras. The length of the Sanskrit Mantra CDs varies between 45 – 60 min. Most CDs contain Sanskrit mantras with Tantric seed sounds. Few CDs also contain Tibetan mantras in addition to Sanskrit mantras.


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