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Josh del Sol – 5G Crisis Awareness & Accountability Summit 2019

Josh del Sol – 5G Crisis Awareness & Accountability Summit 2019
[Webrip – 44 MP4, 42 MP3, 15 PDF, 2 DOCX, 1 PNG]


5G Crisis Awareness & Accountability Summit 20195G wireless… the industry HAS NOT shown it to be safe for your health or privacy — yet THOUSANDS of peer-reviewed, independent studies show the risks it presents. Learn about the dangers and find solutions in your community!The 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit is online and FREE from August 26 – September 1, 2019.You may have heard of 5G, it stands for fifth-generation cellular wireless. In a February 2019 US Senate hearing, the wireless industry was forced to admit they have no safety studies on 5G, and don’t plan to do any. Meanwhile, there are thousands of independent studies concluding that wireless radiation causes biological harm.Despite this, the wireless industry is working with government to deploy 5G — it’s a global, for-profit, human experiment… without our consent.What does it mean? Millions of “small” cell towers will be added to every block (which is a serious privacy concern). Each tower emitting radiation at levels known to cause cancer, sterility, DNA damage and other harm… especially to our children, who are most at risk.JOIN US AT The 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit to discover:• 5G defined: research, facts and awareness• Science about the dangers of 5G and EMF radiation• Sources of wireless radiation and “dirty electricity” in your home• Link between 5G, Al and global surveillance• How groups and individuals are successfully opposing 5G• Simple, empowering actions you can take, here and now• Individual solutions and safer, revolutionary technologies• And more!Your guides for this event are Josh del Sol and Sayer Ji, two iconic health advocates who are known for changing the way we view and achieve improved health and happiness. If you’re hungry for cutting-edge information with life-saving consequences, and want to be part of a movement dedicated to empowering ourselves and humanity, join us for this event!MEET YOUR HOSTSJosh del Sol is a filmmaker and rights advocate known for the 2013 documentary Take Back Your Power, an expose on “smart” utility meters, which won the AwareGuide’s Transformational Film of the Year Award and the Leo Award for Best Feature Documentary. He is also a recipient of the Annual Humanitarian Award from Indie Fest. Born and raised near Vancouver, BC, Josh is passionate about human rights, consciousness, decentralized energy production, safe technology and fatherhood. His hobbies include hiking, research and travel. He lives in Washington State with his daughter.Sayer Ji is a speaker, health advocate and founder of GreenMedInfo. GreenMedInfo, founded in 2008, provides a resource where consumers and health care professionals can access evidence-based, clinical data without the complexity of searching and navigating multiple health institutions. GreenMedInfo is dedicated to providing evidence-based natural medical information. Through open access, paid memberships and high-quality educational products, GreenMedInfo provides physicians, healthcare practitioners, clinicians, researchers and consumers a resource to determine the therapeutic value of vitamins, minerals, herbs and foods.GreenMedInfo deeply believes that education equals empowerment and, that with education, people have the power to change their lives and lives of others. GreenMedInfo is the world’s most widely referenced, evidence-based natural medical resource and its database contains over 30,000 abstracts and articles as well as offering eNewsletters, articles, eBooks, eCourses and webinars.ScheduleDay 1: August 26, 2019  The Science of 5G Health Effects (Part 1)Devra Lee Davis, PhD, MPHScience on 5G and Wireless RadiationWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Science the industry doesn’t want you to know• Impact of millimeter waves on your health• Exposing the industry playbook Martin Pall, PhDExplaining the Mechanism of Wireless Harm (Part 1)WHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• 9 different areas of harm from wireless• Chemical process behind the harmful biological effects• Why 5G is more dangerous than its predecessors Robert F. Kennedy Jr.Dangers of 5G to Children’s HealthWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• 5G satellite insanity• Industry lobbying and captured agencies• Violations of human rights and informed consent Magda Havas, PhDExtensive Biological Effects of EMFs and 5GWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Rise of “electro-hypersensitivity”• Impact of EMFs on your health• Simple solutions to protect your home Paul Héroux, PhDHarmful Effects of 5G and WirelessWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and metabolic disturbances• Non-thermal effects from wireless radiation• Technical problems linked to the Internet of Things Jason Bawden-Smith, BAppSc, MScCritical Disruption of Mitochondria by EMFsWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Central role of quantum biophysics• What are the business benefits of 5G?• Healing at the root levelVISIT EXPERT’S WEBSITE +Day 2: August 27, 2019  The Deeper Story of the 5G AgendaDavid Greenfield, PhDAddicted Society: Tech Addiction and 5GWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• How to protect children from screens, VR and gaming• Coming to terms with tech addictions• Awareness of “addictive-by-design” technologies Patrick Wood5G: The Agenda for Total ControlWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Connection between 5G and the “Technocracy” • Economy based on energy consumption and surveillance?• The “social credit” policy (and other dangerous agendas) Sayer Ji5G and the War on ConsciousnessWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Satellites and 5G: what are the facts?• Propaganda and censorship tactics• Threats to freedom of choice and natural medicineJames CorbettImplications of Surveillance CapitalismWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• 5G, the IoT and total control of humanity• Chinese social crediting system in the West?• Freedom from socially-engineered propagandaPaul Seils5G and Total Global SurveillanceWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Military and intelligence surveillance • Grassroots campaigns to apply criminal justice• How Australians and others are taking actionMax Igan5G and the Spiritual Crisis of HumanityWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• How geopolitical structures use fear to control• Legal steps to block and remove 4G/5G installations• Embracing the opportunity for awakeningDay 3: August 28, 2019  Solutions for Health and HomeDietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhDBest Protection From EMFs and 5GWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• metals, mold, autism, Alzheimer’s and autoimmunity• Strategies for overcoming EMF trauma• Clinical experiences of major recovery and healingLarry Gust, BBECSafeguarding Your Home from 5G and EMFWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Types and sources of EMF radiation • Best methods for protection • Building Biology Institute: EMF safety expertsDana AshlieSolutions for a Toxic AgendaWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Reducing EMF harm and detoxing heavy metals• Exploring deeper motives for using 5G • Emergence of spiritual refinementTerry StotynEliminating Dirty Electricity in Your HomeWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Where does it come from?• How “dirty power” causes disease • 3 benefits of filtering “dirty electricity” Wolfgang JakschPEMF Technologies for HealingWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Identifying the different types of EMFs• Using pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) for healing• Future of preventative and therapeutic medicine Jerry Day“Smart” Meters and Their Hidden AgendaWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Link between 5G, “smart” meters and IoT• 4 main concerns (you should know about!)• Powerful tips in the fight for our rightsDay 4: August 29, 2019  How the System Has Failed UsSharon Goldberg, MDScience About Wireless and 5GWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• EMFs, diabetes, mental illness and suicide • Refuting industry and government statements• Common misconceptions about EMFsKevin MottusComplete Regulatory Failure of 5GWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Why isn’t government protecting people?• How the FCC is a “captured agency”• Most effective actions you can takeTheodora Scarato, MSWLocal Government and Community ActionsWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Science behind health effects from 5G and wireless• How federal government agencies have failed us• Local government pushback strategies Raphael MahaimRegional Governments Standing Against 5GWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Why the Swiss are banning 5G• Industry response to government resolutions• Educating government officialsRonald L Melnick, PhD“Clear Evidence of Cancer:” The $30M NTP StudyWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Findings of the U.S. National Toxicology study• Cancer, tumors, heart problems and DNA damage• Why is government ignoring this landmark study?Trevor Marshall, PhDDebunking 7 Myths About 5GWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Unacceptable risk from 5G transmitters • Difference between satellite and local 5G• Most important step to protect yourself and familyDay 5: August 30, 2019  Changemaking 101Raymond Broomhall, LLB, GDLPHow 5G Sites are Being Blocked and Removed (Part 1)WHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Step-by-step legal process • The “Achilles heel” of the telecom industry• Connecting with community and creating changeSusan A Manewich, MAEmergence of New Energy TechnologiesWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Technologies to prevent centralization of control• How evolution of consciousness leads to change • Lifting the veil of repressionJoe MartinoDiscerning / Dissolving “Social Engineering” TrapsWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Role of Trump, Q Anon, and other “narrative” storylines• How to bring people closer together • Empowering meta-shift that’s underway Olga Sheean5G vs. Your Inner AuthorityWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• 4 stages of EMF awareness• Overcoming what separates you from your power • Processing fear and overwhelmSteven WhybrowThe Inner Challenge of 5GWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• What is the 5G “ultimate endgame?”• Using natural law to enhance your personal power• Embarking on a spiritual journey of self-discoveryDebra Greene, PhDChanging the World with Inner ResourcesWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Using “internal senses” for power and authority• Necessary and transformative role of fear• Embodying the courage to speak out about 5GDay 6: August 31, 2019  The Science of 5G Health Effects (Part 2)Richard A. LearRoot Cause of Chronic Disease EpidemicsWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• What is the “P-FACTOR?” • 7 biological factors behind the healthcare crisis• Pivotal roles of EMF and peroxynitriteMartin Pall, PhD5 Most Critical Areas of Harm (Part 2)WHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Most startling ways 5G damages your health• High urgency to solve this meta-problem• Possible role of EMFs in wildfire ignitionBeverly Rubik, PhDEffects of Wireless on the Human BiofieldWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Understanding the human biofield • How to protect yourself from 5G?• EMF effects on live blood cells Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBNWireless Radiation in AutoimmunityWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Link between EMF and chronic disease• Impact on neurological health and immune system• Consequences of industry-controlled regulation Ty and Charlene BollingerInformed Consent: Who Owns Your Body?WHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Link between wireless radiation and cancer• How 5G and policies violate the Nuremberg Code• Rising above the strategies of “divide-and-conquer”Tim SandarsEMF and New-Paradigm PhysicsWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Fundamental “flaws” in traditional physics• How EMF radiation causes harm• Quantum physics for protection and healingDay 7: September 1, 2019  Next Steps: Direct Actions to Solve 5GRaymond Broomhall, LLB, GDLPThe Legal Action Process (Part 2)WHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Templates to prevent 5G in your community• Step-by-step guide to Ray’s legal action process• Organizing your community to fightTimothy Schoechle, PhDCommunities Using Fiber Optics Instead of 5GWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Pilot cities providing wired solutions• 5G, driverless cars and IoT as the next bubble to burst?• Communities and local governments working togetherCece DoucetteProtecting Our ChildrenWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• How to educate elected and school officials• Overcoming communication barriers and fears• Connecting with community members and leadersPatrick ColbeckKeys in the Fight for JusticeWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Why most elected officials are “tone deaf” to risks • Importance of discussing risks and benefits• Role of faith in the fight to protect life Derrick BrozeBuilding Local Community to Resist 5GWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• Connecting to perform intentional actions• Educating elected officials• How industry has corrupted governing agenciesClaire EdwardsUnlocking Hidden Potential of the 5G CrisisWHAT YOU’LL LEARN -• UN responses and other governing agencies • Propaganda programs (and how to counter them!)• 5G as a community-catalyzing event in our worldEncore Weekend Starts September 7, 2019


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