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John Holt – The ‘Primal Collection’ (6 ebooks – Pdf’s)

John Holt – The ‘Primal Collection’

Description———————————————————————Primal Training the Complete SystemAttention Men and Women who are hitting the gym and still unhappy with their results…Discover how to melt away up to 38 pounds of unwanted fat and get six pack ripped in only 42 days!(Plus, receive- for FREE- simple, yet powerful fat-burning circuits that allowed my top clients to lose up to 17 pounds in only 7 days.)1915550_101338496544421_172740_nI have an extremely EMBARRASSING story to tell you, but first…So many people start out with a training routine and the best of intentions, and that will get you by… for awhile. Maybe you were able to coast by on inefficient machine-based training when you were a teenager and now you kill yourself at the gym and see NOTHING for your efforts.    Has your fit body has slowly transformed into an embarrassing physique that you had worked so hard to avoid?    Do your joints and lower back constantly ache from excessive and unnecessary stress during your workouts?    Do you find yourself jumping from fad diets to the latest exercise craze hoping THIS is finally your ticket to looking and feeling better?    Are you wasting your time on weight machines and pounding out hours of cardio that is actually ADDING INCHES to your waistline?    Are you ready to learn the time tested and scientifically proven principles that will transform your body into a FAT FURNACE in half the time of most training programs?    Are you ready to learn exercises you can do anywhere at anytime desired? These include; the gym, your own home, with friends, at the park, the possibilities are endless!Dear Friend,My name is John Holt. I have been a professional trainer for over a decade. Over the course of those 10 years I have had a very diverse career. After owning several gyms and being featured in numerous television spots and podcasts I decided face-to-face training just wasn’t helping enough people! I refined my techniques down to a basic, easy to follow system that would help everyone looking for “that next level”, even if your gym has minimal equipment or you just want to workout in your living room with just your own body weight! I am so excited you have decided to start your journey to the fittest you have ever been in your life with me!MEN: The cast of the movie “300” were going for a very specific look as Spartan warriors. A warrior doesn’t look like a bodybuilder; they have the sleek musculature of a tiger, predators don’t have over-developed arms and chests with tiny, weak legs! They needed to look like we did back in the days where there were no weight machines or cardio classes; their way of life was incredibly PRIMAL! I want you to reclaim the simplicity of training that came with taking care of your body first, back when it equaled survival!Stunning-celeb-weight-loss-transformations-Part-1-Gerard-Butler1Likewise check out Chris Pratt’s incredible transformation using THE SAME METHODS when he got ready for his starring role in “Guardians of The Galaxy”. These celebrities are spending hundreds of dollars an hour to make the same full body transformations that I have put into this fun and easy-to-follow system!Chris-PrattWOMEN: Gone are the days when being rail-thin is considered “sexy”. Thankfully we are starting to recognize that strong is the new skinny! Women in leading roles need strong and lean physiques without getting a bulky look associated with bodybuilding. To get ready for leading roles women such as Jennifer Aniston, Megan Fox, and Jennifer Garner are NOT spending hours a day on treadmills or sitting on weight machines mindlessly pumping out reps 6 days a week trying to isolate muscle groups. They are doing it with short, intense circuits jennifer_garner-3 jennifer-aniston-zoom megan-fow-absBut now to the embarrassing story you been waiting for…People usually assume as a fitness professional I have always been fit and in top shape, but like all of you, there was a point where I “fell off the wagon”… When I was a teenager I discovered Muay Thai, a martial art that absolutely ignited a passion in me; So much so that I began to train daily and eventually became a successful competitive fighter. I was fit, strong, and bulletproof (or so I thought). As I climbed the ladder and became a contender for a championship bout I couldn’t have been more thrilled and was on top of the world, finally a goal I had worked for years to achieve was about to happen, then the unthinkable happened…1937107_102135149798089_581200_n I was born with scoliosis, a condition that makes my neck more vulnerable than most to injury. And years of taking punishment in training had taken its toll. I woke up one morning to go on my run and start preparing for the big fight, but as I sat up lightning bolts of pain ran through my spine and my neck wouldn’t turn at all! I waited a few days, sure the pain would subside, after all I had had my fair share of aches and injuries, and they always healed up no problem. As days turned into weeks I realized not only was the pain constant but there was no way I could keep training the way I had in the past. Absolutely crushed I informed my coach I would have to stop competing, possibly permanently. As I continued to attend college I became sedentary, partially from the neck injury and partially from being depressed about my early retirement, I discovered as a single college student I could have take out every night for dinner! After a year I looked in the mirror one day and realized my physique had transformed, and not in a good way. It was as if I was one of those before and after transformation physique models… but in reverse!I PROMISED MYSELF THAT DAY WAS A TURNING POINTI researched exercise science constantly, I poured over data and searched online and consulted every coach or trainer that would give me feedback. I had done bodybuilding in the past, and that style had always left me stiff and immobile, I didn’t want to just look fit, I wanted to feel and move better. I started earning various personal training certifications to grow my knowledge base; gradually a method of training was coming together for me. I started slowly at first, the pain in my body was quite limiting, but as I began to use full body movements and body weight exercises I was able to increase the intensity. Then only 3 months after I began my functional strength training program I woke up pain free for the first time in over 2 years!!! Which in turn allowed me to create the Primal Training system! Not only that but my body transformed to something that had surpassed my hopes of getting back to where I had been in my pro athlete days! So regardless of the fact that you have been trying every craze diet and training program out there and still haven’t made a dent in that stubborn belly fat this is still the program for you! Misinformation runs rampant in the training world and most trainers want to set you up on a system that keeps you coming back and shelling out more and more money so they can profit from you, I want to teach you the “secret sauce” to fitness most trainers won’t share! Many people have the goal of fat loss in mind when they undertake a training regimen, which is no surprise considering the skyrocketing epidemic of obesity in the US right now. Intense circuits with plyometric and resistance training will keep your metabolism in overdrive for up to 12 hours upon completion. So at the end of the day your net calorie burn is far higher, plus if you workout in the evenings you are literally BURNING EXCESS FAT WHILE YOU SLEEP!Free weights and body weight exercises work more muscles in the same range of motion, develop neuromuscular awareness, engage the core much more effectively, and generally get results much faster than machines. Not only is sustained cardio inefficient, it can be downright harmful! Once you hit a certain threshold your estrogen increases and testosterone lowers, this leads to a greater propensity for joint damage and a trigger to the body to store even more fat. All that aside… Many people still assume I‘ve have always had six pack abs, but like anyone else there was a time I let my health and wellness slip onto the back burner, this is where I developed my list of constant excuses. Which I am sure you can relate, the “Takes too much time” or the, “Gym is too crowded” or even, “I just don’t feel like going”, all these simple phrases were created to skip workout days and in turn allowed excessive eating and drinking to trump what was supposed to be my training days. It felt good until the next day… It truly sucks being pulled into the pitfalls of an industry that would rather make your wallet thinner at the cost of your progress! Bottom line is…IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT! But it is your responsibility to correct the problem now that you know!It’s Time to Disover Primal Training!PrimalTraining-BeastModePrimal Training goes back to the fundamentals of optimal health and fitness. I don’t want to you become an expert at ten thousand variations of muscle isolating movements that leave you with muscular imbalances and joint pain, I want you to take the most effective training methods out there and hone in on them with laser-like focus. Primal Training shows you how to use your body in the way it was designed to be used (HINT: it is NOT sitting on a machine and using pulleys and cams to move around in a constrained range of motion).  In fact the opposite is true.Research by Mel Siff, a bio-mechanist who extensively studied exercise, revealed that long-term isolation exercise movements are not only less effective than compound full body movements; but can also lead to degradation of the nervous system.It’s time to ditch the boring machines and start training the right way! Once we hunted and gathered; it gave us the nutrition and the activity our bodies needed. Now being sedentary is a way of life. Go primal to reclaim the simplicity that came with taking care of ourselves.In this book I combine this vital principle with cutting edge sports science to show you why this is the last fitness system you will ever need to learn.   blank-book-cover1Primal Client Testimonials    “When I first started training with John 8 years ago I was a human stump! I work in dentistry 10 hours a day and my back was constantly tight and in pain. Since starting his Primal Training program my work pace has become even more intense and I haven’t had an inkling of lower back discomfort! I feel and look better than I have in my entire life  at sixty years old and the cheat days allowed in the diet plan are a great bonus!” -Garry A., DDS    “The concepts and exercises that John teaches have timeless application.  They are fundamental to living healthy in our stressful and competitive society.  The primal teachings make me stronger.  They build me up for the challenges of tomorrow while keeping me centered on what’s important today.  Earl S. Client at Nubody Fitness – Tulsa, OK    I’ve trained with John for over ten years and in that time he’s helped me increase my core strength, balance, striking ability, and overall understanding of martial arts.  John is a one of a kind trainer whose extensive knowledge of body mechanics, structure, and martial arts is unparalleled in this area. -Dan H.    “For the last seven years, I have been exercising functionally under the direction of John Holt. Having just turned 70 years of age a month ago, I feel that John has been instrumental in helping me to live a physically active life-style that I would not have had without him. My activities include martial arts training four days a week in addition to my exercise workouts Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I am also an enthusiastic outdoors-man and a successful competitive shooter of sporting clays. With an 11 year old grandson who is a real athlete in all major sports, especially baseball, my fitness plays an extremely important part in our relationship. He expects me to spend lots of quality time with him doing what he likes best without regard to my age or my absence from those activities for decades. He thinks John is pretty special too!”-Russ Griffith    If you’re sick of time-wasting “cardio sessions” and machine-based workouts from the “internet certified” personal trainers at your gym (who just count your reps while they play with their cell phones anyway)…    If you are tired of feeling like you won’t get a decent workout without hammering away for 1-2 hours every time you walk into the gym…    If you hate the thought of training in a gym where you wait in lines for machines and listen to meat heads grunt while they curl 10 pound dumbbells…    If family time is more important to you than having to run every single weekday just to hit a calorie burn goal…    If you tried to get into bodybuilding and are now constantly nursing back pain and joint injuries from the advice of an “in-house” certified trainer that kept calling you “bro”.    If you want workouts you can do with a small set of dumbbells or even nothing at all but your bodyweight…    Then you need to discover the secrets of a totally NEW way of approaching health and fitness!!! It’s time to transform your body and get PRIMAL!With the Primal Training system I charge clients $75 an hour to learn these secrets, even if you found a trainer that would coach you online and send you emails to progress you it would take 6 MONTHS and cost you at least $800! But my goal is to help people, not make a killing off of your desire to be fit and healthy!So today I am offering Primal Training at the incredibly low rate of $30. This entire system will cost you less than one hour of your valuable time with a trainer in a commercial gym and get you results that could take years without these industry secrets to health and longevity! You would be hard pressed to find a trainer with an education level that would give you the same quality of instruction that is contained in the Primal Training System.BONUS: Sign up now and get our FREE weekly newsletter with articles on the latest in health and fitness, tips to accelerate your progress AND a healthy recipe to try in every issue!Primal Training is already growing in demand! I want to make the first 50 copies available for only $30, but once demand grows I will be raising to price to closer match the real retail value of this amazing system. If you are reading this you are one of the lucky 50 that will get this opportunity to buy at the lowest price Primal Training will ever be! Act by November 19th and get all of our bonus products at a discounted rate of over 60% as well! Total retail value for Primal Training is over $89 and even MORE if you were to get this knowledge from personal training sessions. That is over 60% off retail value! glueraise Here’s what you get when you grab your copy of the Primal Training System:  Free Booklet: IntroductionThere is literally thousands of fitness training systems in the world, so why should you make Primal Training your method of choice? That’s easy, it’s SIMPLE and it WORKS! You won’t need hours a day or a ton of equipment to find your way to a newer, healthier you. The introduction section will give you the reasons behind why this system will work for you and some simple tips to get you started on your journey. Book 1: The ExercisesHere is where we get down to business. This comprehensive section gives you exercises for every body part made to accomplish every goal you have. These exercises require minimal equipment (and sometimes nothing at all besides your own body!) and are broken down with step-by-step directions and easy to follow photographs. Once you have mastered these techniques YOU WILL NEVER NEED TO LEARN ANOTHER EXERCISE AGAIN! Book 2: The Science Behind Primal TrainingEvery aspect of Primal Training is backed by both scientific research and in the trenches application with people from all walks of life. If you’re a science nerd like me you will love knowing the ins and outs of the principles behind our methodology. This book will allow you to become creative in your own right and show you how to create your own exercise programs with any free weights you have on hand (kettlebells, barbells, etc.) or even a program of pure bodyweight training you can do in your own living room!I don’t just want to give you a fish; I want to teach you to fish! The mind/body connection is a scientifically proven principle of physical training so I want you to get the most out of your Primal Training program by not just doing what is listed, but understanding WHY you should be training this way. Book 3: Primal CircuitsAlright, you have the exercises down and you understand the science, but still not sure where to begin? These are easy to follow, done for you circuits that will address any need or just give you a baseline idea to help you develop your own programs! You will learn proven exercise programs that have over a decade of practical application and field-testing from a Master Personal Trainer. FAQs:Question: My age sometimes holds me back… can Primal Training really work for me?Answer: Absolutely! I have a client, Russ, who is 70, has a hip replacement and an aortic aneurism; we train 5 days a week with great results and no pain or injuries!Q: Why should I buy this book when I can get a one month membership at a local gym for less?A: If you do average workouts you will get average results! Primal Training well get you twice the results in half the time. If you’re going to invest in your health make it a worthwhile investment.Q: What if I don’t have the time to work out?A: Primal Training will get you in shape in as little as 30 minutes, that’s less than 2% of your day, that’s a very minimal investment of time in exchange for looking AND feeling better!Q: I have a bad back/knees/shoulders; can I use this program?A: Most definitely! I have used these techniques to rehab many clients over the years and if you have any questions email me, I AM HERE TO HELP YOU. Progress slowly and listen to your body and I guarantee results. Primal-Training4add-to-cart-button-image-card-icons160-Day-Money-Back-Guarantee-on-Restless-Leg-Syndrome-Treatment“Test drive” the Primal Training System for the next 60 days with absolutely no risk so you can see for yourself how much fat you can lose and how much muscle you can gain. You are completely protected by our iron clad 100% money back guarantee on our fat burning program. You will not only be satisfied, I guarantee you will be thrilled and amazed with the Primal Training System, or you can simply email me and ask for a prompt and courteous, no hassles, no questions asked, 100% refund. In fact, if you’re not completely happy for any reason at all, then I insist that you ask for a refund. However, after seeing so many men and women transform their bodies while saving so much time by using these amazing fat burning functional strength training circuits, I’m totally confident that you’re going to love these comprehensive workouts too and you’ll start seeing the best results of your life.P.S. There is NO RISK for you to try Primal Training. If you aren’t thrilled with getting twice the results in half the time in the first 30 days, let us know and we will refund your money, no questions asked. After over a decade of experience as a personal trainer, strength and conditioning coach, and boot camp instructor I have seen Primal Training work for everyone from elite level athletes to the most sedentary beginner, so I know it will work for you!P.P.S. If you are sick of spending hours a week on a treadmill and even more hours a week on weight machines trying to reach your fitness goals then Primal Training is the answer. This system will cut those gym hours down and increase your results. Every circuit is designed to boost your metabolism for hours after your session has ended and take inches off your waistline FAST!P.P.P.S. Here is the only catch: you need to act now to get the complete Primal Training System for this low price. Not only do you get exercises to target every part of the body in an effective and functional way but I am also including done-for-you circuits to address every need you may have! With all these bonuses the price could go up at any time. Order now to get this great fat burning package deal!Primal-Training4$89 $30add-to-cart-button-image-card-icons1PortraitIf you are sick and tired of sweating and bleeding for health and fitness with little to no results it is time to make a change. It’s not your fault the fitness industry is so full of money making schemes and misinformation that you have been pouring hours of work and tons of effort into systems that are ineffective and sometimes outright destructive! As a hard working person who has made that decision to change their body AND change their life for the better I want to thank you for the opportunity to be your guide on this journey! You DESERVE to be happy and healthy, and with a little hard work I am going to make it my personal mission to get you there. Work hard, listen to your body, and progress gradually and I promise you that your body will realize it’s full potential in no time! I look forward to hearing your success story in the very near future!   Committed to your success,John Holt CPT, CSCC, CSN —————————————————————- FlexibilityPrimal Flexibility for RecoveryEveryone absolutely loves the feeling of finishing a hard workout, but no one enjoys dealing with the soreness the day after! With the Primal Stretching System I have distilled the most effective movements from sports stretching programs and several Yoga systems to give you a simple, effective, full-body stretching routine that will minimize soreness and give you the most extreme flexibility of your life! The key is the focus, anyone who stretches while focusing on the soft tissues of the body, such as muscle groups, are doomed to failure. You must learn to train your nervous system! I normally charge $75 an hour or more to run my clients through this stretching routine but as part of the Primal Training program I am going to include it for only $17.99! I’ve been told countless times this is way too low for such knowledge so download Primal Flexibility for Recovery now before I come to my senses!74.99 Per Hour – 17.99—————————————————— Shred DietPrimeDTomatPrimal Shred DietFACT: You cannot out-exersice a bad diet! Now that you have joined the Primal Army it’s time to maximize you results with the PRIMAL SHRED DIET. I have charged past clients $99 just for these secrets to rapid fat loss and quick muscle gain, but today I am going to add the diet plan for only $14.99. Inside you will learnHow to lose weight without “Counting Calories” ever again!Why you SHOULD include a cheat day!Why fats and carbs are NOT the enemy (only the wrong kinds)!How to stick to your diet plan when you go out to eat!To get the Primal Shred Diet for ONLY98.99 -14.99


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