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Joel Jamieson – Fundamentals of Strongman Training

The Fundamentals of Strongman Training
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sales Page…One of the fundamentals of strongman training is the tire flip.  However, the tire flip must be performed with proper technique to avoid doing more harm than good.Correct starting position is key:1. Make sure you have plenty of contact all the way across your chest and shoulders to drive a force into the tire. Trying to lift the tire straight up like a deadlift or pull can lead to the tire rolling back toward you.2.  Drive your hips through the entire movement and maintain contact with the upper body until you are in a position to push the tire over, instead of flipping it over using your arms. Trying to flip the tire over puts a tremendous amount of stress on the biceps and can cause serious strains or torn biceps.A common variation used to flip the tire over is by adding a knee at the top of the extension once the hips are driven all the way through. The force generated forward into the tire gives you the opportunity to transition your hands to push the tire the rest of the way over.The Farmers WalkThis strong man event is very beneficial to combat sports because of the grip strength and postural endurance and overall strength required.Picking the implement up is similar to performing a standard deadlift.You want to start off with the arms extended, locked out, and under tension before picking up the handles.Follow the cues of flat back, chest up, and look forward, just as you would with the standard starting position for a deadlift.Once you stand up with the weight and begin to walk, you’ll want to use short, choppy steps.Keep your eyes looking forward with your chest up and shoulders back. If those postural cues start to fail, you  put a lot of unnecessary strain on the back.Make sure to stand completely straight before starting the walk.When people get over zealous or anxious and try to begin walking too quickly, the weight is shifted forward and the implements will nose-dive into the ground. In most cases, you will have to re-pick the implements now.Typically, farmers walks are performed over a distance anywhere from 50 to 100 feet.You can vary the equipment you use by including dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, or even simply pinching plates together. Don’t neglect your grip work!  


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