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John O’Donohue – Anam Cara

John O’Donohue – Anam Cara [6 CASS]
[6 CASS]



From AudioFilePriest, poet and philosopher John O’Donohue weaves Celtic and Christian thought and mythology into a comforting series of talks to help the listener slow down, look around and become more in tune with the inner self. O’Donohue’s relaxed, gentle voice; his love of nature; and his understanding stance all welcome the engaged listener and invite repeated listening. Several of the talks begin or end with a blessing of O’Donohue’s own composition. He uses Celtic legends to illuminate his points and Irish harp music to make transitions.Book DescriptionAnam Cara John O’DonohueThe Treasure of Celtic Spirituality – When St. Patrick came to Ireland in the fifth century, he encountered the Celts – a dynamic people who found divinity all around them: in the rivers and hills, the sea and sky, in home and village; and within their own souls. On Anam Cara, Irish poet and Catholic scholar John O’Donohue guides you through Ireland’s remarkable spiritual landscape, yielding a treasure trove of insights, stories, and teachings. Presented on six tapes in the oral tradition so beloved of the Celts.Anam Cara covers: Authentic Irish prayers and blessings • The “secret divinity” in our relationships • Attuning yourself to sacred silence • The Celtic understanding of the afterlife • Why God’s “wild, passionate” side should be acknowledged • And much more.————————————-John O’Donohue was an Irish poet and philosopher who lived in the solitude of a cottage in the West of Ireland and spoke Gaelic as his native language.Through the glow of image and narrative and a deft underpinning of thought, John’s writing draws the reader into intimate conversation with neglected or unknown regions of the soul. Readers say his work puts words on things they have felt for years but never found expressed. As a speaker John evokes an atmosphere of Attention where heart and head gradually open to new horizons and where often the inspired self gains courage to break free from inner prisons. His work seeks to be a threshold where the hunger of our contemporary questions might awaken treasure-wells in our tradition.John O’Donohue passed away peacefully in his sleep on January 3, 2008.  He was 52.———————–1 – Your Solitude is Luminous.mp32 – A Spirituality of the Senses.mp33 – The Mystery of Friendship.MP34 – Work as a Poetics of Growth.MP35 – Aging, the Beauty of the Inner Harvest.MP36 – Death, the Horizon is in the Well.MP3


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