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Judy Anderson – Jazz Up Your Life with Judy

Jazz Up Your Life with Judy – fall-winter 2013
[ 1 MP4 – 54 MP3 – 1 HTML File Set ]



Jazz Up Your Life with Judy fall/winter 2013                                                 Jazz Up Your Life with Judy                                                    hosted by Judy Anderson                                       BREAKTHROUGH TO YOUR GREATEST HEALTH, WEALTH AND HAPPINESSAwakening – Transformation – Healing – Love – Joy – Abundance – Total Well-BeingStep into a Life YOU Love! Join us for a Free Teleseminar featuring outstanding Energy Healers, Transformational Experts and Self-improvement Specialists!Do YOU want to experience . . .    • a Life of Abundance with grace and ease?    • a body that vibrates so high that dis-ease has to find another home?    • finally knowing your soul’s purpose?    • being happy and joyous?Are you ready for these Dynamic and Inspiring Speakers, Healers and Masters to:      • empower YOU to manifest the Life of Your Dreams?    • acknowledge yourself for being a Beautiful, Magnificent Being?    • share with you their Life-Changing Processes and Meditations that will raise Your Vibration and draw to you more Health,      Wealth and Happiness? Join thousands of others who have experienced wonderful shifts in their lives!Energetic Awakening”Ten minutes before each conversation, I gently lead you into your heart space in oneness to awaken yo to Beautiful, Magnicent YOU!  I want to inspire you to know that anything is possible… just follow your heart!  Fromathe place of heart-centered love, you can experience the breakthroughs that your heart ttuly desires.  This group energy creates a power vortex of Love, Peace, Harmony, Healing and Transformation for You and the World.” ~ Judy AndersonMeet Our Summit SpeakersThe Three Arrows of Power – Ancient Wisdom for Conscious ManifestationChief Robert and Terri TallTreeAre you lacking clarity in your life’s purpose?  Are you ready to expand your spiritual intelligence? During this Life-Changing Conversation YOU will:    • Learn the 7 Sacred Principles of Self-Mastery and Personal Transformation    • Discover the Medicine Wheel (as a diagnostic tool and compass for personal growth)    • Learn The “Three Arrows of Power” – how ALL manifestation begins    • Discover simple, Universal principles to naturally balance your mind, body and your spirit    • Learn 3 “C’s” to Living on Purpose    • See how to unlock the vault to all your riches Healing in the Aquarian AgeChristopher TimsChristopher shared with us a potent blessing….listen and let it move your soul as it did mine!  During this conversation, Christopher talked about how his healing modalities affect DNA.  What role does the body…your body….play in raising your consciousness, in bringing you more into a state of Oneness?  Learn about the Divine Template..what is it?  What should you do with your “sack of symptoms”??  What is healing in the Aquarian Age?  Learn about the Eternal Teachings and how they came about.  Christopher has such a deep understanding of ancient wisdom and shared with us how powerful we truly are.  Christopher shared with us how he deals with the turbulent times we live in.Commanding A Reality of Unlimited Abundance NowVictor Da PonteOn this inspiring talk you will …….    • receive Divine Downloads infused into Your subconscious mind-matrix    • activate Supreme Power and Authority over Your subconscious mind    • learn the most powerful words to command Supreme Abundance    • receive Divine Downloads for Blessings and Good Luck    • learn command through the I AM Presence for effortless attraction.Magic is in YOUR Hands: Choose Your Probable Future with EFTAileen NoblesWhat breakthroughs are possible if you can align with your Highest Probable Future? What can YOU imagine?On this call you will:    • Learn how to find and release the root cause of your challenging issues.    • Easy techniques to de-stress and reframe.    • Disconnect from the morphic field of unwanted emotions    • Access your Highest Probable Future Self    • We Are all Perfect in our “seeming imperfection” find out Why!    • Access your Higher Self as you Love your “other self” into healing.Illuminating Your Inner BrillianceEric AltmanExperience His Loving and Powerful Energy Transmissions!  Are you tired of working so hard and nothing is happening in your spiritual journey?  Does it seem like it’s just so much more effort than you thought it would be?  And when will the struggle end? When will you finally “get it” and all will be well in your life?  Our Wonderful Guest today, Eric Altman with show you a way that is much simpler and so very loving.  And, YOU will LOVE Eric!  I sure do!  Humble, Loving, Caring and Funny!The Truth about Awakening: It’s Not for the Mamsy Pamsy!Deborah Ariel PietschA powerful activation for clearing your field and activating your I AM presence!!!Get Answers to these Profound Questions …    • How committed you are to waking up or staying on the fence / basically asleep?    • What does it really mean to “Wake up”?    • What are you willing to do or BE in order to awaken to your soul Re-Membrance    • What is an Activation?    • What is alchemy?    • Why are you stuck?    • Why is most of the planet stuck?    • What’s infiltration and why is Clearing Your Field the MOST important foundational tool and way of being when you      decide to wake up    • Why is the Pineal Gland so important?How to Stop Striving and Start Thriving in the Global JungleSarah-Jane FarrellWhen you invite an interesting, intelligent person on the show who knows Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Bio-geometry, permaculture, Body Talk, Mindscape, numerology, access consciousness, EFT, Tellington Touch and Quantum Touch, Animal Talk, Psych K (energetic psychiatry),Facial Release and Structural Integration and so much more….yes, you get a very interesting talk.  Since the days of the cave man, the landscape of the JUNGLE has changed so much…what is real danger and what is contrived? Is Fear holding YOU back?  Our brains don’t know the difference between a real attack from a lion and an attack seen on the news.  Learn some easy, pragmatic tools and processes that can literally rewire your neural pathways and take you out of the diseased state of flight-fight fast and effectively.Multi-Generational Healing for LoveTori HartmanTori’s practice of Multi-Generational Healing is truly fascinating! I am genuinely intrigued!In this conversation with Tori, which promises to be fascinating, you will…    • Discover hidden agreements with your ancestors in order to create sustainable results in magnetizing, manifesting and      the Law of Attraction.    • Identify the challenges and the gifts of your family legacy, while learning how to look at your family tree in a spiritual way.      (Whose legacy are you trying to fulfill?)    • Use Multi-Generational Healing to clear ONE area of your life and experience the same shift in ALL areas of your life.    • Uncover family patterns that have stopped you until now in order to heal old wounds.The Art of Attracting AbundanceBrad and Kasey Wallis with JuliusAttracting Abundance: Secrets for Receiving Success and RichesBrad and Kasey Wallis are Conduits for a Higher Intelligence Energy Group called Julius. Join them in this life changing interview to guide you to your higher self and beyond.During this fascinating conversation you will…    • Learn how to finally create your own Path to Prosperity    • Learn why other programs have fallen short of you    • Learn the secret Key ingredients for Success, Health, Riches, and Manifestation    • Clearing up misunderstandings about manifestation    • Empowering You to become your highest Creative Self    • Releasing Old habits that have blocked you from the things you desire    • Understanding the emotional components in creating your reality.Infusions of Light: Preparing Your Body for The Shift in ConsciousnessRaquel SpencerLearn Quick and Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Vehicle to Embody Light as Information, Knowledge and Wisdom.Experience an INCREDIBLE PROCESS toward the end of the call!    • Upshift Your Divine Vehicle in Just 4 Minutes a Day!    • Get Increased Connection to Your Higher Self    • Receive EXPANDED AWARENESS of Your Divine Vehicle    • Increased Integration of the Latest Light Codes available for Your Awakening and Conscious Connection to Your divine Essence    • Upshift Your Energetic Systems to Embody Your Own Unique Essence and Light    • Learn to Co-Create for Optimum Energy Integration    • Get tools to expand your Natural Abilities and Gifts    • Receive Assistance to See, Feel Hear and Experience Energies at a Whole New Level    • Experience Higher and Higher Levels of Light to assist YOU with Your Personal Journey of Self Awareness and      Connection to Divine Source    • Expand Your ability to Receive Direct Guidance from YOUR Higher Self in Every Now Moment    • Co-create the Experience of Living in Divine FlowHolographic Transformation: Reprogram Your Life for Abundance and RelationshipsMashhur AnamAmazing Tools for YOUR Transformation! (I use them!) Experience Mashhur’s Wonderful Processes!Did you know that this universe is holographic in nature and actually responds to your vibration?    • Everything you experience in this life shows up because of your vibrational match    • When you resonate with disharmony that you experience in your environment, you create a reflection of that in your reality    • Learn to take control of your life by understanding the principles of resonance    • Learn about the Harmonic Resonance Module for your ideal weight, love, joy, harmony and financial abundance    • Learn to create a vibrational resonance with your specific income goals    • Play soothing music in the background or while you sleep and integrate the resonance for ideal weight, harmony, love,      joy and abundance    • Setup your financial foundation with the Harmonic Resonance Module and encode specific income vibrationsEnergize Your Life Purpose and Awaken YOUR Unlimited PowerNadia TumasListen as Nadia Tumas explains how a simple step can open the doors and the desired flow in YOUR life!  I personally had a session with Nadia, and she not only confirmed but expanded tremendously the scope of what I’m to be doing with my gifts and life’s purpose. I’m still actually thinking about all she said. Got a lot from her to meditate on. Very exciting! Now, let’s see what unfolds!!!!Today your questions will be answered…    • Do YOU desire to Learn how to Achieve Everything YOU Want?    • Do YOU know YOUR Life Purpose and YOUR Life Lesson?    • Are YOU tired of being stuck and Stagnant?    • Do YOU feel Lost and Out of Direction in your life?The Art of Attracting Abundance Question and Answer SessionBrad and Kasey Wallis with Julius Brad and Kasey Wallis are Conduits for a Higher Intelligence Energy Group called Julius.  Julius is facilitating change in people’s lives around the world.Some of the issues addressed:    • Are you sleepwalking?    • What is the value in “Free”?    • How does a sense of “entitlement” affect a person?    • What does your soul desire?    • Learn about “receivership” and “earning”    • Is it important to know about your past lives?Re-Claim Abundance and Re-New Yourselves in this Time of AscensionKelly HamptonAre you ready to RE-CLAIM ABUNDANCE AND RE-NEW YOURSELVES IN THIS TIME OF ASCENSION? BE GUIDED BY ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, GAIA, MOTHER EARTH AND CHRIST-PURE LOVE!Kelly will be channeling Archangel Michael, Gaia, and Christ.    • Kelly will channel Archangel Michael live and Gaia, Mother Earth, live for your greater understanding of our NEW EARTH and      share what each of you can do to personally get more involved in the global healing of animals and plants that inhabit her.    • Learn about ONE of the new and powerful 5thD healing systems given to Kelly by Archangel Michael in 2010 STAR HEALING      INTERGALACTIC ENERGY and learn why some clients AND practitioners are it calling The Most Powerful Healing Systems      on the Planet.    • you’ll be given a self-healing technique from Star Healing to open your sacred heart.    • You will be given powerful affirmations to renew all relationships in your life    • You will learn how to impart energetic peace and calm to money to increase abundance.    • In this call AAMichael will walk you through the powerful “I AM” meditation and healing    • Special Blessing at the end of the call: Kelly will channel Christ, representing Oneness, Pure LoveThe Power of Sacred Glyphs to Transform Body and MindJean LoganBe amazed as I was when I first came across Jean and her potent glyphs that are changing lives around the world.  Glyphs are a form of spiritual energy, a language of Light.  They are energized by Source and highly evolved spiritual beings.  Glyphs enhance the body’s ability to resolve inner conflict, release negative patterns and mend old wounds.  YOU are UNLIMITED as you are an extension of Source Energy.Revealed: How a Loving Heart Makes You Happy, Healthy, Smart, and Rich!Moira ShepardIf you want Moira to uncover your hidden blocks to Love, Happiness and Wealth – make a point of listening to this block-busting interview with Moira!Would you like to…    • Discover how to prosper under ANY economic circumstances?    • Attract high-quality, low-maintenance clients, so you have a wonderful time doing your work AND have an income      you can depend on    • Transform a rocky relationship into a smooth and harmonious one, so you can make the most of the love you have right now    • Take the first steps toward easily and safely leaving an abusive relationship, so you can find the love you dream of–      and deserve!    • Activate your body’s natural healing abilities to create a rapid recovery from your physical challenges … so you can get back      to being YOU again!    • Effortlessly release any excess weight you’re carrying – emotionally and mentally, as well as physically! Achieve Greater Conscious Awareness by Breaking through the Inertia That Holds You BackScott SmithIntroducing a Modern Day Mystic to the Telesummit World!  We invite you to experience the spiritual energy radiated through Scott and start the process of breaking through that inertia! Wow, I’ve experienced this Powerful Energy!Scott will help you to find the answers to these questions:    • Are you discontented with the way your life is progressing?    • Are you experiencing change, as though your very soul is pushing you forward?    • Are you noticing the ever-present repeating patterns in your life?You CAN reprogram yourself to allow and accept changes that your heart desires.  By dissolving the old patterns, habits and beliefs that supported the old way of being, YOU can achieve greater conscious awareness and break through the inertia that’s holding you back.Animals as Our MirrorsCarol GurneyPlease join me, along with my Special Co-Host for the day, Simba Anderson, interviewing one of the foremost experts and a pioneer in the world of Animal CommunicationCarol will address some of these questions:    • Mirrors of our lives…are animals the only ones that are reflective of our lives?    • What is the primary reason for animals in our lives?    • What is the bigger picture of animals and who they really are?    • What can I learn from my animals and the way they act?    • How do I determine that they are mirrors of my life?    • Dislike something about your animal?  What does that mean in your life?Manifesting Your Happy Life Here and NowGinger Metraux PhD with GalexisGalexis was asked what they would like to share with the Jazz Up Your Life Community, and this is what they said:    • Secrets of turning around irritating problems and/or dissolving them without stress or struggle    • How you can stop the resistances that keep your Universe from providing you with bountiful opportunities    • How to use the Law of Attraction by simply being happy    • Ways to drop the stress and live each moment with more joy and ease    • How to find your uniqueness and your true life path – it’s here and now!What Realization is as taught by Lester LevensonLarry CraneA RARE OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN FROM A WORLD WIDE RECOGNIZED MASTER, LESTER LEVENSON: WHAT REALIZATION IS; AS SHOWN BY HIM TO LARRY CRANEYou will learn:    • How to easily experience true Realization and how that will gain you true freedom ,wealth ,health and have harmony      with all people that you come in contact with, just as Lester Levenson the world wide recognized Master taught Larry.    • You will experience getting to a place where nothing and no one will ever bother you again, called Realization.    • Lester and Larry will take you to a place that you feel truly abundant.    • You will discover what is stopping you from being Realized and what to do about it.    • You will find out exactly what Happiness is ,and how to have it right on the call.This is easily the most powerful call you will ever attend…its life-changing!Healing YOURSELF Body, Mind and Spirit: Tapping into YOUR True Healing Gifts and Healing Potential (for humans and animals)Lori SpagnaThere is a reason that Lori is always one of the series favorites. Listen in and find out for yourself!What Lori will cover in this discussion:    • How to Effectively Heal Yourself of Just About Everything    • How to navigate in the balance of Complimentary/ Alternative Healing, Energy Healing and Traditional Healing    • Why the quick, “Can I just take a pill and make it all go away?” doesn’t really work, NOT EVEN with most energy healing work    • Why working through the emotional, intellectual and physical aspects, INCLUDING past lives, parallel lives ad Karma ARE      relevant and DO matter for complete and total, permanent healing    • The Akashic Records: What they are and why they hold the keys to YOUR Personal Blueprint for Life, Living Fully and Healing    • The Truth About Holistic Healthcare: does it really work and is it actually effective?    • YOUR Dormant DNA and Why it Holds the Keys for You Beyond 2103    • How YOU can really and truly, once and for all, let go of ALL the past pain, trauma, suffering and struggle once and for all      and live your best life ever!Creating Healing Miracles in Your Life!Melinda LeeExperience a Group Healing and Powerful Energy Transmission with many downloads from the Creator of all that is into all guests.During today’s conversation…    • You will align to receive cutting edge healing technology that will shape shift your life dramatically….    • Come to understand your own divine healing gifts and abilities    • Open to fully receive healing miracles within you    • Embrace unlimited happiness and great health    • Learn about the power of the Theta brain wave and why it is called the “Creation Brainwave.”    • Learn how you can receive profound healing for yourself and others from the Creator of all that is.    • Awaken to your full Power and Master Your Life.Awakening to Love: Living In the Spirit of GraceLorraine CohenHave you had experiences when things just came together easily? They just flowed…probably with little or no hard effort. It was wonderful, wasn’t it!  But how about those times when life feels scary, overwhelming, and uncertain? When burdens seem too big and you feel helpless because you don’t know what to do to make things better? Or when you feel your heart break and you wonder how you will stop hurting and feel peace? Imagine living your life free from fear and suffering….During this enlightening conversation, you will hear:    • What Divine Grace really is.    • How to shift from suffering to effortless effort    • The truth about “techniques” and how to create real transformation    • How you might be blocking Grace and unconsciously creating more struggle and misery.    • How to decode the new language of this Golden Age to receive abundant goodness into your life.Speaking Your Reality Into BeingVictor Da PonteVictor Da Ponte is back! He will be taking us into the next step of his I AM Alignment Mastery program which is to Live Fearlessly!  Join us for an inspiring conversation……Victor is always inspiring!!! He “burst my bubble” the last time he was on, so let’s see what happens this time!!!During today’s conversation you will…    • Activating Your I AM Power to Speak Your Dream Life Into Being.    • How to Become a Divine Source of Infinite Possibilities    • How to Become Unstoppable Instantly.    • Divine Downloads Infused Into Your Subconscious Mind-Matrix Effortlessly.    • Receive Divine Downloads For Limitless Blessings and Good Luck    • How to BE the MOST Powerful Creative Force in the Universe    • Aligning and Flowing With Your Divine Source Expression.Loving Yourself: A Personal Lifeline featuring her Family Holiday Survival GuideKaren AbramsDo you get triggered during the holidays with your lingering family issues?  What can a person do about these unwanted feelings?  You will be able to experience the power of Karen’s Theta Healing!Today, Karen Abrams, Master Theta Healer, will assist you to…    • remove obstacles to your personal progress    • learn to make decisions from a place of self love instead of self loathing    • adjust your radar to find/attract healthy relationships    • magnify your manifesting abilitiesThe Magical State of AllowingGP WalshWhat is “Allowing”?  What does body awareness have to do with “allowing”?  Learn about the Power in Allowing.  This state of allowing … does it assist us in our spiritual growth?  Listening to the downloads from his package, I can tell that this is going to be a very interesting conversation. What else could one expect from a fascinating and creative “Irreverent Sage”???  I HAVE A CHALLENGE: How do I express that every one needs to hear GP’s incredible message? All About AnimalsKelly HamptonToday my co-host, Simba Anderson, and I will be welcoming the amazing Kelly Hampton for a show YOU don’t want to miss!Ask Arch Angel Michael what health conditions may plague your small animals.    • Learn about 2 NEW magnificent magnified 5th D healing systems for animals from Archangel Michael, STAR HEALING for      SMALL ANIMALS given to Kelly in 2011 and for horse lovers, STAR HEALING EQUINETM.    • Learn how to do a body scan for cats/dogs/horses through live channeling with Archangel Michael    • Learn an energy clearing technique for providing peace and calm to your pets. The Amazing Infinity Wave and Intuitive DowsingHope FitzgeraldJoin us to learn about this amazing tool… an energetic gift from a loving Universe to help us evolve easily and smoothly into the next level of reality as multi-dimensional beings.  We live in a time of rapid change and so we have been given a tool to assist with rapid adjustments.  The Wave is brimming with love and compassion, and delivers an overall sense of well-being, peace, and connectedness. As a flowing, 10th dimensional energetic, it can be used to co-create change on every level.On this call you will learn about:    • The personal relevance of evolution    • The cosmic “Easy Button” – there hasn’t been a tool to help us evolve like this before    • What it means to ‘become your own guru’    • Connect directly with source    • Beyond 3D – co-creating with the universe, etc.    • Old stories and resistance drop away and change is made easy    • Your life will flow more smoothly    • Instantaneously transform emotions, and alter perspectives and outcomes    • Have a new context for living that is joyful and light      • Birth a new reality by becoming the “second coming” of Christed ConsciousnessBe Your Own Source of GuidanceGil AlanGil will take us on a 25 minute Guided Journey to meet Your Primary Spirit Guide!    • Reconnect To The Wisdom of Your Heart    • Become Your Own Source of Guidance    • Live Authentically From Your SoulWhen Spirit doesn’t MatterSharon SnirCreating a Life beyond All Expectations of Self and Others”When Spirit doesn’t Matter” is about being who we are and not who we think we should be.  Sharon will lead us in a very powerful exercise to release our own expectations we have of ourselves and others.  What would your life be like if the words “should” and “should not” never even existed?  Just think about that!  Imagine what freedom you would feel if every thought, word and action could only come from the heart. Wow that could change the world!  Imagine your liberation if you never took anything personally again.  Imagine your joy to fearlessly go out on a limb or spontaneously reach for the stars.  What points to really think on…….hmmmm….profound!Activating Your Destiny – Power Behind EverythingDr. Robert PeaseReceive a spontaneous energy healing and life activation on the call!During this show Dr. Robert Pease will teach you how Intuitive and Vibrational Numerology can …    • Unblock the magic of your personal numbers to unleash the power behind everything in your life    • Explain how Vibrational Numerology can immediately shift your frequencies to attract exactly what you need and require to be      more healthy and wealthy.    • Remove karmic cycles in your life preventing you from getting all that you require to live productively.    • Explain this process as clearly and concisely for getting to the core of the blocks which keep repeating again and again.    • Blast through doubts to have clearer visions of who you are and how you can create what you truly need to be fulfilled.    • You will receive customized transmissions for your listening pleasure to raise your frequencies for specific areas.    • You will also receive information on how to discover what frequencies are missing in your life path.    • Raise your vibration while you are on the call!Creating Unlimited Peace, Prosperity, Happiness and HealthJeff GignacDuring this conversation, Jeff will talk about what’s required to build the exact life you want to live using new science of brain fitness.  You will also learn about vibrational science and how it can be the key to unlocking YOUR unlimited potential.Plus learn…    • 3 Top reasons people fail to achieve true happiness.    • Jeff’s check list for keeping focused and on track    • Jeff’s 100% success formula for achieving anything you want in life.    • Wouldn’t You like that!? The Latest “Juicy” VIBE Ah Ha’sKaitlyn KeytIf You are Thirsty for Knowledge, this show is going to literally be a yummy buffet of mind-tingling, heart-warming “understanding” TREATS!  Everyone is changing!  As the planet’s vibe is increasing, heating up, we are popping awake like popcorn!  Awakening is FUN and EMPOWERING.  We NOW have the capacity to understand more of the bigger picture.A little of what we’ll cover on this show…    • How to tap into the wisdom of trees like tuning into a radio station.    • Learn how to make walnut size solid crystals from water.    • The atom gives a 2 min simple explanation of the human journey    • How “Scientifically Magical” Vibrational Mud Pies are made and what they DO!    • Learn how to tap into Near Death Experience ABILITIES without having a near death experience.    • How to release fears of modern toxins GMO, EMF, etc and realize they are only seeking their natural balance.Find Clarity in All Areas of Your Life and Tools for TransformationAleya DaoGet set for a show that will rock your life!  Aleya tuned into the timing of this show and said it looked like everyone will be about to peak into a huge clarity moment in their life. With that thought she wanted to bring forth tools and information that could help everyone make the most of this “clarity moment”.  Aleya will share her wisdom, insights, and formula for shifting your consciousness using sound and energetic protocols.  Release the blocks using your Higher Self and energetic fields.  Access a higher consciousness by tapping into that divine aspect of you.  Discover powerful, efficient, and advanced energetic tools that quickly move you into a peaceful and empowered stance.  Shift your consciousness simply by listening.Ancient Secrets for Lasting FulfillmentRobin and Michael MastroYOU will want to experience their Potent Meditation!Their special guided meditation will….    • balance the five elements within you that will bring harmony and ease to the mind, body, and spirit    • remove stress that impedes your success    • also eliminate stress that stops you from shifting your consciousness to expand and explore your connection to Spirit      and the cosmos.    • reveal powerful keys to eliminate the blocks to experience more God presence within you      and your environment in each and every moment. Also, Robin and Michael will share with us:    • Ancient secrets that create success and fulfillment in every area of life    • The keys to eliminate blocks to your ongoing success.Amazing Remote Scalar Energy HealingTom PaladinoThere’s only one person in the world using this potent technology…meet him today on our Special Show.  Learn about this Innovative Technology- Scalar Energy Healing – designed by Tom.  There’s NOTHING like this!Remote Scalar Healing uses 3 protocols to assist the immune system to recover from chronic illness    • Pathogen Cleanse: Reduces the pathogen load on the body..up to 7,000 pathogens! (like herpes, hepatitis C, Candida,      Lyme disease, and so many more)    • Nutrient Therapy: Delivers over 120 nutrients into the body: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids and phytochemicals    • Chakra Balance: Balances and harmonizes the chakras to reduce pain, inflammation and discomfortOpening Your Psychic Channels to Manifest Abundant ProsperityLynn McKenzieLynn, creator of several 6-figure businesses, will explain how Opening Your Psychic Channels is the key to Manifesting Abundance and ProsperityLynn will share:    • How opening your psychic channels is more important now than ever before in history.    • The “4 clairs”, and the telltale signs that determine your own top two “clairs”.    • How being truly psychic is more about “mindset” than what we commonly think of as “skill”.    • The eight channels that MUST be in alignment to manifest prosperity.    • How she was able to make $60,000 in just 1 week, doing what she loves, and permanently raise the bar on her income set point.What If You Could…    • Learn to make money on demand    • Create an uninterrupted cash flow of $5,000, $10,000, $20,000, $30,000 OR MORE per month    • Continuously manifest the bank balance you desire    • Be paid lucratively for your creativity and unique life’s work    • Live the lifestyle of your dreams    • Be freely at choice, at all times, without ever having to worry about whether you can afford it, or not Anchoring into Your Soul’s Journey through the Power of Your Chakras Marilyn AlauriaJoin us today as Marilyn Alauria, internationally known Medium, Healer and Teacher of Psychic Development, shares her wisdom about the Chakras and their power.She will take YOU through simple techniques to:    • determine whether your chakra is opened or closed.    • learn how to clear a blocked chakra and bring it into balance    • work with a Guide in one of the opened chakras or chakra that was just cleared providing information for moving forward.    • work with a psychic gift in one of the chakras that gives you information about your life.Activating Profound Healing and Clearing to Flip Your ‘Miracle’ Ignition Switch Means No More Pain, Poverty, or Misguided ‘Potential’!Mary Beth VanderlindenMary Beth has the gift of clearing, shifting and activating healings. This will be a show that YOU will remember.  Mary Beth shared some of her “rituals” that she does every single day. Listen and practice them. Simple but potent and profound.  Learn about many crystals/stones and what they can do for you  Discover what is Your miracle ignition switch.  Join us as Mary Beth explains where we start with healing and clearing so that our “Miracle” ignition switch is turned on.  Learn why grounding is important to this process.  Mary Beth will show us how to know what part of our miracle ignition is switched off.Looking at the Amazing BrainJeff GignacDuring this conversation, Jeff will talk about the new science of brain fitness.  How do you keep your brain in top working order?  What are the secrets to a brain staying alert and functional at all stages of life?  You will also learn about vibrational science and how it can be the key to unlocking YOUR unlimited potential.Plus learn…    • 3 Top reasons people fail to achieve true happiness.    • Jeff’s check list for keeping focused and on track    • Jeff’s 100% success formula for achieving anything you want in life.    • Wouldn’t You like that!?The Science of Miracles and Intention – Moving Beyond Thinking into the State of Grace and OnenessKenji KumaraDON’T MISS KENJI’S POTENT 30 MINUTE ACTIVATION!!!On this show Kenji will share on these topics:    • Moving beyond thinking and doing into Knowing and Being    • The state of Grace    • Benefits of Creating On-going Bliss and Joy    • Release from stress and pain    • Enhanced personal awareness of your reality structure    • Greater freedom and happy thoughts    • Shift in relationships, business and career    • Greater focus, clarity and life purpose    • Unexpected miracles and transformations without doing anything Mysteries of Sacred Geometry RevealedGregory HoagAccelerate your Ascension Now  I have one of Gregory’s geometric items and Wow! This will be a fascinating call!Join us as Gregory talks about:    • The shifts in planetary and solar energy that are deeply impacting our evolution and well-being.    • Our purpose and opportunity as human beings in being here on earth.    • How modern technology and lifestyle is disconnecting us from Source and our health and well-being    • Increasing success and happiness with Sacred Geometry    • Personal Development using Subtle Energies    • Why Sacred Geometry Works to Support Your Well Being    • Connecting to Higher Dimensions with Sacred Geometry Tools    • The benefits of Connection- to yourself and others    • Using Sacred Geometry to enhance your Relationships with your partner, family, business and team members. Living In Divine FlowRaquel SpencerRaquel will discuss how up-shifting your Divine Vehicle and coming into Alignment with your Highest Potential opens up the opportunity to Live in Divine Flow. Being connected to your Divine Essence or Higher Self is key for tapping into the flow of universal energy.  Step into Divine Flow and allow your omni-present essence to guide you into new states of awareness and happiness.During the show, You will learn about…    • Co-creating the experience of Living in Divine Flow    • Up-shifting Your Divine Vehicle in Just 4 Minutes a Day    • Increased Connection to Your Higher Self and Expanded Awareness of Your Divine Vehicle    • Increased Integration of the Latest Light Codes Available for your Awakening and Conscious Connection to Your Divine Essence    • Up-shifting Your Energetic Systems to Embody Your Own Unique Essence and Light    • Tools To Expand Your Natural Abilities and Gifts    • Experience Higher Levels of Light to Assist You With Your Personal Journey of Self Awareness and Connection to Divine SourceAlchemical TransformationDeborah Ariel PietschDeborah will be doing a potent clearing and activation for YOU. If you haven’t experienced one, you’re in for a real experience!Topics that Deborah will cover:    • Understanding why you’ve been feeling like it’s Ground Hog Day – day after day – Suspended Animation    • Why knowing about the Global Currency ReSet is important – everything on and off the planet will be affected by this    • Understanding how you’ve been energetically and tangibly brought into an enslavement matrix – and HOW you’re going to      RELEASE from this “system” of multi-layers of Deception    • How and Why getting back to your HEART’s DESIRES is an imperative part of MANIFESTING your new beginning, new realityHealing Infused MusicSteve BookeSteve Booke’s music has been heard on The Oprah Winfrey Show, CBS. NBC, PBS, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet and many more films and television shows. He infuses his beautiful music with healing energy.  The healing modality of Atrostonic, was gifted by Spirit to Steve, a Usui/Lightarian Reiki Master in 2005. The process of an Atrostonic healing is very much akin to Reiki, except the frequency of the energy being brought forth is at a much higher vibration than traditional Usui Reiki.  The language that is spoken is the ancient language or mother tongue of Lemurian. This channeling brings forth the appropriate energies as well as conducts a host of healing guides that assist in the process. These energies are of the highest vibration.  Also learn about Uuilan attunements and hear some of Steve’s wonderful music.  Our wonderful Listener Friend Deb requested that Steve speak in Lemurian and it resulted in an Ultra-Powerful Medi-Healing! Whee! I felt the wonderful energy moving throughout my body!Animals are Not Who We Thought: Learn from GeniusesDr. Laurie MooreLaurie thinks like I do….we can learn sooo much from animals! (Simba really knows that!) I’m so psyched to have her on the show! Join Dr. Laurie and I as we explore…    • Might animals be more intelligent than us?    • Is it possible that their intricate vocal and body languages elude us?    • Is it possible that our blockages to hear telepathy leave us misunderstanding their intelligence?    • If we learn to feel, hear, and see animal’s communication will we find species with more to teach us than we ever realized.    • Learning about our animal’s perspective helps our own life.    • An animal’s perspective about their emotional health differs than a humans.    • An animal views birth and death differently than a human.    • An animal views physical health differently than a human.    • Multidimensional awareness is a natural state of an animal.    • Animals choose us and we them.    • Heart telepathy is natural. When we listen as an anthropologist, we find animals are the smarter beings.    • How we benefit by understanding animal’s view pointsThe Breath of Life: The skill of moving from Polarity into OnenessBob FrissellThis will be a very fascinating conversation! Experience a potent process to experience Oneness!Join us to learn:    • How we experience Reality    • Integrating the left Brain, Right Brain conflict    • The power of intention and of following your passion    • Understanding the illusory and holographic nature of Reality    • The energy of higher consciousness    • Integration of emotions    • The power of circular breathing    • How to harmonize with the reality of your experience, whatever your experience is    • Integration into OnenessIt’s time to “Learn the Rules of the Game”!  Would you like to be happy about being human?Heal into Consciousness and Live Your True EssenceEliza Mada DalianJoin Eliza Mada Dalian “Mada” a self-realized spiritual teacher, modern-day mystic, internationally acclaimed master healer, and best-selling award-winning author, and Judy Anderson , your host, as we talk about: “Heal into Consciousness and Live Your True Essence”  We’re so looking forward to this show! You’re in for a real treat!On this call you’ll…    • Discover how your repressed thoughts and emotions impede your energy flow and ability to manifest your heart’s longing.    • Find out how to get to the root of your self-sabotaging thought patterns and erase the unconscious thought patterns      that are blocking your energy.    • Understand how to recognize whether your decisions are coming from your mind or from your inner being.    • Learn to recognize your gifts and trust yourself.    • Discover the steps you need to take to break through blocks that prevent you from living your full potential.Higher Consciousness ExaminedBill FarberExperience Bill’s Phenomenal Energy Waves…wheee!  Today’s Conversation is with Bill Farber, Master of Energy Alignment and attorney, and your host, Judy Anderson.  Bill is an absolute delight to have on the show and last series you really agreed with me.Join us in a conversation about Higher Consciousness…    • What is it?    • Is it something to be achieved by hard work?    • Do you have to believe in higher consciousness for you to experience it?    • Is Higher Consciousness predetermined?    • How do the Energetic Waves affect Consciousness?360° of AbundanceMas SajadyAre You Ready???  This call goes beyond anything you have ever experienced!On this show You’ll learn….    • What’s true abundance    • Why 360° of abundance    • Why financial abundance itself is not enough    • What’s ‘wealth frequency’, do I have it? How to get instilled with it?    • How can meditation help us be abundant?    • Is being abundant really our birth-right?  Then why only 2% are wealthy?    • What can Mas do to help us achieve 360° of Abundance?Shift Your Abundance FrequencyLori SpagnaLIVE YOUR MOST Abundant and Prosperous Life Ever!  YOU Can Learn The Secret Energy of Money and The Spiritual Laws of Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity and Apply Them in YOUR Life.  It is time to reclaim our true power to Health, Wealth, Prosperity, Abundance and Happiness. Learn how to get in the flow with money and abundance and understand why it’s easier and faster than you can ever imagine!During this call, you will learn:    • How you can go from broke and bargain searching to living in the flow with money fast and almost effortlessly    • Simple tools and practices which will change your point of view and your experience with money immediately    • An easy and effective process for creating the life you want    • Why it’s important to get clear about what you want and how to set a powerful intention    • How to free yourself from worry, doubt, concern, fear and anxiety, and why those actually get in the way of      you getting what you want.    • A basic understanding of Universal Laws which govern us all and which make manifestation and the tools presented herein      real, scientifically valid, and not only possible, but certainAmazing Remote Scalar Energy Healing Q/ATom PaladinoThere’s NOTHING like this! (I’m doing it! so are Simba and Mollie! I feel a difference.)  Get all your questions answered today!Remote Scalar Healing uses 3 protocols to assist the immune system to recover from chronic illness    • Pathogen Cleanse: Reduces the pathogen load on the body..up to 7,000 pathogens! (like herpes, hepatitis C, Candida,      Lyme disease, and so many more)    • Nutrient Therapy: Delivers over 120 nutrients into the body: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids and phytochemicals    • Chakra Balance: Balances and harmonizes the chakras to reduce pain,inflammation and discomfort.Secrets to Avoiding Colds and FlusMisa Hopkins and Krystalya Marie’Fed up with Colds and Flus?  Be on this Call!  Learn about Energy Medicine and Healing.  How do healing symbols assist the body in healing?  Learn about sound medicine and why it is effective.  How does sound medicine affect viruses?  Learn how to build up your immune system.  Learn how a person can use symbols.Unleashing Your Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Potential with Structured WaterPatrick Durkin and Clayton Nolte Is Trauma In the Water Keeping You Stuck?  Structured Water will Raise Your Vibration and Expand Your Consciousness!  It can decalcify the pineal gland!  Water can Transform YOU!  Structured Water is water that supports us to find vibrant health and live at another level of being.Today You’ll learn…    • Why All Water Does NOT Hydrate Your Cells    • How To Prevent Dehydration From Turning Into Disease    • How Water Can Help Heal Your Body and Balance Your Emotions    • How Structured Water Helps Expand Consciousness    • How To Release Your Traumatic Memories By Purifying Your Water Energetically    • How Structured Water Is a 3rd Dimensional Rule Breaker, Changing Everything We Thought We Knew About Water.About your host Judy AndersonWhen Judy started a business and found herself with a high five figure credit card debt and a lurking bankruptcy, she couldn’t see any possibility of anything good happening.  Then an old friend reappeared in her life and reminded her of her spiritual knowledge, which she really had put along the wayside because of working, working, working.  Having “awakened” once more, she got through the crisis, paid the debt off, and created a six figure income and successfully sold the business several years later, just before the down turn of the economy.  She had studied so many Eastern and Western healing and transformational modalities all of her adult life and has learned from experience that “security” and “success” are really an inside job.  Being an actress, an entrepreneur, and marketing consultant solidified knowing that true security comes for a higher source than a company.  Not too long she had a conversation with her mentor… “God, what can I do to have the greatest impact on the largest number of people’s lives?”  In a couple of months, she found herself putting together her first teleseminar series.  Jazz Up Your Life With Judy is so much more than a business… it’s her Passion… her Mission.  Isn’t life beautiful!


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