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John T. Houseman – Great Bliss, Tantric Sex and the Path to Inner Awakening

John T. Houseman – Great Bliss, Tantric Sex and the Path to Inne -Awakening.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]



Uploader’s Note: This is Tantric Buddhism at its purest, a celebration of life and bliss. If you thought that Tantric Buddhism was an ascetic practic where one must renounce all desires, reading this book will clear all such misconceptionsThe First Complete Practice Manual in English of Indian Vajrayana, ca 800 CE (including and emphasizing KarmaMudra)Practical and Theoretical teachings in Hinayana, Mahayana, Vajrayana, and Mahamudra, includes empowerments in Generation Stage, Completion Stage, Sexual Yoga, and Mahamudra, and a full translation from the Sanskrit, with commentary, of an 8th century complete Indian Vajrayana Sadhana that revolves around karmamudra practice… The work gives insights into pre-Tibetan vajrayana and the changes that took place as vajrayana was influenced by patriarchal Tibetan monastic culture.The author is an American Lama of the Drikung Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, and a religious studies graduate of Wesleyan and Columbia Universities, who has translated a very special Sanskrit Practice Text (Sadhana) from ca. 800 CE, long languishing in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. This sadhana, included in the text in Devanagri, English transliteration, and English Translation, with full commentaries, includes and explicitly lays out a rare Vajrayana sadhana – deity yoga, subtle energy yoga, sexual yoga, and non-dual yoga, with KarmaMudra being the special focus.In keeping with the vows of tantric buddhism, author John T. Houseman has also included the entire philosophical bases of Sravakayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana Buddhism, along with all of the basic empowerments, transmissions and cultivation practices of each of those Buddhist Vehicles.


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