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Jamie Smart – Happiness First

Happiness First
[1 MP3 at 128bit]



We live in a world where we’re surrounded by the trappings of success. Everyone has their own personal definition of what success is, but in almost every case it includes one essential piece:Happiness is the “magic ingredient” people desire. Almost everyone I’ve met over the past few years can answer “Yes” to some or all of these questions:Do you want to change limiting beliefs? Would you like to see yourself getting control of your life? Have you tried to let go of negative thoughts & behaviours? Would you like to feel good, more & more of the time? Are you ready to get what you want, fast? Do you long for a sense of peace and fulfilment? Do you wish you could have better, more satisfying relationships? Are you ready to stop worrying and really start enjoying life? Are you ready to stop putting it off, and be happy now? While we all know intellectually that the trappings of success can’t bring us the happiness we desire, most people still act as though their happiness is dependant on getting what they want. But here’s the thing:When people say “I’ll be happy when I get the (car / money / partner / skills / etc)”, it almost never works!In fact, in the years that I’ve been studying the links between happiness & success, I’ve discovered something that completely blew my mind:It works the other way around: You’re much more likely to get what you want when you’re happy!As the multi-millionaire financial expert, Robert Kiyosaki says, “If you are not happy while getting rich, chances are that you will not be happy when you do get rich.”When I first became interested in personal development, I created a ‘vision’ for my life. Several years later, I’d achieved much of the vision, but I still wasn’t happy. What’s more, I’d had to struggle & strain for what I had achieved. I realised that there was an essential piece missing. I’d met enough burnt-out wealthy people to know what I didn’t want.So I focused my energy on discovering how to be successful and happy. Instant Happiness – a 1 hour hypnotic recording by Master NLP Trainer and Hypnotist Jamie Smart of the Slad.Co. UK.This set also has a 52 deck of cards which I do not have.If you have it, please upload and make us happyThanks


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