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Jamie Smart – Ethical Influence with NLP

Jamie Smart – Ethical Influence with NLP
[ 8 CDs + 1 PDF]



From:…That’s When I Suddenly Realised “You Have to Become A Master of Influence, No Matter What It Takes”Read on to discover the secret that’s vital to success in any field, yet isn’t taught in school…As you may already be aware, I’ve been fortunate to be able to build Salad into a successful NLP business in a fairly short period of time. But what you may not know is that prior to this I had a number of different jobs, including:Running errands as a bell-boy in a high-end hotelCollecting glasses as a porter in a not-so-high-end bar!Selling carpet-cleaning by telephone (200 calls a day – phew!)Booking appointments for door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesmenProgramming computers for a publishing companyManaging big projects & organisational change programmesThough they seem different, there’s actually something that links all of them. You see, as I moved from job to job, I became aware of a skill that was vital to success in all of them, & yet isn’t taught in schools. In fact, it slowly started to dawn on me that this skill is incredibly important in every area of life, in every career, in every interaction. The skill?INFLUENCEIt may even be the single most important life skill there is. The ability to influence other people, to bring them round to your way of thinking, is the single most important key to success in almost any endeavour.You see, I have a confession to make. I’m not a born influencer. I’m not a born entrepreneur. I’m not one of those people who is a natural salesperson, or a gifted speaker. I started to learn these things through trial & error, after I realised just how important influence is.That’s when I suddenly realised, “You have to become a master of influence, no matter what it takes.”I had dreams & aspirations, like everyone else:I was sick of worrying about my credit card bills. I wanted to become wealthy, to achieve financial security & time freedom to do the things I wanted with my life.I couldn’t stand being stuck in jobs that didn’t fulfil me. I wanted to be really successful in my chosen field, & make a great living doing what I love.I wanted to have great relationships with the people I care about, & who care about me.I wanted to have a healthy love life, & to be able to attract partners & find a mate. I was determined not to fall prey to loneliness & settling for second best.I wanted to give great value to my clients, really helping them to get the results they wanted in their business & in their lives. I couldn’t bear the thought of doing anything mediocre.I wanted to continue developing & growing in my own right (I agree with Tony Robbins when he said “The only difference between a rut & a grave is the depth”)I wanted to ensure that my children would accept my values, rather than be swayed by the negative influences they would inevitably be exposed to.”The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.”Kenneth Blanchard, Author of the One Minute ManagerSo I embarked on my own journey of discovery. I went on training courses, I listened to audio recordings, I read books, & I tried things out, again & again. My rule was simple: If it worked, I kept it, & if it didn’t, I discarded it.I started using these techniques in my business life, & I was stunned at the results I got, for instance:Persuading the sales director of a blue-chip company to see the benefits & purchase £40,000 worth of coaching services within an hour of meeting him (my earnings from this relationship are now well into six figures).Getting a highly sceptical, resistant coaching client to drop his guard & get into instant rapport with me in less than a minute after meeting him.Influencing my boss to give me a 50% pay-rise (this one still makes me smile & feel good whenever I think of it).Getting a work colleague who was raging with anger, standing up shouting & waving his fists to relax into the chair & start telling me about what was going on.Working with coaching clients & training clients, I’ve used these techniques to help people get amazing understandings, insights & powerful new skills.You see, if you work with people, you are an influence professional!”Let no man imagine that he has no influence. Whoever he may be, and wherever he may be placed, the man who thinks becomes a light and a power.” – Henry George, EconomistManagers influence their staff to do the right thing. (Staff influence managers too, & if you don’t know how, your staff may be managing you!)Coaches influence their clients to achieve goals. (That is, if they have clients. Did you know that 95% of coaches in the UK are working for free or for very low fees? If you are, isn’t it time you started getting paid for the value you’re giving others?Trainers & teachers influence their students to learn new skills.Parents influence their children to make the right decisions.Customer service professionals influence clients to feel satisfied.Sales people influence prospective clients to buy wisely.And so on. And even if you don’t deal directly with other people on a daily basis, you still need to influence yourself effectively.You see, I don’t know exactly how you spend your time, but I do know that when you imagine yourself being effortlessly influential, & picture what happens when you’re able to get other people to do what you want them to, easily & enjoyably… good things happen.As my skills grew, more & more of my clients started asking “How can I learn to be more influential”. So I put together a three-day workshop, combining the most powerful persuasion & influence techniques from some diverse areas:Neuro-linguistic Programming – NLP is the source of some of the most powerful persuasion & influence skills there are. This is because NLP uses the structure of how people think to create some of the most powerful approaches there are for persuasion & influence.The Science of Influence – There has been extensive research outside of the field of NLP, into the areas of persuasion, influence & even coercion. You’ll be amazed at the things advertisers, marketers & politicians have known for years, & have even tried to keep quiet.Ericksonian Hypnosis – The principles of the greatest hypnotherapist of the 20th century are something every influencer needs to know about & know how to use.Here’s the thing. There are several reasons why it’s important for you to understand & be able to apply the principles of influence:Reason #1 – To Be More InfluentialIf you’ve read this far, you already recognise the importance of influence in your own life.Reason #2 – To Use the Principles of Influence EthicallyI have a rigorous moral code, so these principles are presented in such a way that you can use them ethically without sacrificing their effectiveness.Reason #3 – To Stop Them Being Used Against YouI passionately believe that the principles of influence are something everyone needs to know about . I delight in people spotting the techniques & approaches I’m using, because my wish is that people have true freedom of choice. But there are many people & organisations out there who don’t want you (or anyone else) to have freedom of choice. You are in their sights, whether you like it or not. Other people are using this to get you to do what they want, & not necessarily in your best interest!”The most important persuasion tool you have in your entire arsenal is integrity.”Zig Ziglar – Leading Sales Expert & Motivational SpeakerEthical Influence with NLPThe recordings of this amazing three-day course are one of our most popular products ever, & continue to get rave reviews from the people who have already started using them.”As a Master practitioner, I have read and listened to many books and seminars on NLP. Out of those, your Ethical Influence CD’s are by far the best I’ve had the fortune to buy.”- Michael Stamp, Enigma ResourcesHere are just a few of the things you’ll be discovering on these powerful recordings:Here’s some of what you’re going to discover on Session 1:Two of my favourite questions for focusing the mind & starting to find out exactly what you need to know in order to influence someone. (Learning these powerful questions has transformed the way I think & work).A simple technique for relaxing in any situation, so you can learn & make decisions without stress & anxiety.The number 1 secret for effective persuasion & influence using NLP. In fact, if you are not doing this, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful ways of harnessing your unconscious resources!A powerful technique for massively increasing your ability to notice the signals you need to know in order to influence someone. (NLP Trainers know this secret, but few others do!)You’ll hear me using powerful questions & other techniques with the group participants, demonstrating the principles & processes I use to influence in every area of my life.The mastery process – John Grinder (co-developer of NLP) identified 3 things which stand in the way of mastery of any skill. If you want to take your abilities to the next level, you must remove these 3 barriers. You’ll get techniques to deal with all 3 of these mastery-killers.Powerful demonstrations of covert influence, as I use stories & hypnotic language to get rapport with the group & set the frame for the training.Messages delivered to directly to your unconscious mind! I’ve been doing NLP for 10 years, & my specialty is language. I use language hypnotically to deliver the beliefs of influence directly to your unconscious, making learning easier & belief change quicker.”The shift in thinking I experienced as a result of what Jamie said enabled me to easily make £30,000 in a single day just selling books. And I’m sure if I had set a bigger target then I could have doubled or even tripled that success. I’m working on the next one now!”- Joe Gregory, Author and Publisher, www.bookshaker.comBy the time you’ve finished listening to Session 2, you’ll know:Techniques so you can get people to instantly feel a sense of trust in any influence situation (well, maybe not instantly, but really fast!) I’ve used these approaches (based in evolutionary psychology) to turn around situations where I was faced with open hostility.How human beliefs work, & more importantly, how to adopt the beliefs of powerful influencers. These core beliefs are like the operating system for successful influence. Without them, techniques fall flat, but once you have these beliefs in place, you dramatically increase your influence power.How to read people’s ‘Yes’ & ‘No’ signals visually, so that you can read their unconscious responses to what you’re saying, even if they’re trying not to give anything away!How to tune in to their ‘Yes’ & ‘No’ signals auditorily. This is an absolute essential when you’re influencing a person over the telephone!A method for getting people to pay twice as much attention to what you’re saying. (When you hear me demonstrate this before I actually explain it, you’ll find yourself on the edge of your seat as you pay exquisite attention to every word I say.) I laughed out loud when I discovered how easy this is!What has to be there in order to influence anyone to do anything. Every deal that’s ever been done has demonstrated this.How to find people’s “Buy this now” buttons, then press them ethically & effectively. When you can do this smoothly, people are eager to do what you want them to do.Magic questions that help you to identify what really matters. I use this to ensure that what I’m offering really fits with what’s important to the person I’m influencing. This is one of the keys to ethical influence.”Wow! Your Ethical Influence CD program totally rocks! I have been listening to it daily and applying my new wisdom and cool techniques with amazing results.” – Pierre GerbichAs you listen to Session 3, you’ll discover even more:You’ll hear about a man who was the classic ‘mark’. He was so sick of being swindled, that he went & studied with compliance professionals for years, & actually did his doctoral thesis on influence, compliance & persuasion. What he discovered will shock you – these are the keys that advertisers, politicians & cult leaders use to get people to do their bidding. You’ll start to learn what these techniques are, & how they can each be used effectively & ethically. (You’ll also learn how to detect when these are being used on you).More techniques & approaches for building rapport & trust. Rapport is essential in almost every situation (but you’ll also discover the one situation where you don’t need to build rapport!)How to use your most powerful tool – your voice. Once you harness the power of vocal flexibility, you’ll start getting immediate results.The weird but incredibly powerful technique to eliminate objections & concerns before they even arise! Once you’ve seen just how effective this technique is, you’ll start using it whenever you get the opportunity.My favourite technique to help eliminate hesitation & take positive action. (Hint: Remember I mentioned the 3 barriers to mastery? Hesitation is one of them. This technique makes hesitation a thing of the past).The powerful ideas & approaches you’ll get on Session 4 include:States of influence, & how to guide people into the buy this now state (this applies whether you’re selling consultancy to blue-chip companies, or persuading your children to tidy their room).The ‘secret language’ every person speaks, & how you can use sensory language to ‘juice up’ your communications. This sends an unconscious message that says “This person is speaking your language, so you can trust what they say”How to speak smoothly in a way that makes it so that people just want to keep listening & keep agreeing. You’ll notice them nodding their heads in agreement as they listen with a sense of fascination! This is one of the keys to hypnotic influence.The language of influence. Of course, you’ll be discovering just how powerful the language of influence is. You’ll be getting access to the most powerful influencing language there is, with plenty of overt & covert demonstrations. Keep reading to find out how you can massively accelerate your language skills.One of the things you’re going to love about these recordings is this: Once you’ve discovered just how powerful language is, you can listen to the audios over & over again to hear new distinctions & methods of using it. See, I use NLP to teach NLP, so I’m demonstrating everything as I’m doing it. The more you listen, the more you’ll discover your own skills increasing rapidly.”I have just listened to the Ethical Influence CDs for the sixth time. The more I listen, the more I learn, this is fantastic stuff. I am an NLP Practitioner already but really learned some amazing new stuff from this programme. I have listened to Jamie present a couple of times before this and believe that he is an excellent communicator and really embeds the training well. I find that, you can do this stuff all of the time. Oh, and I love the “Pizza Walk” that is really the best bit. You can do just about anything, after that.”- Andrew Hoyle, NLP PractitionerSession 5 reveals some of my favourite covert stuff, including:A way to get people to start saying yes internally & to build a sense of agreement. This simple technique is something I’ve heard teenagers using on The Tube in London without even knowing the power of what they were doing!Of course, this means there will be more embedded commands than a Tony Robbins sales pitch! You’ll have a blast spotting them.Approaches for tailoring these influence language skills for the specific influence scenarios where you’re going to use them. This is not just a theoretical exercise! You’re going to emerge with a powerful set of influence patterns, tailored precisely to your key influence areas.Throughout this program, you’ll be discovering lessons from the science of persuasion, including the six major evolutionary patterns of influence. Two of these patterns helped me go from being an unknown in the field of NLP to being a major ‘name’ in just two years. You’re going to discover how you can use them for yourself.The ‘throwaway comment’ that instantly increases your credibility.Keys for establishing your credibility, an absolute must for influence in every single situation. You’ll learn about the different types of credibility, & be able to start identifying opportunities to increase yours.Did you know that the human brain works on the principle of contrast & comparison? You’re going to find out how this basic fact can help you increase the value of every transaction you’re involved in.Tons of examples! I find that practical examples, case studies & real-world stories really help me to figure out how I’m going to use something in the real world. You will too.By session 6, you’ll be champing at the bit to TAKE ACTION:We all know the power of first impressions. You’re going to find out how to create a powerfully positive first impression on someone before you even meet them! I was stunned & amazed when I learned how to do this!More of the evolutionary patterns of influence. You probably already have chances to use these patterns, & may be missing them! Don’t squander your opportunities to use your genuine influence value to the benefit of you & your clients.Did you know that stories are one of the most powerful ways to create a powerful state of desire in your clients & other influence subjects? You’re going to find out how!Session 7 – This stuff is DYNAMITE:You know that feeling you get when you think of something really great that you bought, & you feel really happy for making such a good decision? How would you like the people you influence to feel that great feeling all over again about the decisions you help them make? You’ll discover how.You see, the art & science of influence is all about decisions. You’re going to become a connoisseur of how people make decisions, & how to guide them to make a good one.objection countermeasures. You’re going to love this. These are my favourite approaches to use when someone presents an objection to your offer. You can use these powerful techniques to help people let go of objections & take decisive action.Session 8 – Make it happen automatically:More objection countermeasures! More of my personal favourites, as well as a structure you can use to deal with any concern one of your clients or influence-subjects might have.Rapid review, so that every time you listen to this powerful programme, you’ll also get a complete summary to remind you of the different places you’ll be able to put these to good use immediately.


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