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Jenny Ngo – Money Magnet Transformational Abundance – Art of Manifesting GB

Jenny Ngo – Money Magnet
[Webrip – 17 MP3 4 MP4 10 PDF]



Talmadge Harper – Art of Manifesting GBGB thread: 1: Abundance and Success: Transmuting Deep Rooted Core Beliefs, Limiting Thoughts Patterns, and Traumas That Affect Your Abundance and SuccessThis MP3 helps you to work through the underlying reasons that prevent you from obtaining the financial abundance and success that you deserve. It also helps to transmute your limiting money paradigm, limiting deep-rooted core beliefs and thought patterns, and traumas that affect your abundance and success in all times, bodies, and dimensions including ancestral/generational healing. In addition, it helps you to release the trapped negative energy or “gunk” that builds up in your bodies and prevents you from having a higher perspective to your success and financial situations such as tendencies to living paycheck to paycheck, fears and worries, bankruptcy, and indebtedness. Associated PDF: 01_Abundance_and_Success_Instruction.pdf Associated MP3: 01_Abundance_and_Success_Music.mp3 Associated MP3: 01_Abundance_and_Success_Soundless.mp3 ITEM 2: Focus & Performance MP3 ● This MP3 helps you to work through the underlying reasons for your inability tofocus on performing the tasks at hand. It also helps you to release all the trapped energy or “gunk” that prevents you from focusing on your goals andperformance. ● Also, releasing the negative energies that are preventing you from being able tofocus on your tasks and that are causing you to struggle and suffer from “performance” anxiety, fear, nervousness, and/or symptoms of ADD/ADHD. ● In addition, help you to focus 10-20% of your energies to what matters and get80-90% results. Further, help you with time management and energy management so you can focus on what’s important. Associated PDF: 02_Focus_and_Performance_Instruction.pdf Associated MP3: 02_Focus_and_Performance_Music.mp3 Associated MP3: 02_Focus_and_Performance_Silent.mp3 ITEM 3:Inner child & adolescent healing for Abundance Healing your “wounded” inner child and adolescent. Healing those aspects of your inner child & adolescent, that need to know and have the experience that you are safe, cared for, respected, appreciated, supported, loved, and forgiven. Further, aligning you to Divine/Creator’s perspective, and assist in forgiving and letting go of those deep memories and imprints such as traumas and abuses, no longer serving so you can free yourself from these bondages in order to heal. Associated PDF: 03_Inner_Child_Healing_for_Abundance_Instruction.pdf Associated MP3: 03_Inner_Child_Healing_for_Abundance_Music.mp3 Associated MP3: 03_Inner_Child_Healing_for_Abundance_Silent.mp3 ITEM 4: Healing and integrating your inner feminine and masculine energies MP3 A healthy balanced inner feminine and masculine energies are essentials to one’stransformational abundance, success and to showing up and living life to the fullest. Our feminine aspect of us receives insights, ideas, intuition, and guidance and the masculine gives structure and support to implement and bring them into fruition. Furthermore, this MP3 works to heal the wounded inner feminine and masculine, and strengthen the healthy yin-yang balance of the natural feminine and masculine qualities. Associated PDF:04_Healing_and_Integrating_Feminine_and_Masculine_Energies_Instruction.pdf Associated MP3:04_Healing_and_Integrating_Feminine_and_Masculine_Energies_Music.mp3 Associated MP3:04_Healing_and_Integrating_Feminine_and_Masculine_Energies_Silent.mp3 ITEM 5: Sexual healing & transmutation : Unleashing your abundance Did you know, that sexual energy is manifesting energy as well? Healing our sexualenergy is a must for a healthy abundant life. Sexuality and intimacy at its highest expression and utilization, can lift your vibrations and consciousness, and can further connect you to your spiritual self. This MP3 will help: ● Heal discordant energies around your sexuality: deep rooted limiting beliefs andthoughts patterns, hurt, guilt, shame, traumas, dysfunctions, energetic cordsfrom partners, and other negative energies. ● Realign, heal and restore the 2nd chakra, for being able to enjoy life more ● Be more charismatic, by possessing a healthy and safe sexy vibration ● Sexual energy transmutation, for more creativity and expression Associated PDF: 05_Sexual_Healing_and_Transmutation_Instruction.pdf Associated MP3: 05_Sexual_Healing_and_Transmutation_Music.mp3 Associated MP3: 05_Sexual_Healing_and_Transmutation_Silent.mp3 ITEM 6: Higher Self Emergence Strengthening and increasing your connection to your Higher Self, Guidance/God Team, and your Spiritual Money Advisors. Further merging those aspects of your Soul/Higher Self that have already lived through and have mastered life, to bring forth the perfect healing activations/downloads, pearls of wisdom, knowledge, skills, talents, clarity, and guidance to assist you in living your life right now with more ease and Grace. Allowing you to remember who you really are; your luminous nature and the Divine spark in each of us. Video has high vibrational healing holograms and healing music, Novaphonic Q’Sound frequencies to further entrain and upgrade your energies to the highest vibrations possible. Associated PDF: 06_Higher_Self_Emergence_Instruction.pdf Associated MP4: 06_Higher_Self_Emergence.mp4 Associated MP3: 06_Higher_Self_Emergence_Music.mp3 Associated MP3: 06_Higher_Self_Emergence_Silent.mp3 ITEM 7: Money Magnet MP3 To bring you into alignment of your True nature, Money Magnet by the following 5parts: ● Releasing the “gunk”, negative beliefs, limitations, traumas, karmic entanglements, ancestral healing, etc ● Re-calibrating, re-programming, re-aligning to your abundance blueprint ● Opening up your receiving channels ● Strengthening and magnetizing your abundance connection to Source ● Embodying the energies of a natural Money Manifestor Associated PDF: 07_Money_Magnet_Instructions.pdf Associated MP3: 07_Money_Magnet_Music.mp3 Associated MP3: 07_Money_Magnet_Silent.mp3 Bonus 1: Be in the Vibrations of what you desire…it will come faster The secret is Vibrational Alignment. The healing energies including sound healing are infused to work through your healing list. The Law of Attraction is turbo-charged and made simple in this video healing. So you can further be in the vibration of what you desire with much more ease and grace…then what you want will come to you faster. Associated MP4: Bonus1_Be_in_the_Vibrations_of_What_You_Desire.mp4 Bonus 2:Letting go of your stories…so you can heal Working through the energetics preventing you from letting go of your stories that are holding you in the place of struggles and suffering, to further propel you toward healing and success. The healing energies including Light Language are infused to work through your healing list. So you can let go of your stories and heal! Associated MP4: Bonus2_Letting_go_of_your_stories_so_you_can_heal.mp4 Special Gift Money “Miracle” Manifestor – MP3 What kind of money “Miracles” can you manifest into your life? This MP3 will increase your ability to receive and experience money miracles. Recommended usage instructions for BEST results and healing integration: ● Listen to this MP3 1 to 10 times a day for 7 consecutive days. It is okay if you fall asleep while listening. In fact, that can be a great side benefit. For more individualized usage instructions, ask your own inner guidance or muscle test to see how long and how often to use as needed. ● For the next 14 days (hence a total of 21 days), do your best to stay in thevibration of what you desire. The more you allow yourself to feel relaxed, calm,peaceful, grateful, etc., the bigger and better your miracles will be. Keep yourears and eyes open and on the look-out for money and abundance miracles coming into your life! People have reported bigger tips than usual, hefty discounts/savings, lunch/dinner paid for, won nice gifts/packages/sessions, payraises/promotions, more clients, and better opportunities. ● Your ability to bring in more abundance will be continually raised to the highest possible level for your highest and best good as you do your inner work. Love to hear about all your Money and Abundance Miracles! Please Note: ● Results will vary: Everyone is at a different rate of healing, spiritual growth, and levels of abundance readiness. However, the closer you are to the vibration of a “Money Magnet,” the more tangible your results will be. Tips: work on your levels of feeling Abundance, Faith/Trust, Responsibility, & Forgiveness. ● Copywrited music: Composer – Antonio Newton at


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