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Jerome Finley – The Professionals Choice

Jerome-Finley – The Professionals Choice.PDF
[1 eBook – PDF]


Learn it, Live it, Love it!! Professional’s Choice I contains select pieces of my top material – all of it previously unpublished and which has been kept in special reserve for my live lectures, private workshops and professional consulting gigs only. For the first time ever I’ve laid out 9 professional showpieces, full routines and reputation making effects in a style similar to Thought Dial, Guerrilla Q&A, T&R and other past manuscripts. Besides Thought Veil this is the only release I have slated for 2010 – and it’s amazing. The content includes: True Telepathy IIYou present this demonstration as a “telepathic experience” and/or a “creative (clairvoyant) mind game” also as an “excersize in ESP”. The main difference between this and the original True Telepathy is this involves a group and lets the audience get involved.For those of you familiar with my original True Telepathy from Thought Dial you know this is my current (preferred) version of that routine and something many of you have been asking about for a long time now. This is one of my all-time favorite effects and showpieces to perform.Energetic TouchesIncluded is my full length Energetic Touches routine as used by Homer Arcana and other seasoned professionals. This is a complete “energy/chi power demonstration.” The full routine is tipped here in its completeness for the first time ever with 10 distinct phases all modular in nature. I consider this routine the ultimate in PK-type effects. It doesn’t get any better than this! Energetic Touches can be used alone or combined with other effects and demonstrations of PK/TK (such as my signature spoon bending routine). This piece is a very significant portion of my personal Telepathy In Action sequence and one of my most requested effects of all time. It will convince people! In this showpiece you’ll cause a single participant (or multiple people!) to feel hot and cold energies and invisible touches from up close AND across the room. No physical contact is ever made with the participant, no gimmicks are used, there is no dual reality, no set up, preshow or stooges involved at any time…and no, suggestion alone is not the method! This routine is simply incredible in construction, psychology and execution; something I’ve been using full time for well over a decade in my professional work and performances. It’s my “go to” piece in most impromptu situations and I’ve featured it in nearly every stage show I’ve done for the past ten years. Hands down it’s worth the price of this book many, MANY times over and will never be taught anywhere else again. Now is your opportunity to add this stellar piece to your professional working repertoire. Walk Around Hypnosis RoutineA single, multi-part, stand-alone demonstration that can be used with one participant or many, by itself or in conjunction with other dramatic effects and being modular by nature it can be performed in varying time frames as well.This demonstration circumvents any of the typical resistance or wariness accompanied with hypnosis and does a tremendous job at hooking people from the very start of the performance.JEROME’S PERFECT PULSE CONTROL The “PC” book details my outline, methods and structure for my personal 6 Phase “Pulse Control” routine including my techniques for speeding up, slowing down, stopping, starting and synchronizing your pulse with a participant’s. Soon after the entire audience is affected in a positive way! This routine is impromptu, propless, no gimmicks of any kind are used and yet it’s reliable and perfectly safe. I teach the breathing and visualization techniques, muscle contractions and chest compressions that I use to perform this miraculous piece anytime, anywhere under the fairest conditions and most convincing manner possible. Also included are my professional touches which allow the pulse to be taken in the chest, neck and wrist with the same results. THE DAYDREAM Q&A A complete act! Following my “Guerrilla” criteria this multi-phase Q&A allows the performer to read the thoughts, dreams and memories of audience members, interpret their meanings, answer secret thought ofquestions and even experience their vivid/lucid dream imagery in real time live on stage! THE INYANGA SPOON BEND! This is my personal metal bending routine. You’ll display an incredible sequence with multiple phases using a single ungimmicked spoon (or fork) which melts, bends, twists and warps in front of your audience. To finish, the spoon is bent into a mind boggling position and given away. This is another pet routine I’ve only shared during private consultations. A detailed essay describes how to host a PK Spoon Bending Party (Home PSI Party) and one of the best kept secrets ever, the exact spoons I use and where to get them for cheap and with free shipping! These spoons look great, bend like soft butter yet appear large, heavy and sturdy. They are perfect for PK Parties and inexpensive to source if you know where to look. The spoons I use are the ones incorporated by many of the TOP spoon benders across the country who are not mentalists. This tip alone will save you hundreds of dollars in spoons, forks and other utensils for bending. Now you can obtain the same spoons I use, although my routine will work with ANY spoon or fork you can find or borrow. And Much MoreIn addition to the above these notes also contain two incredible methods for giving personal readings, my Chakra Dowsing routine, my full walk around hypnosis and TIA demonstration (including my introduction & set up, detailed scripts, preliminary tests, inductions, Mind Games and more!), a new Thought Channel routine with completely different methods, tells and psychologies that I now use and favor over the original, two full length essays and a special bonus I’d rather not speak about on the forums, but trust me when I say you’ll love and use it forever. The Professional’s ChoiceI contains nearly 300 pages of my greatest work to date and the material taught within (with the exception of the Q&A) is all suitable for close up/walk around, parlor settings, private readings, street performances and stage work. All of this is only $300. Add to CartReviews    “My first impression is that this book is incredibly good–it could even boldly rank as my favorite book of Jerome’s if my current feelings about it hold up over time. I read through it once briefly last night and am going back to start taking notes when I get home. Every single routine reads as not only incredibly strong, but as something that I’m excited about wanting to learn and learn well. I think this is the first time I’ve had that happen where I’ve wanted to learn all of the routines in a work this packed with material, as usually there are only a few standouts that really speak to me. There are so many beautiful subtle aspects that come into play in each of these works of art, I can imagine that each routine would come across as completely organic feeling and the methods in use would be completely undetectable by your audience. Pretty much everything in here can stand alone as a complete act if you want it to. It is extremely apparent that this work is based on years and years of performance and refinement. If you’re on the fence with regards to picking this one up, I really think you’ll be kicking yourself if you don’t.” Chris from Oklahoma________________________________________________    “Occasionally we have the opportunity to be in the presence of something truly incredible and las t book of Jerome Finley “Professional Choices” is the case!    As many of you know I love all the Jerome’s works but this is the REAL THING!    A book filled with routines, but probably call “routine” means underestimate what they really are, I will call these MIND EMPOWERING ENERGY/TECHNIQUE where you not only will perform amazing pieces of mentalism, hypnosis, readings etc.. BUT you will learn HOW to perform MIRACLE for REAL!    I will not describe here all the “routines” because I don’t want to ruin the surprise of what you will find in the book but I just want to share some impression on some I think are PURE GOLD.    For example PULSE STOP AND PULSE CONTROL end ENERGETIC TOUCHES are unique and brilliant! In energetic touches the spectator will feel hot and cold sensation in his hands and across his arm, and not only that he will go to the other side of the room and you will make him feel this sensation WITHOUT touching him NEVER!!! And all this with no gimmick NOTHING!!!    I tried some of this technique with my girlfriend and works wonder!    DREAM Q&A another great piece ! I have also the GUERRILLA Q&A and put together will kills!    Also in the book GREAT pieces and technique of hypnosis I personally LOVE the Walk around Telepathy in action!    Another thing that I will include in my private session with my clients is the CHAKRA DOWSING and AURA READING a clean and versatile “session” that will empower you client at HIGH LEVELS! I always used to “open the chakras’” with many methods (burning candles with the right colours etc..) but this is more easy and I can do it all the time!    And to conclude (but there is a lot more to discover in the book!) there is the INYANGA SPOON BEND . Personally I have my own spoon bending routine from many years and after read this I saw the LIGHT!! There are many clever technique that I will include in my own routine that will give more power and REALITY !    Dear friends, this year are 25 years that I perform,breath and live with the magic and when you meet person as Jerome you realize that he is one of the few “gifted” person … probably he is a real “magi” !    So, what can I say more than BUY THIS BOOK!!” Luca Volpe________________________________________________    “I had a big presentation this week and was sidetracked by getting this in the mail on Monday. I have read it a few times and am already incorporating some of it. I almost went into an Energy Touch in the middle of my presentation…but held back.    I will try to hit on what has NOT been mentioned already.    My read through of PC is a journey…as all of Jeromes material is for me. I go off on all of his recommendations and do research on all of his obsessions and find myself in awe of how JF puts everything into a show piece. THis guy is a walking encyclopedia and then some.    Before I found JF’s books, I was doing a form of entertainment along side my work that is a first grade approach to what JF is doing. Over time, with an OPEN mind, I incorporated more of his principles and methods in MY OWN way and loved the reaction I was getting. I labeled myself a Transformational Entertainer. As I was having fun on my job while working with different forms of transformation.    I LOVE how the INTRO to PC, Jerome writes, “I consider mentalism a TECHNOLOGY; a mind/body and psycho-spiritual art form. Used correctly it can be a deeply healing, transformative experience. Anything with the power to expand the consciousness of the observer carries with it the seeds of healing and transformation.”    I can relate to that. I am sure this will be disruptive to some. ANYTHING that is different and on the cutting edge will do that. This is a new art form that I am aware of and Jerome is on the leading edge…if not THEE leader.    THis is off track, but I have to say that The work in what has been sent to Thought Veil owners (so far) has been eye opening and impacting how I engage with people and has impacted my wallet with this one resource alone. I am not even performing, but incorporating it into my daily life. This is who I am…and when I DO perform, there is not much difference in who I am, so I do not have to change gears with ‘acting’ but ‘being’. The section on Telepathy In Action (TIA) has me on a quest to perform my own version and I have 2 notebooks filling up with how I will do this, by next year.    The Professional’s Choice has many thoughts on TIA to take it to another level for me. Things are clicking in place. The massive thoughts of linking ideas together to form a way of performing with hardly any props is amazing to me. Having performed or been in magic since the late 70′s, the thought of entertaining without anything was at first was terrifying. But now, over the past year, incorporating Jerome’s work into my daily life, has made it easier for when people that know me, to sense I am in their head and hearts and having fun with it without bringing out a prop. It IS ABOUT THEM AND WHAT THEY EXPERIENCE.    PC has the Power 5 Sequence. This is so much fun! It is a ‘Set Piece’ that has people being led on a journey that leads to anywhere I want to take them…Energy Touch, TIA, Walk Around Hypnosis Routine or bending metal, etc.    The whole manuscript is tied together with pieces that can be used alone or together. This is important to me in the premise and how all of it relates.    True Telepathy from Thought Dial is an amazing piece of Head Travel for a spectator. TT2 takes it to another level and adds another element of making people wonder how you are able to penetrate their thoughts…and receive mine.    Taking The Maxwellian Positive Programming (from T&R) to another level is another touch that creates impact on the transformational level.    Laced throughout the manuscript are so many ides, thoughts and read between the line awakenings that I feel Jerome leading me on a quest.    He is.    And I love EVERY minute of it.    I have to admit when I get any of J’s work, I have to read it first, wonder if this is even possible, read it again and I start my research, read it again seeing myself doing my own version and then I apply it and do some of it. I am not trying to copy or be Jerome, as he offers and encourages all of his readers to develop their own WAY. I am.    If you read the first post of Jerome, the one that started this…what he describes IS in there with so much more of what his experience can only add to make this worth every penny.    Thanks TT2 for offering this and thank you for your replies to questions, offering guidance as I work through your world and apply it into my world and most of all becoming a meaningful mentor and friend.” Scott M________________________________________________    “I just received my book from Jerome over the weekend. Let me tell you, I was like a little kid at Christmas time opening a present.    I knew that the contents within would require lots of thought provoking insights into the psychology of each effect, thus requiring time to ponder each routine individually.    I’ve only read through one effect in the book thus far – The Inyanga Spoon Bend.    All I can say is – WOW! My whole perspective of metal bending has shifted to a much higher level. This is stimulating, engaging, and powerful stuff. A total paradigm shift.    Can’t wait to get to the other routines…    Thanks, Jerome!” Clarke in Hawaii


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