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Kellee Rutley – Mindful Eating Concious Living 2014

Mindful Eating Concious Living
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 Mindful Eating Concious Living                                      hosted by Kellee Rutley                Experts Debunk Myths and Reveal the Secrets                        to True Health and Lifelong Vitality!                 Are you Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired?Then you’ve come to the right place! Join me and 24 experts in their fields who will helpyou to learn Mindful Eating Practices that will put you back on the right track toREAL Health and Life Long Vitality.Congratulations!  You just got yourself a seat to the Mindful Eating Conscious LivingVirtual Summit!I’m so excited that you’ve decided to be a part of this event that will without a doubt havea transformational effect on the way you think, feel, and live.You will walk away from this FREE online event with more tools and takeaways thanyou could ever imagine:    • Stop the “deprivation-binge eating-guilt” cycle.    • Create peace in your mind and your life with tools to EMPOWER you!    • The Paleo lifestyle and why “ancestral eating” just makes sense!    • Cooking with “consciousness” and intention. The way nature intended it to be.    • Making your MIND your greatest asset to creating optimal health.    • Decide you are WORTH it, and follow the few steps to get on the right path.    • Real prevention: What if I am really sick? How to know for sure.    • Thyroid health, hormones and your immune system: why we struggle       with being overweight.                                                       Meet Our Summit Experts!Dr. Joe DispenzaLive Your Best Life!So many of these interviews are really hitting home for me, and I hope for you too.  Like many of you I have struggled with my weight and health.  It took getting seriously unhealthy for me to realize that I had to drag my ass out of a very damaging mindset and into a state of ‘conscious living’ that we focus on in this summit.  So I have BEEN THERE, and certainly DONE A TON OF THAT.  What is your story?  Your journey?  Let’s start changing it now, shall we?Bhava RamHow Yoga LITERALLY Saved Bhava Ram’s Life!I cried when I interviewed my next expert Bhava Ram.  I kid you not.  Brad Willis so strongly identified with his CAREER that he completely neglected his health, suffered a broken spine, failed back surgery, alcohol and pain killer addiction and then stage 4 throat cancer.  It was literally at the brink of death that he made a decision to get well.  It was the tiniest glimmer of hope that got him through his darkest hours and that tiny glimmer was his son, Morgan.Today we are covering:    • How having a daily practice will heal you and free you from emotional pain and fear    • Healing is ACTIVE, not passive. Believe in yourself and Do the WORK.    • You don’t have to hit rock bottom to recover from poor health. You can make the decision NOW.Kerry TepedinoBreak Free from the “I’ll Be Happy When” Syndrome!Today I’m so honored to share with you my interview with Kerry Tepedino.  She believes that “Healthy is the New Sexy” and she describes her journey and how she lost 30 pounds and recovered from an eating disorder.  This interview is RICH with amazing information that is going to get you so revved up!!Today we are covering:    • How to turn your “chores and have to’s” into INSPIRED ACTION!    • Tap into your “Why” behind wanting to lose weight. If your “Why” doesn’t move you to tears, it isn’t big enough!    • There’s a difference between “signing up” and SHOWING UP!    • Learn the 5 STEPS to successful and lasting weight loss? First you MUST believe that you deserve it and know that good health       and feeling good in your body is your BIRTHRIGHT!Tonia LewisHow to Deal with OVERWHELMHow do you deal with OVERWHELM? Do you even know or recognize when you are deep in the throws of it?  My interview with Tonia Lewis turned into a 3 hour conversation- and lucky you get to hear almost 60 minutes of it!   Don’t miss this one, because THIS conversation is truly a BLESSING to anyone who is caught is the struggle and is suffering.  Tonia speaks from experience… can you believe this woman has home schooled her own ‘gaggle’ of kids, runs successful businesses and also coaches women on finding their light, and coming out of time poverty and struggle??Tonia’s going to share with us:    • Tonia talks about learning to use her unique SUPERPOWERS that allowed her to unravel herself and DROP 6 DRESS SIZES       at the same time. Learn about her 6 STEPS and get ACCESS YOURSELF!    • Did you know that OVERWHELM keeps us FAT?    • The myth of the “strong woman” (and you know who you are!). A woman or man of strength knows how and when to ask       for help. Learn to OPEN UP and allow true healing to happen faster! Yes….Weight Loss TOO!    • How to reclaim your SILENCED VOICE. Tonia uses the power of intention and her strong faith to live a new life of INSPIRATION       instead of DEPRIVATION.    • Find out what Tonia believes is the BIGGEST MISTAKE we make when “trying” to lose weight and “get healthy again”.Allie LeFevereYou CAN’T HIDE and Be BOLD at the Same Time!I loved my interview with Allie- it was like having a coffee with a really good friend.  The friend who makes you feel like you really can go out and grab that life that you really want-IF you are willing to do the work.  We do swear a bit, but it’s tame- I promise! Isn’t it time to get our shit together (I mean LIFE!) And it is Allie le “FEVER”, a girl from Ohio, even though she sounds French.  Allie talks about some pretty amazing points, here’s a few to spark your interest!Today she covered:    • Allie talks about her struggles as a young girl with low self- esteem and body image. She spiraled into a serious eating disorder       that caused her to lose weight AND her HEALTH! She was depressed and out of control with bulimia until she made a decision!    • You don’t need anyone’s permission to thrive accept your OWN!    • If your goal is to be HAPPY, you will probably always feel like a failure. Human beings have many feelings and often different       one’s at the same time. It’s time to drop the fake happy mask and get real with yourself first.    • What LIFE do you want to create? Losing weight is GREAT but it won’t bring you a sense of peace or self-esteem       without doing the REAL work.    • “Discomfort is a shared experience. LIFE is a shared experience!”    • Steps and tips for rebuilding self- worth and learning to live with joy, even when you are feeling funky.Dr. Dan BenorWhat’s your Problem?  Time to Look at the Big Picture!Talking with Dr. Dan Benor is like having your mind blown every 30 seconds.  I kid you not, every time this man opens his mouth, a new and incredible statement comes out of it, or an amazing truth that just makes my jaw drop or my head shake in agreement.  Seriously, after this interview was over, I sat in my office saying ‘what is my problem?’ for about 5 minutes. Then I looked at my notes from the interview (PRO HINT – TAKE NOTES!) and I began to look at the areas in my life and in my WHOLE person that were not working and needed attention.   Most of us have it all wrong when it comes to looking at disease, or illness and we then treat our issues as separate unto themselves when, as you will hear, this is absolutely not the case.Today we are talking about:    • Do you want to know what is BEHIND the food cravings?    • Have you “armored yourself” with extra body weight?    • Weight is ENERGY! Extra weight creates a space of safety, even though it may not serve us. How do we deal with that?    • Trauma that is outside the awareness of the conscious mind can cause us to be SICK and overweight.       Tapping can eliminate those traumas!    • Focus on your VITALITY and your strengths and not just your problems!Dr. Justin MarchegianiTreat the Person Instead of the Symptoms!One of the things I see with my patients at my brick and mortar practice, is this notion that if you have an issue with your neck, well then, let’s adjust your neck. Or if you are having issues with your weight, then of course it must be what you are eating vs. exercise (you get the picture). And I am calling BS on this!!!  Come on! We are COMPLEX creatures and symptoms in one area of the body tend to have some sort of coloration with other areas. We need to treat THE WHOLE PERSON and stop this notion of popping pills to fix one condition, to only have another condition pop up because we are not looking BIG PICTURE!  We talk in detail about functional medicine. Don’t know what that is? Make sure to listen in!Some awesome pearls of wisdom Dr. Justin shares:    • Is ketosis safe?    • Top 3 diet mistakes    • You’re NOT “Just getting older” and being overweight and tired is NOT normal.    • Thyroid health-what if all of your lab tests look “normal”?    • 3 factors of health: physical, chemical and emotional what are your stressors?Kathryn KosThe“F” word! Debunking the saturated FAT myth!Yup, I said the ‘f’ word… but only because when it comes to our western diets and approaches to foods, fats have earned a pretty naughty reputation! Not to mention that the food on our tables doesn’t remotely resemble anything like the foods our ancestors ate, or even our grandparents!  Today’s expert Kathryn Kos, is just as appalled as I am with how unhealthy we are as a whole. And Kathryn has a lot to say about how we can get back on track.  Kathryn went through a huge change in her diet when she was diagnosed with Hashimotos Thyroiditis and had severe GERD. Doctors were unable to help her get WELL, and so she began her own journey into gluten free eating and then PALEO eating and was able to heal herself!Today we talked about:    • Is low carb REALLY low carb?    • How much sugar do we really eat?    • Americans consume 170 pounds of sugar per year per person!    • What we consider low carb is really just NOT extremely HIGH carb!    • What is the Paleo?    • What is Primal Lifestyle?    • Marketing claims about “healthy food”….don’t buy into it!Daniel Kalish, D.C.The Doctor is Truly Within!Dr. Dan Kalish has one of the most interesting PERSONAL journey stories I have ever heard!  He took part in a spiritual journey where he lived with Monks and discovered the practices of Mindfulness and Meditation before embarking on his career path as a Chiropractor and Functional Medicine Practitioner.  At Kalish Wellness in Los Gatos, Dr. Dan not only helps his patients heal physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.  “Healing the Body, Mapping the Mind” is Dr. Kalish’s latest book, and we had the chance to sit down and talk about the BRAIN and the mind, and how his research in the treatment of brain disorders and schizophrenia lead him to be invited to work with some of the world’s top NEUROSCIENTISTS to study brain disorders.  How do we tie all of THIS into Mindful Eating and Conscious Living? You will have to listen in to find out!Gillian Hood-GabrielsonLearn Intuitive Eating and Break Free of Dieting!Gillian Hood’s personal story is one of excessive dieting, obsessing about food, over exercising and finally learning ACCEPTANCE and how to listen to her body to feed it what it needs. Gillian was a personal trainer and exercise physiologist and even SHE fell into the diet trap! Things are not always what they seem, and her message to you is that YOU ARE NOT ALONE!In this interview Gillian and I talk about:    • The deprivation-overeating-guilt cycle and how it robs us of our happiness!    • The ‘I will be happy when” myth: We debunk it once and for all.    • Accepting ourselves right NOW…not “When I am a size WHATEVER”…fill in the blank!    • Intuitive Eating: what is it and how to do it.    • Get the 6 Steps to Guilt Free Eating!Tamilee WebbHow should we REALLY be exercising in our 40’s, 50’s and beyond??DRUMROLL PLEASE! You remember her from ESPN’s “Body Squad”, and if you were lucky enough to be working out in the 90’s (like ME!), you probably owned ALL of her DVD’s: Buns of Steel and Abs of Steel. I sat down with IDEA TRAINER OF THE YEAR, and Fitness Hall of Fame’s TAMILEE WEBB!  Not only will Tamilee give you SOLID exercise advice as well as FREE access to “Triple Abs”, a free workout download, but Tamilee gets to the HEART of the matter and shares her inspiration and her positivity with you. Animal lover and advocate, Tamilee also shares her “pet project” with us, called ‘Paws of Steel”.Here are just a few things Tamilee and I dish about:    • Prevention is the key…NOT “early detection” of disease!    • Cardio vs interval training-which is best?    • Seriously Tamilee…how should we REALLY be exercising in our 40’s, 50’s and beyond?    • Brain training-why is it important?    • Eating and Food: let go of “neurotic eating” and LIVE!Meryl Hershey-BeckThe “Ambassador of Joy” brings me to tears in this interview!I was TRULY honored to be Meryl’s “patient” in this interview, as she had ME tapping away my feelings of guilt and sadness after the passing of my brother.  Because I am very familiar with EFT and use it as a tool when working with my OWN patients, it was very interesting to be on the OTHER SIDE with Meryl, and YOU get to hear the process! I invite you to TAP ALONG while you are listening! I kid you not when I tell you that I must have cried 2 or 3 times the day of our interview…it was a HUGE emotional release for me! THANK YOU, Meryl!This stuff is POWERFUL, so OPEN your mind AND your heart and LEARN HOW to:    • Stop using Food as a DRUG! You know who you are, and you know what you do.    • Public dieter-private binge eater? You don’t have to live this way!    • OBLITERATE food cravings easily and safely at home.    • Use the 5 STEPS of Source Tapping    • Access Meryl’s FREE gift: The Source Tapping script and the Diagram of Tapping Points.Dr. Kelly Austin N.D.Hormone Hell or Bio identical Bliss?When we talk about lifelong VITALITY, there are MANY things we can do that are safe and effective to maintain our good health! I was really excited to interview Dr. Austin, because of her excellent reputation for helping both women AND men solve some of the most common complaints associated with aging.In this interview Dr. Austin shares her passion for helping people by giving us LOADS of great info on:    • Bio Identical Hormones: What are they?    • How do I know if bio identicals can help me?    • What are the benefits and risks associated with bio identical hormone replacement?    • Breast cancer risk? We debunk that one for you with REAL science.    • MY PERSONAL favorite: Ketosis and ketogenic diets: Dr. Austin breaks it down for us.Dr. Andreas BoettcherThis Guy LOST IT ALL! Do you need to “course correct”?Andreas Boettcher was one of the “bright lights” as a Chiropractic student.  He graduated with all of the talent, dreams and aspirations of a promising future in a profession he loved. After building a successful and busy practice, he experienced a serious BACK INJURY that coincided with the ECONOMIC COLLAPSE of 2008 and LOST IT ALL!  If you have ever LOST IT ALL and thought “There is no WAY I will ever be better than I was before”, you want to hear this! Get ready to have your world ROCKED!Andreas and I talked about:    • Wealth and Health: Why you need BOTH    • Course Correcting: Forget your Failures    • How Seemingly LITTLE things ADD UP to BIG things    • Get Clear on your “Why” and it had better MOVE YOU TO TEARS    • WALK for goodness sake….just WALK!Dr. Lauren NoelWhat makes you SHINE? What “Lights You Up”?Doctors Say the Darndest Things! What your MD may not be able to tell you.  Here is what I KNOW to be true, my Peeps:  You KNOW when something’s just NOT RIGHT. You KNOW on a deep and intuitive level, when your body is just OFF! Maybe you have had all of the standard “tests” and so far, your doctors have not been able to find anything “WRONG” with you.  Do you realize that most medical doctors are trained to watch and wait until you are REALLY sick, and their treatment of choice is to offer you a drug or surgical procedure? The problem is this is SICK care, NOT WELLNESS care! By the time you “qualify” for that drug or procedure, you are REALLY sick!  Dr. Noel talks about why we need to DIG DEEPER and get REAL answers to start the transformation process.Today we discussed:    • Fat stores toxins: time to detox?    • Inflammation: Puffy vs. Fat- why are you inflamed?    • Infections: Parasites, Bacteria, and Viral infections    • Weight Loss: Why it is NEVER “just the weight”Paula GalliCHANGE your MIND first, THEN your FOOD!Paula tried for years to CHANGE herself and her body by working from the OUTSIDE IN! Can any of you relate to that? All it created for her was a suffering and disordered thinking and eating habits. Her darkest period was between the ages of 18 and 20, when she slipped into a very dark period that included depression, anxiety and a full blown active eating disorder.  I LOVED interviewing Paula, because we share the philosophy that the ONLY way to create true HEALTH and LIFELONG VITALITY is to become MINDFUL of your thoughts, and learn to create your life intentionally!In THIS INTERVIEW, Paula talks with me about some of the topics of her book such as:    • Why and how negative self-talk sabotages our attempt s at weight loss    • How to make your positive affirmations actually WORK for you!    • Why moving away from “good” vs “bad” attitudes about food (and LIFE!) is so important.Dr. Mark SchillingerEating the Universe: You are what you EAT!LIVE FROM NEW YORK!!! Well, actually San Rafael, California…  Dr. Mark Schiilinger talks to me about being the CEO of your LIFE: The “Chief Energy Officer”. In other words, making our decisions about what we put into our bodies should really be based on our VALUES and not just our tastes or entertainment. We ALL know that this sounds easy, until we are under STRESS!  Have you ever noticed that eating healthy is EASY when we are happy and times are GOOD? But as soon as a stressful situation hits (and they always do eventually!), we can become MINDLESS CONSUMERS, devouring anything and everything is sight?You will hear things you have NOT heard before:    • Breath: How to use it to calm yourself    • The quick and easy “Right Now” meditation…this is one of my FAVORITES!    • How to stop yourself from eating foods that don’t energize you NOW!    • Sound, frequency and vibration- how to use these healing tools.Dr. Leslie HewittMedicating the Messenger!Dr. Leslie Hewitt is CHANGING THE WAY we think about our health. It’s time to get really BIG PICTURE and talk about what is REALLY making us SO SICK!  Dr. Leslie is the CEO and Founder of The WOW Talks: The BIGGEST Women’s Wellness Community and Education Portal in the country. 35 years in private practice, CFO of the California Chiropractic Association, and highly sought after speaker and trainer, she is UNCENSORED and very open in this interview.  Have you ever thought to yourself “I always get sick this time of year because (fill in the blank)” or “It runs in my FAMILY”? Well, STOP RIGHT NOW and listen up!  Dr. Leslie will explain WHY you need to change your language, change your thinking, and change your BELIEFS about who you are, and what level of HEALTH you will have.Kathleen MilliganIt’s NOT what you look like, it’s Who you ARE!The conversation I am sharing with you today was a very PERSONAL talk I had with Kathleen Milligan.  Not every “expert” opens up about their life the way Kathleen does, and if you are a PARENT, you want to HEAR THIS MESSAGE.  Kathleen is very open about her past, and having experienced a suicide in her family at a young age. She was NOT taught the tools of empowerment and had few resources through which she could find PEACE and HEALIN’.  Food always seems to fill that empty space right up doesn’t it? As you know, and as Kathleen learned herself, the COPING SKILLS that get us through TRAGEDY do NOT always serve us long term.  Have you ever gone on a “diet”, or lost weight, expecting something GREAT (like true happiness) to be waiting for you on the other side? Maybe you, like SO MANY others, learned that it WASN’T there, waiting for you!Gloria KamlerMINDFULNESS 101! Have you exercised your attention lately?Here is what you have ALL been waiting for!  MINDFULNESS 101! How DO we get mindful?  Some people think that simply paying ATTENTION is being MINDFUL, but did you know that it takes WORK to develop the mindfulness part of your brain? If you were hoping to hear that it is simple and takes little to no effort, SORRY! That just wouldn’t be true, my friends.  Gloria Kamler has been meditating and TEACHING meditation and MINDFULNESS since the 1970’s and is a faculty member at UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC). In this interview, Gloria describes what TRUE mindfulness practice is and takes ME through the famous “raisin exercise” developed by John Kabat-Zinn.Lesley PatersonFACE YOUR FEARS, Braveheart!When I first came to San Diego, I went and saw Lesley Paterson speak at an event. Lesley gave such an amazing interview and packed the house that night. I had my teenaged daughter with me that night and she was incredibly impressed by what Lesley had to say.  So much so that she did something the next day that I was proud about and couldn’t be mad about… (you gotta listen to the interview to find out what I mean!)  3 time off-road WORLD CHAMPION TRIATHLETE, Lesley Paterson, goes beyond the “Get off your ass and do it” philosophy in this interview.  Is she famous for her gorgeous physique and sassy Scottish Lassie attitude? Yes. However, when you hear Lesley tell her PERSONAL story of her JOURNEY from professional athlete to MOVIE ACTRESS ( I didn’t know that one!) to where she is NOW and WHAT SHE IS UP TO, you will be truly inspired!John AssarafTHINK, BELIEVE, and ACHIEVE!I am calling today’s event “A Date with Your Brain!”  2 POWERHOUSE interviews with the top experts in the field of neuroscience and CONSCIOUS CREATION!  John Assaraf from The SECRET and Sharon Begley author of Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain  Okay, so you have been making vision boards since you saw John Assaraf on The Secret.  You’ve been posting positive affirmations all over your home, BUT you STILL aren’t MANIFESTING the things you want and they are NOT coming fast enough, RIGHT?  Here is the GOOD NEWS! I love giving you good news: John has a SYSTEM that he is going to share with you to interrupt the PATTERNS you now have that are creating the RESULTS you are getting (or NOT GETTING). YOU ARE YOU! You are NOT your brain! Here is the interview that teaches you how to USE your brain to work FOR you!We are in the NEUROLOGICAL AGE and today you will learn from John HOW TO:    • Use the 4 “R s” to end repetitious, compulsive thinking patterns    • Start being a human BEING rather than a human DOING    • Know what your underlying beliefs are so you can move past your current situation    • Achieve your goals by creating a “neural coherence pattern”Sharon BegleyA Date with Your Brain!Today is our second interview from our “A Date with Your Brain!” event.  Sharon Begley author of Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain is an expert in the field of neuroscience and CONSCIOUS CREATION!  Sharon wrote the first popular account of the new science of neuroplasticity, Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain, which recounts the discovery of how the brain can change as a result of the life we lead as well as the thoughts we think. Based on a meeting between the Dalai Lama and western scientists, it explores how meditation and other forms of mental training can alter the structure and function of the brain in ways that offer new hope for victims of stroke, people suffering from depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder, and children with dyslexia–as well as anyone who wishes to cultivate a greater sense of well-being and compassion.Payton TheodoreBecoming your Own GURU!Peyton Theodore! This girl from PHILLY had a huge personal transformation when she left her hometown behind and traveled to San Francisco, Southeast Asia, and Australia to follow her calling as a MASTER HEALER!  Have you ever felt like a FISH OUT OF WATER? Like wherever you are is just not your place? That is how Peyton felt growing up. When she finally got to Acupuncture school she experienced a MASSIVE paradigm shift that would change the course of her life forever!  Studying with Balinese and Australian healers gave Peyton a whole new way of looking at health and happiness and also a HUGE BAG of HEALING TOOLS to share with her clients in the US.  If you are also tired of feeling like you are being forced into a “One Size Fits All” culture and are READY to open your mind and heart up to honoring the UNIQUE INDIVIDUAL that you ARE, this conversation is for YOU!Dr. Kellee RutleyYour Mindful Eating Conscious Living Summit HostDr. Kellee Rutley is a National Board certified and California State licensed Chiropractic Physician. A former professional fitness trainer and competitive gymnast and body builder, Dr Rutley brings over 2 decades of experience in the health and fitness field to Rutley Chiropractic. Dr Rutley began her career in the field of Chiropractic working as a trainer in the clinic of the Chiropractors for the San Francisco 49ers. Working alongside sports physicians inspired her to further her education and attend Palmer West College of Chiropractic in San Jose, California. Upon graduating, Dr Rutley started her Chiropractic career in Lake Tahoe, California: home to some of the most elite athletes in the world. Dr Rutley spent the next 6 years in private practice focusing on and working with a wide variety of athletes ranging from ski racers and snowboarders, to competitive equestrians to motocross riders. In August of 2011, Dr. Rutley relocated her practice to Solana Beach, California (in North County, San Diego): another home to some of the world’s top athletes.Dr Rutley utilizes cutting edge diagnostic techniques in her office which are designed to evaluate the health of the spine and the entire nervous system. Thermography, heart rate variability, and body composition analysis are used in addition to a complete physical exam to create an individualized treatment plan for each new patient. Dr. Rutley brings a multitude of adjusting and myofascial release techniques, as well as expertise and experience to the field of Chiropractic medicine. At Rutley Chiropractic we believe that all treatments should be designed for each client’s individual and unique needs and preferences, and the success of our treatments should be measureable. Dr Rutley’s professionalism and talent have made her a highly sought after doctor, coach and professional guest speaker as well as the Chiropractic sponsor to several local professional and amateur competitive cycling and triathlon teams.You can learn more about Kelly at her site


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