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June Marshall – Booby Trapped: – Men Beware! The Dirty 7 Sisters (A Man’s Guide To Win Ms Right By Avoiding Ms Wrong)

Booby Trapped.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]



* If you get into the wrong relationship, your life will be living hell. * If your life is living hell, your most cherished relationships suffer. * If your relationships suffer, you health is next. * If your health suffers, your sexual and work performance suffer. * Why go through all this suffering? * Now you can choose the perfect mate and live happily ever-after! How? By learning how to avoid or scuttle women who belong to the Dirty Seven. The “Dirty Seven Sisters” are the women, who because of their underlying personality and character flaws, bring unhappiness and chaos into men’s lives once they bag their prey. The author warns men to move on from them, regardless of their sexual needs and genetic impulse to have children. These women may be sexy and attractive, but they don’t have the potential to be true life partners. She bares their character traits that are impossible to live with, why they are impossible, and tells men what to do about them. Conversely, she also describes the excellent qualities of a good mate. Marshall’s humorous take on the absurdities of today’s dating scene does not hide her seriousness to revolutionize our approach to dating and mating, which produces a divorce rate of over 50%. She says, “This field guide will give you the tools to recognize and avoid the noxious and obnoxious females who are like Angel of Death mushrooms, beautiful yet deadly. Lesson #1: Beautiful does not necessarily mean good.” Top reviewers on rave about this book: “*** If You Have To Have A Woman, You Have To Have This Book! *** This book is fantastic. Extremely insightful and informative, and so entertaining that you can’t put it down. This is one of a kind. Coldly logical, scathingly accurate, yet sharply comical. It is so brutal in its anti “female-logic” position, that it is hard to believe that it was written by a woman. But, apparently it was. ‘The Dirty Seven’ women are going to FREAK OUT when they find out that one of their own not only has their number, but has also spilled the beans!” S. Thomas, Buffalo, NY *** Do NOT play the dating game without this book! *** You’ve been warned!ContentsIntroductionThe Dirty Seven Sisters:  Who They Are1. The PMS Queen2. Needee Nellie3. Material Girl4. Shopaholica5. The Wedding Belle6. The Mom7. Psycho-babblerKeepersQuestions & AnswersCounterparts of the Dirty Seven GuysYou will laugh your way through to newfound wisdom as you read this book or ebook. The author’s wish is that you enjoy and use it to the fullest. Were it not written by a woman, this book would be a scandal!BOOBY TRAPPED is a ‘self-help’ book for men seeking mates and as such it outlines all of the types of women to avoid when men go a-hunting! The author is June Marshall – yes, a woman telling all the ugly secrets of women to avoid – and she writes with such candor, and wit, AND clarity of intent that it is difficult to ignore her warnings.Marshall’s message: don’t let male sex drive override observation of female types that are bound to end in quashed relationships, whether those be legally married commitments or entrapment live-ins. She describes the Dirty Seven Sisters to avoid: the PMS (Perpetual Menstrual Shrew) Queen, Needee Nellie, Material Girl, Shopaholica, The Wedding Belle, The Mom, and Psychobabbler. Each of these types she discusses in separate chapters, outlining the personality traits that make them venomous, the signs and symptoms of each type, and the reasons they do not make good partners. She pushes the envelope a bit heavily by using celebrities to illustrate each of the Dirty Seven, and mentioning those in a review would rob the reader of some of the fun of discovery!June Marshall writes well and for some light entertainment, in addition to some sage and sound advice, this book is recommended for the predatory male and for those men who have made the judgment errors so comically exposed in this very book.——————————————————-Special thanks go to AsColdAsIce for making this product available for all of us! Everybody else ENJOY


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