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Jim Self – Audio Membership Library (Webrip 207 MP3)

Jim Self – Webinars



This is the complete current Audio Membership Library by Jim Self from Topic lists include:    How to keep Irritating People from Ruining Your LifeWEBINAR (6-12-14 and 6-19-14) Have you ever been afraid or intimidated in the presence of someone? Have you felt invaded by another, or that you couldn’t get someone out of your head? Would you like to experience a tool that will change these experiences – a tool that removes the energies of others from your energy field?DiscernmentWEBINAR (5-8-14) In order to discern you must be able to observe before you choose. Choosing can only be done from the present NOW moment. It cannot be done from a past emotion or from a future concern. Consequently, living from your habits and old beliefs interferes with your ability to discern and choose the life you wish to live.Tools To Step Out Of The Third Dimensional GameWEBINAR (4-10-14 and 4-17-14) In order to step into your ascension it is important to understand that being aware and becoming conscious are fundamental to experiencing a higher level of consciousness. This session will be the first of many in the next few months focusing on tools, skills and conscious choices to assist you in this transition.Building the Platform to Bypass FEARWEBINAR (3-20-14) Building a conscious platform of well-being to allow yourself better choices and less engagement with the confusion is a necessary choice for a smooth transition into a higher level of consciousness and your own personal ascension.Heal the Earth and Meet the ElementalsWEBINAR (1-23-14) In this webinar you will: Understand how the Fall of Consciousness separated the Elementals from the Christed nature of the Earth, Learn the roles of the Elementals, Understand your role in this unfolding, Learn the choices you have to alter all that you know, and Meet the Elementals.Tools to Carry You Through the Shift in 2014WEBINAR (1-16-14) In 2014 the Shift in Consciousness will become much more visible. Learning to utilize the proper energy tools will allow you to choose an emotion in any situation rather than being effected by the drama around you.How You Choose in a Changing WorldWEBINAR (12-5-13 and 12-12-13) In 2014 the world around is about to change in very big ways. Many of these changes will be challenging. How will you choose?Q & A With Jim – A Pathway that has Never Been WalkedDuring a free webinar a participant asks for clarification on the Archangels intention for this path and Jim’s role in it?Q & A With Jim – Speaking with AngelsDuring a free webinar a participant asks, ” Hi Jim, you actually speak with the Archangels?”Building Platforms of Consciousness in the 5th DimensionWEBINAR (10-17-13) In this session we will begin to build the 5th Dimensional platforms of ease and well-being on which to step upon and experience yourself within.Q & A With Jim – Kingdoms of the EarthJim discusses the clearing of the emotional body and its effect on all life on the planet.Neutrality: How to Rise Above the NoiseWEBINAR (9-5-13 and 9-26-13) Learning to disengage, observe and choose from a foundation of being neutral is a powerful energy tool to command.Q & A With Jim – Strata of ConsciousnessAt the 12-12-12 Event, a participant struggles with all the many and often varied predictions related to the shifting planet and consciousness. Jim explains that the closing of the 3rd dimension will affect physical reality everywhere. How these changes are experienced will vary from individual to individual depending upon their strata of consciousness.Q & A With Jim – Crystalline StructureIn the June 2013 episode of Conversations With a listener asks what are the advantages of having a crystalline body. Jim and, guest, Patricia Cota Robles both offer perspectives and set expectations on what it means to move from a carbon based body to a crystalline structure.Q & A With Jim – New Kids, New WiringIn the April 2013 episode of Conversation With a high school teacher asks what, if anything, can be done about the entitlement she is observing in the kids she is working with.Q & A With Jim – Healing HandsAt the 12-12-12 Event, a participant asks why she experiences intensity in the palms of her hands.Personal Management Tools and ChoicesWEBINAR (7-11-13 & 7-25-13) As the year progresses, the noise, drama and fear that has been slowly simmering is now changing into a more active agitation. Most of those within the collective human consciousness are still very much asleep, living in reaction to the collective thoughts and beliefs that are generated by others, and then reflected to them through media.Q & A With Jim – EmpathyDuring a recent webinar a listener asks Jim, “Do you have any suggestions for an Empath during this shift?”Q & A With Jim – Becoming a SunAt the 12-12-12 Event, a participant asks both Jim Self and Joan Walker to expand upon the statement that the Earth is becoming a Sun.Your Attention Point is the Key to Your AscensionWEBINAR (6-6-13 & 6-13-13) Caterpillar… you are about to become a Butterfly. But be aware – this is now a rapidly expanding journey AND your attention is required. From here forward sloppy, careless and random thoughts and actions can no longer be part of your habit or vocabulary. Conscious choice and curiosity will serve you better and be much more enjoyable.Q & A With Jim – Navigating In The Higher DimensionsAt the 12-12-12 Event, a participant asks both Jim Self and Joan Walker to talk about the practices they put in place to navigate the changing world and structures in the context of the higher dimensional reality we are all stepping into.Q & A With Jim – Trust and AcceptanceFrom the December 18th 2012 broadcast of “Conversations With” a listener asks Jim and guest, Lee Harris, “How can we best prepare ourselves and support others in moving through the next three years with ease and grace?”Q & A With Jim – More Choices, New PossibilitesAt the 12-12-12 Event, a participant asks whether or not the 3rd dimensional reality will still be a viable option for anyone who wishes to participate within it.Q & A With Jim – Accessing InformationA listener asks Jim, “How do you prepare before you present a webinar? Do you channel?”The Power oF the WordWEBINAR (4-11-13) The power of the word is not so much in how the word is spoken but in how it is held as a vibration within you. The vibration of a feeling is identified by a word.Q & As With Jim – Trusting YourselfIn the January 2013 episode of Conversations With, Joan Walker and Jim Self are asked to comment on trusting one’s own inner being. As long as you are invested in a 3rd dimensional consciousness you will always experience some level of doubt. Growing one’s multi-dimensional consciousness cultivates an inner knowing where trust is no longer an issue. And consistently holding the vibration of “pleased with yourself”, over time, leaves no room for anything else.Q & A With Jim – Giving Up Your SeniorityA listener asks, “How can we use these triangles to stabilize ourselves while we listen to someone who constantly criticizes us and tells us we’re doing it all wrong; and we have to listen because they’re our boss.”Three Tools to Master Your Ability to ObserveWEBINAR (3-7-13) Your ability to observe and then clearly choose an action is a skill set that requires an understanding that you have both the ability and responsibility to command your choices. Discover the three simple tools that are available to each of us to observe, make conscious choices and then act with ease.Saying Goodbye to Time“I have had some experience of having more time. The clock hasn’t moved for an hour while I am busy doing something. I thought we were supposed to be losing time?”Clearing FearJim explains how we can look behind the fear and understand what it is really all about. Once we understand the source of the energy behind the fear that we can clear it.Your Past is Rapidly DisappearingWEBINAR (2-14-13) You are in the process of releasing concepts and deep structures that have created your thoughts, your emotions, and your beliefs. These concepts formed the foundations of your life as you have come to know it. Yet they have very seldom, if ever, been examined. These are the unconscious accepted patterns that have guided you in the 3rd dimension. But now the glue and electromagnetic rigidity of the 3rd dimension are no longer in place.Allowing the Shift in Your RelationshipsA student asks Jim about her lingering melancholy and sadness she is experiencing as she is losing her reference points to the third dimension. She asks specifically about changing relationships with family and friends. Jim explains how we may feel this way and how to gracefully allow the “Shift” in our relationships.Creating Our ExperiencesIn this recording of a conversation Jim and Roxane had, they create an analogy of shopping at Walmart, WholeFoods, and a co-op as a means of how we experience ourselves in the different dimensions. They discuss how it is not the structure or the nature of the dimension that sets the experience, but the frequency we hold. Leave it to Roxane to relate the discussion to food!True Role of HealersIn almost every webinar, someone asks, “How can I help others who are not awake?” In this clip, Jim responds with a description of the role of healers , especially in the coming years. Sympathy and empathy are not the answer. The answer is “Healer, heal thyself.”Q & A Preparing to SleepJim shares specific steps we can take to prepare for sleep.Q & A With Jim – What Will Happen to Our Animals?We all love our animals…this is one of the most often asked questions.Q & A With Jim – Where Do Baby Boomers Fit Into the Shift?Jim often talks about the role of the new children. What about the Baby Boomers?Mastering Alchemy, Evolution & The Road to Ascension Pt 2WEBINAR SERIES (10-18-12). In Part Two of this series, Jim walks through some of the important tools and choices that are now available to you to support your personal growth and ascension.Mastering Alchemy, Evolution & The Road to Ascension Pt 1WEBINAR SERIES: (10-11-12) Ascension IS your evolution. To date, your spiritual evolution in a physical form allowed you only to experience that form for a short period of time—you had to separate from the form and then come back and repeat the experience again and again.Q & A with Jim – Your Body Weight=Your Belief System?Is excess body weight related to the broken lower chakras and if so, how can we repair them? How does diet affect the body during this transitional time?Q & A with Jim – Clearing the Mind – Healing the BodyA caller asks Jim how they aid healing in a physical body that is weighed down with pain and physical illness, and still flow forward in lightness and positivity through the Shift.The Magnetism of FearFollowing a Pathway Webinar on the Alchemists as creators in which Jim discussed the elements, a number of questions were asked about the correspondence between specific elements and emotions. Here is a good description of Fear.Playing in AlchemyAt the start of 2012, in a Pathways Webinar, Jim discussed the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and the Fifth Element of Love, and how we, as Alchemists, create with them. Here is a segment from that webinar that describes simply how Mastering Alchemy offers the tools to change the frequency of thought, alter the harmonics of matter and add the element of Love to create our desired results.The 3rd dimension is going away, time is collapsing, and theWEBINAR: (9-20-12) Well, actually the Sky is not falling… it just seems that way to many who are new to the “Shift,” and are just becoming aware of the many changes that are now unfolding. This is very exciting and, yet, it can also be fearful for some, as most everything you know is changing.Tools to Discern Part 2WEBINAR SERIES: (8-16-2012) In Part Two, Jim reviews the first five of the seven layers of thought.Q & A With Jim – Why The Rose? 5 Clips that Reveal the MagicWhat’s so special about the rose? Why Not a Daisy or some other plant? In this compilation of audio clips, Jim responds to a variety of questions with an explanation about the significance of the extraordinary frequency of the rose.Q & A With Jim – Pay Attention to Your Own Puzzle PieceAnswering a question about the victims of the Fukishima disaster, Jim explains how this is their “puzzle piece” and how we each have one—the reason we are on the Earth at this important time.The True Purpose and Power of the Mastering Alchemy work“The Mastering Alchemy work is not my creation. It was the Archangels who came and said, ‘We believe there is a pathway that’s never been walked before. We think we can create something very significant by using this pathway to accelerate the ascension of the individual consciousness, creating a template for this to occur for every individual who wishes to know this template. We also believe that everyone who walks this pathway will become a brilliant light; a light post that will allow all of the 3rd dimension to find their way back into 5th dimensional consciousness…’”Tools to Discern Part 1WEBINAR SERIES: (7-05-2012) In Part One, Jim covers a tool that with mastery, can enable you to experience yourself in conscious choice vs. unconscious reaction.Q & A with Jim: Is Love in 5D Unconditional?Jim answers the questions about Love in 5D and Love as the fifth element in alchemy.Q & A with Jim: How Can We Make a Better World with MA?As we gain consciousness, how can we use our Mastering Alchemy work to make a better world together?Q & A with Jim: How Can I Transmute Negative Thoughts?Fear, anger, hate…there is plenty of negativity in mass consciousness. How can I transmute my thoughts in this environment?Q & A with Jim: Waking Up…Taking ResponsibilityQ & A: Once we begin to “wake up” we become entirely responsible how we think and feel. Jim comments on the importance of the choices we make.Managing Your Emotional BodyWEBINAR: (5-10-2012) How you hold your attention and awareness in your Emotional body will determine what world you will experience in the coming months. Manage your Emotional body… you will manage your world.Q & A with Jim: The Ego – What Role Does It Play?What does Jim mean when he says the Ego has always gotten a bad rap?Q & A with Jim: Us Politics – Where’s the Love?A member from Ireland observes, “Watching the politics in the U.S. I see a lot of fire and air, but not a lot of love. Do I have this correct?”Q & A with Jim: Judgments and PrejudiceJim discusses how judgments and reactions create emotions and thoughts that are not even our own.Special Questions and Answers with Jim No. 2WEBINAR: (3-15-2012) Last month’s Special Questions and Answers with Jim was so poplular, we had to do it again. Here are more questions and answers.The Fall of Consciousness: How It Came AboutWEBNAR: (3-8-2012) Jim reveals what Archangels Uriel and metatron have explained to him about how the Fall of Consciousness came about.Q & A with Jim: Other Planetary Beings and StarseedsAre Pleidians, Arcturians, Sirians from the system of Christed planets. Listen to how they play a role in the Shift.Q & A with Jim: What is the Baggage You Talk AboutJim reminds us of what we need to let go of before we can live in the 4th and 5th dimensions and our need to create new reference points.Merging the Mental and Emotional Bodies into OneWEBINAR: (2-9-2012) As the Shift of Consciousness continues, a different thought process and emotional experience will become more prevalent within each of us.Q & A with Jim: Do I Need a Guru to Ascend?In a recent Pathways webinar, a participant asked Jim if she needs a guru to become enlightened, and if enlightenment and ascension are one and the same thing.Q & A with Jim: Is This a Good Time for Love?February…Valentine’s Day…we have to include some questions about love!The New Alchemy – Part 2 – Love: The Fifth ElementWEBINAR SERIES: (1-19-2012) Earth, Air, Fire & Water… and Love is the 5th Element Love is much more than an emotion. The New Alchemist will draw love from the non-physical universe through the Christed Matrix in the heart, and then weave the four elements of the physical realm to create a New World in 2012. Would you like to play?The New Alchemy – Part 1- The Christed LightWEBINAR SERIES: (1-12-2012) Part One: The Return of the Christed Light. What does it mean?…Everything you know is NOW changing. The Christed Light is not a Man; it is a Presence that is now beginning to flow through the heart of every human being and each living essence on Earth.Essential Energy Tools – An Extra Gift from JimENERGY TOOLS: In this extra gift session, Jim shares more applications with the Rose including decharging limiting beliefs about money, doubt, resistance, your body, a belief of your choice.Essential Energy Tools – Part 4ENERGY TOOLS: In Part 4, The Rose, Jim briefly reviews previously covered tools and provides more application and practice of The Rose tool.Essential Energy Tools -Part 3ENERGY TOOLS: Part 3, A Tool That Defines Where You Start and Stop, introduces a key tool in Mastering Alchemy, the Rose.Essential Energy Tools – Part 2ENERGY TOOLS: Learn the importance of grounding in both male and female bodies. Part 2 covers the purpose of the first three chakras and how to adjust their openness.Essential Energy Tools- Part 1ENERGY TOOLS: Part 1 introduces tools to manage electrical shifts and energies being purged.Personally I think there is some pure gold in here, especially with his talks and techniques on the energy body and how to harness it. A complete overview of the webinar along with track listings is included with each folder.


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