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Krav Maga – Self Defense

Krav Maga Self defense DVD
[Complete 5-DVD Set – avi]


In this 5 pack DVD series you will learn highly effective techniques for defending yourself against both unarmed and armed violent street attacks:Introduction to Krav Maga- The Origins of the Isreali Seld Defense System Basic Combatives- Striking Techniques for Men and Women The Best Defense– Self Defense Techniques for Men & Women Line of Fire- Defending Against Handgun Threats On The Edge- Defending Against Common Knife AttacksThe Krav Maga system is endorsed by U.S. Law Enforcement and is used at the highest levels of ISRAELI ARMY NATIONAL SECURITY, but because it’s based on the body’s natural instincts, it’s simplicity and natural movement makes it easy to learn and suitaBruce Leee for men and women of all physical abilities. Get a GREAT FULL BODY WORKOUT while learning from Krav Maga’s highest level instuctors: U.S. Chief Instuctor Darren Levine and International Krav Maga Federation Head Instructor Eyal Yanilov.


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