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Jonette Crowley – Soul Body Fusion

Soul Body Fusion
[DVD – Rips, 1CD – 21 MP3s, 1 ebook – PDF]



                                                      Welcome to Soul Body Fusion with Jonette Crowley author of “The Eagle and the Condor: A True Story of an Unexpected Mystical Journey” Jonette CrowleyJonette Crowley is the creator of the Soul Body Fusion technique for healing and wholeness. She is an internationally respected spiritual teacher and founder of the Center for Creative Consciousness, an organization dedicated to spiritual awakening. Jonette is an explorer—both in the inner planes and in her travels around the world. She is a modern day mystic, with gifts of clairvoyance, healing, and the unique ability to hold energies that lift others to experience their own spiritual truths. Since the late 1980s, she has received and shared the teachings of her spirit guides: White Eagle and Mark. With their guidance, Jonette teaches spiritual growth workshops and retreats in the U.S. and Europe. She has traveled extensively—to over 60 countries, and now leads spiritual adventure tours to sacred places around the world.Soul Body Fusion1. What are the symptoms of disconnection from our Soul? What can cause this disconnection? All of us are disconnected from our greater spirit to some extent. This happens due to life’s traumas and struggles. Just being born into our human body brings us through a process of forgetting our divinity. When we’re in pain, abused, sad, unloved…the disconnection becomes greater. Indications of this dissociation might be: feeling ungrounded, not present, out of balance, like we don’t belong, illness, depression, unhappiness, addictions, low self-esteem, low energy, feeling lost… Our western mindset that has insisted on the separation between spirit and matter has kept our intrinsic wholeness split apart. Religions have taught us that the flesh is weak, that we are born sinners, that our soul needs a savior. Making our body wrong and our soul right has been part of the problem too. The solution, the missing piece that opens us up to the possibilities of this new age is bringing our body and soul together–consciously and permanently. We need to start here. 2. What is Soul Body Fusion? Soul Body Fusion is an amazingly simple technique that does just this. I stumbled upon the process when I realized that for me and for most of us, the frequencies of my soul or higher self were not in harmony with the vibration of my physical body. I wasn’t in harmony with my spiritual self. Through visualization I noticed the discrepancy, and then through intention, I asked to harmonize my body and soul. It worked. Something subtle but profound shifted in me. I became noticeably more radiant, more at home within myself. Testing the process on others I found that some people had immediate physical or emotional shifts: tingling, heat, vibrating, energy… To my surprise the process assisted some people in emotional healing: depression lightened, a feeling of well-being came in. Other people reported pain disappearing, the need for medication diminishing, disease lessening. In my own life I have found that things flow more easily and I am more magnetic to abundance …because I am more powerfully present. So much seems to happen when we are fully integrated with ourselves, grounding our higher frequencies all the way to our toes. When we are whole, everything shifts. What I love is that you can do Fusions on yourself, on others, even remotely. I’ve had amazing results even when the person I was doing it on didn’t believe in this kind of thing. 3. How do we connect again with our soul through doing Soul Body Fusion ?The reconnection occurs at a magnetic, electrical and finally on a physical level. Our higher self is that part of us that vibrates at higher frequencies, even existing in dimensions beyond our normal 3-dimensional reality. In actuality the DNA in our cells becomes reprogrammed to permanently hold a higher frequency. So, our body can now sustain these faster energies of light. This means that we are more aligned to our spiritual aspects, our intuition, our inner divine guidance, and our own innate ability to heal. 4. What will happen when we do so?Here are some comments from people who have received Soul Body Fusions:- The most graceful, easy, beautiful way to enlightenment — my soul is home and the struggle is over. I’m ecstatic!- It was transforming! I feel different, more peaceful, in a much better place. I released blockages and feel more grounded.- For the first time in my life I felt that I was together!- So simple, yet so effective. Just this week I received an email from a woman who has been doing Soul Body Fusions remotely…by intention and visualization… for children with ADHD. The parents are noting very positive changes such as: fear has diminished, the kids want to try new things in life, they have become more focused, the children start to believe in themselves. All in all they start to change their behaviour . 5. Can you outline very simply how we can do Soul Body Fusions on ourselves?Yes, here are some guidelines.1. First set your intention that your soul/spirit/higher-self….it doesn’t matter what you call it, becomes fully integrated at a cellular level into your body.2. Sit with your feet on the floor and your palms facing up. Your palms are up because so many have reported that, “I feel energy and heat coming into my hands.”3. Be present, stay in your body. Don’t meditate. This is important because your objective is to integrate the higher dimensions into your everyday life, not continue to separate yourself, as happens when you meditate.4. Observe your experience. Don’t judge, analyze, compare or fix anything. The easiest way to stay centered is to give yourself the job of observing what is happening during the process. What do you feel? What is going on in your body? Sit quietly doing the process for 10 minutes or so. Then take a short break. Write some notes, drink some water. (Water is important because there is quite a bit of cellular detoxification and release that goes on.) After the break do the same thing again for 10 minutes. I always suggest that you do the process again the next week, and then three weeks later. That seems to make the changes more stable, and gives your soul time to work through some of your resistances and blockages. What is most astonishing to me, is that the less you “do,” the more happens! SBF is part of the new era of tools for healing and wholeness that simply utilizes the natural power of the universe and the fact that we are meant to have our spirit and matter integrated. We are born to be divine beings in human bodies. SBF doesn’t require special skill, you don’t need ritual or preparation, you don’t need to ask permission. It is our birthright. Q: When I do a fusion on someone else, will I automatically also get a fusion? A: Yes, I feel that I always seem to get one when I do one. Q: Is it good to have a fusion every day? A: Officially we say do a Fusion, then another in a week and another in 2 weeks. But I have found no harm in doing them every day if you feel drawn to do it. Q: Can I do a fusion for a few people all at once (including myself)? A: Yes, I do Fusions for groups of people every morning. If someone is having specific challenges, I visualize them individually when I intend the Fusion. Q: Is it all about inviting the Soul to fuse with the body? My mind is struggling with this—I think maybe it’s because it is so easy. A: Yes, thinking it is too easy is the biggest obstacle! We were meant to be Fused and whole, so it really is simple! We always want to make things more complex … our ego loves difficulty. Q. Can SBF in any way adversely affect someone, i.e., could something serious happen? I had an experience today when I did a Fusion on a friend. First, there was much  tingling, heaviness and warmth in her hands. Then she had palpitations and shortness of breath. Can people get more than they can tolerate? A. There is no evidence that any kind of energy healing can do harm. Whatever happens is part of the process. Trust it. You aren’t in charge. People will not get more than they can tolerate, even if they feel bad for awhile after the process. Some of Jonette’s Favorite BooksTHE TWO ROADS by Eliza White Buffalo.THE EXPECTED ONE, THE BOOK OF LOVE and THE POET PRINCE, a trilogy by Kathleen THE DAVINCI CODE by Dan BrownLOVE WITHOUT END by Glenda GreenTHE SECRET OF SHAMBALA, In Search of the Eleventh Insight by James Redfield.LIVING WITH JOY by Sanaya RomanDANCING IN THE SHADOWS OF THE MOON by Michelle Small-WrightTHE LIFE AND TEACHINGS OF THE MASTERS OF THE FAR EAST by Baird T. SpaldingAUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI by Paramahansa Yogananda.THE POWER OF NOW by Eckhart Tolle


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