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James Gaida – 4 Day Fat Loss – (14 ebooks – PDF)

James Gaida – 4 Day Fat Loss


As usual, I included in this one ALL 7 upgrades,plus a report,hehehe….Enjoy! As Much As 19 Pounds Of Body Fat In 23 Days And Discover How To Keep It Off for LIFE While Strategically Indulging On Your Favorite “Non-Diet” FoodsFinally Revealed! The #1 Secret To Achieving Your Dream Body Without Taking Magic Pills Or Spending Hours In The GymSpecial Insider Report from James Gaida Pn1, CFT, SPNPrecision Nutrition Coach, Personal Trainer and Fat Loss ExpertDear Friend,4DFLMost people think it’s impossible. A pipe dream. They can’t see themselves living in a lean & ripped body and finally putting an end to yo-yo diets, calorie counting and weight fluctuations.But the fact is, no matter where you are at right now, it’s not impossible.The reason most people think the year round lean & ripped body is impossible is that they think it’s about some sort of EPIC sacrifice and having some sort of WORLD RENOWNED will-power……………………….This is NOT the case!On this very page, I’m going to reveal to you the #1 Fat Loss Secret you haven’t been told, that is the very secret you need to unlock your ability to not only shed body fat quickly but keep it off, allowing you to stay lean & ripped year round. The very secret that I used to shed 19 pounds of fat in 23 days. The very secret that has helped my client Richard drop 40 pounds and completely TRANSFORM his body. And the very secret that Mary used to lose 14 pounds in only 6 weeks, at the age of 60!WARNING: This is not for everyone. This is only for people that are tired of silly weight loss gimmicks and magic pills that don’t work. This is only for people looking for science-based-cutting-edge fat loss strategies. If you’re serious about changing your body and living with a lean & ripped appearance all year round, this may be the most important information you have ever read.The TRUTH About Fat LossTRUTH #1Fat Loss needs to happen quickly. Faster is better.I’m sure at some point you’ve heard that slow & steady weight loss is the way to go. Eating a bit less and exercising more to slowly lose 2-3 pounds a month is the way to the lean body you are looking for. Slow, steady progress.The only problem with this slow approach is that I’ve never actually seen it work. Nearly everyone that has ever made a significant change to their body to reveal their six pack abs has done so with a rapid approach.Slow fat loss and consistent progress makes sense in theory but here’s where it fails. Slow is boring. Slow destroys your motivation. Slow causes you to give up.You need to actually SEE the results. And you need to SEE the results fast!My years of coaching has proven to me that fat loss is about motivation and momentum. As you see things happening right in front of your eyes you get more and more excited about the possibilities. You start to see that your dream body is within reach. You start believing.When your body is making changes everyday you stay motivated and you stay committed to your plan. You stay committed to your plan because you want to keep seeing these Rapid changes happening.Rapid Fat Loss is the only way I’ve ever had any measurable fat loss success. Rapid Fat Loss is a necessity to transforming your body. And the key to Rapid Fat Loss is understanding the Simple Fat Loss Secret contained in this report.TRUTH #2You NEED to create a caloric deficit WITHOUT going into starvation mode.A pound of fat is approximately 3500 calories. What does this mean? This means that in order to lose a pound of fat you need to create a 3500 calorie deficit in your diet. In other words you need to eat 3500 calories less than your metabolism is burning. That’s a lot of calories and explains why it can often be difficult to get rid of stubborn body fat.Here’s the problem. The danger with just making extreme cuts to your caloric intake and eating an extreme low calorie diet is that your your metabolism responds to these low calories by down regulating and burning less calories every day. The farther you get into your diet the slower your metabolism becomes. Your body eventually processes the low calorie approach as starvation. Once you get into starvation mode all fat burning is turned off. And the only way to turn it back on is to either cut calories further (painful) or start eating more to speed your metabolism back up, which inevitably leads to weight gain.There is a solution. You need to be regularly and strategically adjusting your caloric intake during your fat loss diet. You can’t always be in a calorie deficit. By properly adjusting your calorie intake you can keep your metabolism firing on all cylinders for the duration of even the most extreme fat loss diets. This keeps you burning fat and prevents unwanted fat gain when you are done dieting. This is an absolutely necessary technique.TRUTH #3It takes MORE than an intense workout.I love working out. I really do and strongly encourage everyone looking to achieve their dream body to invest their time and money into one of the outstanding fat loss exercise programs designed by some of the best fitness trainers in the industry. It will make an impact.But you need a lot more than a workout. Ask any credible professional in the fat loss industry and they will tell you, at minimum, diet will make up 60% of your fat loss success. Many will even say that it is more like 90%.I will tell you that, in my experience, it is 100% of your results. Seriously! You simply cannot out work a bad diet. No matter the workout formula if your diet isn’t designed for fat loss you will fall short of your end goal.TRUTH #4Muscle is your metabolisms best friend.Your daily metabolic rate or the amount of calories you burn everyday can be estimated using formulas that take into account your weight, body composition, age, height, and activity levels.The biggest determining factor of your metabolism (the number that makes the biggest impact) is your lean muscle tissue. Individuals, both male and female, with more lean muscle tissue will burn more calories throughout the day then individuals with less muscle. Everytime and everyday.One problem with many low calorie, “fat loss” diets is that the low calories also lead to a loss of lean muscle tissue. This loss of lean muscle slows down your metabolism and puts the brakes on fat burning. Not only that, it is the muscle that gives you the athletic, lean, ripped look you are seeking. A lean body without muscle ends up being what we call “skinny fat”. You take up less space but you don’t look much better.The solution to successfully dropping body fat quickly without losing muscle is by carefully and strategically controlling the amount of amino acids and protein in the diet. By successfully implementing protein-sparing techniques you will hold onto your lean muscle tissue and be left with the athletic and ripped body you are looking for.TRUTH #5The more you lose, the more stubborn your body gets about burning fat.I must say there are not a lot of problems with being lean. In most instances, lean individuals look better, feel better and perform better. These are the reasons for attacking a fat loss diet head on. You want to look better, feel better and perform better.One problem that does occur as you get leaner is that your body tries to hold on to stubborn body fat. It becomes more stingy refusing to give up the last little bit. You’ve worked hard but your left with a 4 pack and just can’t seem to get that six pack to pop.The six-pack will only find it’s way out by adhering to an extreme fat loss solution that fully utilizes the power of the fat loss secret that I will reveal shortly. This is the only way.How an Embarrassing Picture Led Me to Lose 19 Pounds in 23 DaysI have an embarrassing admission.For years as a fat loss coach I struggled with fat loss and struggled to change my own body.In fact, for years early in my career, I was embarrassed about my body!My struggle wasn’t all my fault. The truth is, I’ve never had the genetics to have the fitness model body you see in magazines and I had yet to discover the Simple Fat Loss Secret contained in this report.I really hit my low point in 2008 after coming back from vacation.I had downloaded our pictures from the trip onto the computer. This is when I saw myself. I mean, really saw myself.James – Before2008I was wearing one of those baggy shirts that would normally hide my body. At least it used to be baggy.It wasn’t baggy anymore! Instead it was hugging my gut.I was horrified at the site of this picture. I didn’t realize I had let things slide this far.This was my turning point. I didn’t want to look like the guy in the picture.This picture was my emotional turning point that sparked my change.This picture was also the beginning of a program designed to quickly and easily melt fat off of people like me: the genetically un-blessed with a low amount of will-power.I needed to change and started doing some research. It was at this time that I discovered the Simple Fat Loss Secret contained in this report.Using the Simple Fat Loss Secret that I’m about to reveal, I put together a fat loss plan that not only worked it worked better than I could have ever expected. In only 23 days I was down 19 pounds!In the next 2 weeks I lost another 6 pounds!In less than 6 weeks I had lost 25 pounds! I was back down to a respectable body fat level and feeling great!But now I faced a different challenge. The challenge was keeping the fat from coming back. It’s one thing to get lean, but a completely different challenge to stay lean.After all, a true body transformation means that the changes are permanent. The weight doesn’t come back.It was at this time that I addressed the problem with fat loss diets to find a solution and maintain my progress from the Rapid Fat Loss phase.The Problem with Fat Loss DietsAfter Your Diet You Gain all of the Weight BackIt is estimated that 95% of all dieters gain all of the weight they lost back within a few short months of finishing their diet. Sadly, some people even gain more weight back.The crash diet crushes your metabolism with low calories and severe deprivation. When you go back to indulging in some of the foods you love or even go back to eating normal size meals your slow metabolism does nothing and the fat starts piling back on. In a very short period you are back to where you started.Most people have experienced this problem with dieting. Even when they burn some fat on a diet it always ends up finding it’s way back. It never is a permanent fat loss solution. It’s more of an endless cycle.Maybe you’ve gone through this vicious dieting cycle?ARRGH! Frustrating! What’s the point?I understand why you would feel this way.The fact is there is not much more frustrating than spending weeks, or months, sacrificing to lose body fat only to gain it all back shortly after finishing the diet.The Solution: Strategically IndulgingAfter your diet you need a Realistic Lifestyle Approach. You need a plan that will allow you hold on to your hard earned fat loss results without feeling like your still on a diet. You need to be able to indulge in some your favorite non-diet foods without living in fear that you will gain everything back.Strategically Indulging allows you to do just that. Strategically Indulging is about eating your favorite non-diet foods like pizza, cookies, donuts, hamburgers etc. at the right times to keep your body in that lean & ripped state. Strategically Indulging allows for you to be living in your dream body year round without having to give up all of your favorite foods.Strategically Indulging is about maintaining your body with the least amount of pain possible. You are beach ready year-round without being deprived year-round.If you want to keep fat off and maintain your progress you need to understand the #1 Fat Loss Secret that I will reveal shortly.What’s your story?When you look in the mirror or flip through photos do you like what you see?Are you satisfied with the look of your body?Do you feel comfortable going to the beach and exposing skin?Have you ever tried to make changes?In just a minute I’m going to share with you my revolutionary plan that I used to transform my body for good.My plan will allow you to simply and quickly lose the fat and keep it off for good without feeling like your on a painfully restrictive diet for the rest of your life.I’ll reveal the most important Fat Loss Secret that has been the key to getting my clients Rapid Fat Loss and how you can use the practice of Strategically Indulging to keep it off staying lean & ripped year round.I’ll share with you that one thing that can completely change your body without having to live a painful and restrictive life afterwards.Creating YOUR Transformation StoryAt this point I understand that you may have your doubts. You’ve tried other diets and still are not happy with your end result. You may be thinking: “Sure James, your personal body transformation is great for you, but how do I know it will work for me?”If that is what you’re thinking, take a look at the success of my clients.By learning the Fat Loss Secret I’m about to reveal in this report, and by working through my program Richard successfully dropped 40 pounds and completely transformed his body.James’ simple nutritional plan was easy to fit into my life. I seamlessly was able to reprogram some deeply ingrained bad habits and came out with some new, easy to follow habits.With his coaching James has helped to transform me both physically and mentally, including losing over 40 pounds and 15% body fat. I feel healthier and stronger than ever, with energy to spare and fewer creaking body parts.-Richard (37 yr. old Water Technician)Meanwhile, Mary was able to lose 14 pounds in just 6 weeks! She followed my simple fat loss strategies and ended up weighing what she did over 30 years ago!James,I got on the scales yesterday and weighed 128lbs. = 14 pound less than my high of 142. Have not been in the “one-twenties” …well kinda forever. 4 Day Fat Loss is a VERY good approach for this girl.-Mary (60 yr. old retired Nurse)And take a look at these testimonials from some of the people I’ve helped to strip away layers of unwanted body fat.Lost 16 Pounds and 5 Inches off his Waist!Without a doubt, I succeeded in achieving my goals by working with James, and following his nutrition program. I also found the program to be an excellent learning experience about nutrition, and it will forever change my eating habits.-Ian (48 yr. old Executive)Lost 30 Pounds and 16 Inches!James,Thank you so much for supporting me on this fat loss journey. I couldn’t have done this on my own.-Christel (44 yr. old Teacher)Down 12 Pounds in 13 Days!4 Day Fat Loss has finally given me a weight loss solution that is easy to stick to and consistently takes pounds off. In only 2 weeks I am down 12lbs without feeling like I have to fight off any cravings!-Sally (32 yr. old Nurse)Lost 5% Body Fat and Can Finally See His Abs!I am down from 15.3% body fat to 10.6% body fat because of 4 Day Fat Loss. So far I’ve lost 12lbs of fat and gained 5 lbs of muscle! I am thrilled with these results and it feels awesome to get an early glimpse of my abs.-Jim (35 yr. old Entrepreneur)Lost 15 Pounds and Gained Some New Found Energy!Being an avid reader, I always thought I knew everything there was to know about proper nutrition – simply through a healthy diet. Finding myself low energy, stressed, and struggling to maintain a consistent weight, I finally decided to consult James for advice. He tweaked my eating habits, taught me the benefits of supplements, and made me accountable for the goals I wanted to achieve. The end result was success in all areas as well as a change in my lifestyle. I’ve been able to maintain all of my goals and have never looked back.-Lisa (42 yr. old Fashion Consultant)Why Should You Listen To Me?James GaidaFat Loss ExpertAs you know from my embarrassing story above, I’m not blessed with the genetics of a cover model.When it comes to fat loss programs, I have seen it all and tried it all.I hated trying to lose fat with restrictive diets and even hated gaining it back after the diet was finished.I tried every diet I’d come across and none of them seemed to work as promised for me.Yeah I would lose some body fat but I always ended up gaining it back shortly after finishing the program. That’s definitely not what I had in mind!But all of that dieting failure lead me to create a program that not only quickly melted fat off my body but also allowed me to keep it off with a very simple system. A system that doesn’t require me to give up the otherwise fattening foods that I love to enjoy.In my new body, comfort foods are even more comforting. Because with my current program I no longer feel guilty about eating it. Comfort foods are part of the plan!My passion is nutrition. More specifically my passion is showing people just like you how to finally put an end to the frustration of losing body fat once and for all so that you can enjoy life in the body you have been dreaming of. The body you deserve!For more than a decade I’ve been coaching people to rid their bodies of unwanted fat so that they look better, feel better and perform better.As a Certified Nutrition Coach from one of the industry’s most prestigious and respected certification programs (Precision Nutrition) I have access to the cutting edge fat loss information my clients need to look their best. Couple that with more than a decade of experience coaching clients just like you to their fat loss goals.Now I want to give you the opportunity to benefit from that vast experience.My fat loss system is built from 15 years of studying the scientific research, experimenting on my self, and working closely with hundreds of clients trying to lose fat.This is me:I spend a large portion of my week reading. Reading the latest research studies, reading about what the top nutrition professionals are doing with their clients, basically reading anything I can get my hands on to make fat loss easier and more pleasurable.I understand that you probably don’t have the time to review the research. You have a life outside of health and nutrition.I Review The Latest Research To Get ToThe Bottom Of The Science Of Fat Loss,So You Don’t Have To!Using the latest scientific research and the most hidden Insider Secrets, I have created a revolutionary fat loss program that is flat out effective. In fact, my program will absolutely melt fat off your body. I guarantee it!The best part is, after quickly melting away pounds and pounds of fat with my RAPID FAT LOSS PHASE, you are able to keep it all off with the revolutionary and remarkably simple to follow LIFEstyle PHASE. With this phase you still get to eat all of the indulgent foods you love…….pizza, ice cream, hamburgers, cake…….whatever your pleasure may be. And you do this to actually speed up your fat loss!I understand if this seems crazy, but bare with me, there’s an explanation.If you’ve been one of the fortunate ones to lose weight with that restrictive diet and then step on the scale 3 months after the fact only to see you gained it all back, I’m here to tell you…It’s not your fault!Unfortunately this is incredibly common. You are not alone. In fact, most people go through that same struggle.The problem is that people like you don’t have access to the CUTTING EDGE fat loss and lean living information you need.You are stuck listening to the mass media, your family doctor or even worse taking your neighbors advice on fat loss. And I hate to break it to you, but none of those sources know squat about burning fat.Take a second and imagine for a second how different your life could be if you had these “Cutting Edge Fat Loss Secrets”. Actually close your eyes and visualize your life with your dream body.YOU are the one in the gym that everyone is looking at, wishing they could have that body.YOU are excited about going on vacation and hitting the beach. You have nothing that you need to hide behind a t-shirt.YOU have more energy than you know what to do with. You get home from work bouncing off the walls and ready to do all the activities you want to do with your family.YOU are excited about the body looking back at you in the mirror. There is nothing to poke, prod or pinch. You are thrilled with what you see.YOU are fit, healthy, sexy, & lean!So What’s The Secret?The #1 Fat Loss Secret and secret to living with a lean & ripped body year round is all about HORMONES.Specifically, being able to manipulate hormones to work in your favour both burning fat and then keeping it off.Why is this the Fat Loss Secret? Because hormones are without question your bodies most powerful weapon to burn as much fat as possible.When you have the ability to manipulate your hormones you have the ability to absolutely destroy body fat, completely change your body and stay lean & ripped forever.You see hormones such as growth hormone, cortisol, insulin, and leptin can work for you or they can work against you. It’s all determined by your actions.When hormones work against you, here’s what you can look forward to:    Growth Hormone: This may be your most important fat burning hormone! Individuals with low levels of growth hormone struggle with abdominal obesity and decreasing levels of lean body mass. As if that’s not bad enough how about adding elevated cholesterol, decreased bone density, decreased sex drive, sleep problems and daily fatigue to the mix. You don’t want low GH.    Cortisol: Known as the “Stress Hormone”, cortisol shuttles fat into your abdomen leaving you with a belly that is both aesthetically frustrating and a danger to your health.    Leptin: When Leptin is working against you, your metabolism and any chance of burning fat gets shut down. Low Leptin also leaves you feeling hungry shortly after every meal and makes dieting nearly impossible. Your body is officially in the fat storage business.    Insulin: Makes sure that the food you’re eating is stored in fat cells for later. Mostly finding it’s way into your love handles and upper back. Awful! Worse yet not getting control of your insulin is linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.Here’s the best part about hormones. You can manipulate them and get control by knowing the strategies of what to eat and when to eat it.Strategies to get your Hormones Working for YOU…………….By manipulating the timing of your meals, using the strategy in Phase 3 of 4 Day Fat Loss, you can raise your Growth Hormone by as much 2000%.Supplementing with Vitamin C can rapidly stabilize your cortisol levels after a workout allowing you to get into fat burning mode and avoid the dreaded belly fat storage.When Leptin hormone levels get depressed the most effective way to elevate Leptin and recharge your metabolism is a large meal high in both carbs and calories! The same type of meal that will make you fat (when consumed at the wrong times) can be used strategically to burn fat, simply by eating it at the right time. (Strategically Indulging)Adding Cinnamon to your meals, in the ideal quantity, can improve your insulin sensitivity helping to prevent you from putting on more body fat and instead keeping you in fat burning mode.Time For ActionDon’t let your hormones control you. It’s time to start taking action to get your powerful fat loss hormones working for you and blasting away at body fat.Remember: It’s all about what your eating and when you’re eating it.I got tired of struggling to change my body. I got tired of seeing people around me struggle with fat loss. I got tired of it and created a better plan. A 4 day plan that is guaranteed to be the simplest way to lose fat…..period!It’s time to end the frustration and pain of difficult, restrictive diets. It’s time to end the frustration and pain of losing fat only to gain it all back a few months later. It’s time to build the body of your dreams.Presenting:4 Day Fat LossThe Insider Secret to finally allow you to melt away body fat, keep all of it off and live your life in your dream body.4 Day Fat Loss Will:    Quickly melt away body fat so that you are NEVER embarrassed about your body again.    Teach how to get the powerful hormones Growth Hormone, Leptin, Cortisol and Insulin working for you so that you are in control of fat burning and your health.    Allow you to enjoy your favorite “sinful” foods to actually speed up fat loss so that you don’t feel like you are always on a diet.    Give you all the tools needed to finally get your dream body so that you can stop praying for the magic pill to be discovered.    Teach you the strategy that is scientifically proven to increase Growth Hormone levels by 2000% so that you can let GH do all the hard work for you.    Give you a simple dieting method that will mean never counting another calorie again so that you have more time to do the things you want to do.    Provide you with some easy to follow nutrition habits to keep the fat off…. FOREVER so that you never have to stress about feeling fat ever again.    Give you more energy so that you can play with your kids, vacation more, and come home from work without feeling “drained”.    Provide a strategy to time workouts in order to get even more benefit from your favourite foods so that you are maximizing efficiency and know how to get the most done in the least amount of time.    Teach you the best tips & tricks for dieting success based on my years of experience so that you don’t spend THOUSANDS of dollars hoping a local nutritionist or personal trainer actually knows what they’re doing.    Show you the specific ingredients that can melt fat away and make you healthier so that you can live a long life in your new lean, ripped and athletic body.    Teach you the truth about the Science of Fat Loss so that you will never be fooled again by silly weight loss gimmicks or fad diets.    Improve upon your overall health so that you not only look great, but you feel great too!    Teach you about hunger and how to not let it derail your progress so that losing fat and keeping if off is as painless as it could ever be.    Give you the information you need to keep looking your best so that you can live your life in your DREAM body and know everyday what it feels like to be lean, ripped and downright sexy!But wait…………. I have more for you.The way I see it, the more tools I can give you, the more likely you are to succeed.So, I came up with some bonuses to ensure your success.That’s right, 5 additional bonus items that will supercharge your results.When you order now you will get:The 4 Day Fat Loss Program Manual($197 Value)This manual contains everything the Insiders know about fat loss. This manual contains the strategy to manipulate your hormones to accelerate fat burning. This manual contains the complete plan to build the body of your dreams.Bonus 1: Goal Setting Manual($27 Value)This is a crucial piece of the puzzle. You need to know the secret to setting goals and how to make sure they become a reality. I credit much of my success to properlysetting goals.Bonus 2: Tips and Tricks Manual($27 Value)There are a number of tricks I’ve learned along the way that can guarantee this journey is a successful one. This collection allows you to benefit from 25 years of my experience.Bonus 3: 4 Day Fat Loss Super Charger($27 Value)This manual contains some additional strategies you can use to get even faster fat loss, improve your health even more and maximize your energy. This Super Charger will enhance your results from the 4 Day Fat Loss program.Bonus 4: 4 Day Fat Loss Success Tracker($27 Value)Tracking your success and monitoring your progress is a research proven system for speeding up your results. The success tracker contains the tools you need to keep fat coming off so that you can get your dream body.Bonus 5: 4 Day Fat Loss Quick Start Guide ($27 Value)This quick start guide will lay out everything you need to know to get started in a simple chart. Once you’ve read through the manual take a look at the Quick Start Guide and check that you have everything you need to start burning fat, ready to go.You get this entire 6 component programvalued at more than $350 for a seriouslydiscounted price…Only $47 $27Yes, I am giving away the ENTIRE 6 component system for the very low price of $27.WARNING This low price will NOT be offered forever. I can only offer this low sale price for limited time.I can’t even guarantee the price will be the same tomorrow.Order today to take advantage and start changing your body.Only $47 $27Get The Complete 4DFL Program >>>guaranteeIt’s all Guaranteed! That’s right, I’m assuming ALL of the risk.I’m so confident this will be the most effective fat burning program you’ve ever tried that I am willing to offer it to you completely risk free.Try it out for 60 days and if at any time during those 60 days you are not completely satisfied with your results I’ll give you 100% of your money back! No hassle, no questions asked.Why would I do this? Because I believe in this program and know that you will get amazing results by following the 4 Day Fat Loss plan.“Everything you do takes you closer or farther away from your goals!”-Alwyn CosgroveThe time to lose fat, change your body, redefine your look, and begin sculpting your new life is now. The way to do it is with 4 Day Fat Loss.Whether you have 100 pounds to lose or are trying to chip away at the last 10 pounds this is the program that will work for you.This is the program I personally use and have been able to shed over 20 pounds of pure body fat, completely changing the look and feel of my body.Here’s what other Industry Experts are saying about 4 Day Fat Loss:BridgetSpecializing in female fitness and fat loss, it is really refreshing to see a nutrition program which is easy for busy women to follow. The whole plan is very simple and also flexible. Meal timings and frequency are up to you – which makes fitting in with the kids or work so much easier!Being split into phases, including a maintenance phase, you will not be left abandoned once you have lost the weight. James has developed a lifestyle (NOT a diet) which is completely sustainable in the long term. You even have the flexibility to indulge, which can be worked in with social events. And I absolutely love that phase 1 can be repeated for additional fat loss, say leading up to a special event. A great tool to have for your life.If you want to develop a new healthy and disciplined relationship with food, which is not focused on calorie counting, then 4 Day Fat Loss is for you. You can even eat carbs!-Bridget TaylorNiall TraynorStart reading 4 Day Fat Loss and you won’t be able to put it down never mind put it into action immediately. James’ program is only what I can describe as revolutionary. It is a compelling and self-motivating and most importantly it works. As a fellow fitness buff who loves his pizza, beer, and pecan butter tarts, having a meal plan that makes room for me to have my cake and eat it too has been life changing.-Niall TraynorHowDoIGetGreatLegs.comSayan SarkarIf you want to burn fat and transform your body FAST, in a way that is fun and never boring, then 4 Day Fat Loss will show you how.In this ground-breaking program, James combines his years of results-based client work AND his unique, science-based approach to body re-composition. The result? A top-notch program that knocks the socks off the competition, and gets you in the best shape of your life, quicker and easier than you ever thought possible.Truth is, as an “ex-fat guy” and current fit pro, I know what it’s like to feel like there’s no way out. But, I also know what it’s like to finally discover that “ultimate secret” to permanent weight loss.In my personal and professional experience, that “secret” is hidden in the certified treasure trove that is 4 Day Fat Loss. This program gets my No B.S. stamp of approval, and I honestly believe ANYONE who is fed up with their body in any way, shape, or form, should mosey on over to the “Add to Cart” button ASAP and get this program before it’s too late.-Sayan SarkarFat Loss Expert & Body Transformation SpecialistCo-Founder, The Invigorate Now “Anti-Fat” SupplementCreator of The Extreme Fat Loss FormulaasheditIMG_8772I have been in the fitness industry for years and with all of the different weight loss products on the market it is refreshing to see a program that covers every aspect an individual experiences on the weight loss journey. 4 Day Fat Loss does an excellent job of explaining the program in detail, discussing the importance of mapping out your goals, how to structure your workouts, how to schedule your eating and different tips for staying motivated. Individuals also can stick with this program knowing that each week they get to reward themselves with a cheat meal of their choice to keep from feeling deprived! 4 Day Fat Loss is based on scientific research that has been proven to not just help you lose weight, but improve your overall health!-Ashley DrummondsDerek WahlerAs a trainer and boot camp owner, the #1 thing that my clients struggle with is nutrition. They don’t know what to believe anymore. 4 Day Fat Loss really does take all of the guesswork out of it. It’s one of the more thorough nutrition programs out there. James explains each phase of the program, but more importantly, he explains why you’re doing it. It’s based on research, facts, and his own personal experiences.I also love the fact that the plan is broken down into 4 day intervals. It’s a lot easier to follow, when you know there’s something new coming up in a few short days. Plus there are cheat meals worked in, so you don’t have to give up your favorite foods. Everything you do is for one specific purpose, to burn fat in the most efficient way possible.-Derek WahlerAndrew BeattyAs owner of my own personal training business and coach to people from all walks of life I know that James is a genius when it comes to fat loss. I didn’t know what to expect before reviewing 4 day fat loss but I was blown away by the simplicity of it all and just how effective it is. James breaks everything down for you from creating your perfect mindset to the science. He leaves no stone unturned in your fat loss quest.For anybody looking to lose fat the layout of this programme is brilliant. You will see incredible amounts of fat loss right from the get go but for once you are shown EXACTLY how to incorporate it in to your lifestyle to continue burning fat and never put it back on.It’s time we got off the yo-yo bandwagon and learned how to look and feel good for life. I will definitely be incorporating James’ strategies with my personal training clients and even my athletes. This is not simply a fat loss programme, it’s fat loss for life.-Andrew BeattyBsc, BAStrengthisHealth.comDr_Sladic_Picture_cropped_I’ve looked at hundreds of weight loss products and formulas and most of them are not healthy and bad for you. Promising quick results in a healthy way is a difficult task. However, this system isdifferent.Quick results while feeding your body all the essential nutrients.If you’re looking get rid of some extra fat and not sacrifice your health, this system will do it.I actually tried for a month, lost 10 lbs of fat and loved it.-Dr. Tom SladicOnly $47 $27“The best way to get started is to get started. Life rewards action…not reaction. Wait for nothing.” – Dave KekichStill not convinced? Are you skeptical? Are you thinking:    “I’ve got too much fat to lose”If this is the way you feel than you need this program AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. No matter where you are starting from 4 Day Fat Loss will work for you.If you’ve got a lot to lose the time for action is now. Your situation is not changing by doing nothing.    “I don’t have good enough genetics to lose fat”I hate hearing this because it’s never true. As I mentioned I was a fat kid. I am not blessed with superior genetics. I am not one of those people that is naturally lean. I worked for it. 4 Day Fat Loss worked for me and has worked for all of my clients.No matter what your genetic predisposition there is no way that you can’t have less fat than you currently have. You will only know your genetic limit once you’ve put every ounce of effort into a program that works.    “I don’t have the time”The truth of the matter is you’re eating anyway. In fact part of the brilliance of 4 Day Fat Loss is that you will have more time if you follow the guidelines and use the tips & tricks from the bonus.    “Keeping it off while eating pizza? It all seems too good to be true”That is precisely what I thought. Before finding this revolutionary idea I was convinced the only way I was going to have the body I wanted was to eat boiled chicken breast and broccoli 5 times a day for the rest of my life. It didn’t make sense that high calorie foods could still be a part of the plan.But they are part of the plan and the latest scientific research backs it up. The secret is in strategically eating these foods at the right time. 4 Day Fat Loss works.    “Yeah, but what do I have to eat when I’m not indulging in pizza and cheesecake?”I’ve witnessed numerous friends preparing for body building competitions or figure competitions depriving themselves for months at a time with bland flavourless food. There’s no way I would ever even consider going down this road.I love food and believe that “healthy” eating absolutely should taste great. My tips and tricks manual gives you plenty of solutions to avoid boring “diet meals”.    “I want to start losing fat right away. Do I have to wait for you to ship me the product?”No. The entire product will be available for you to download immediately after purchase. No waiting for delivery and no shipping fees.You can get started today!    “I’m too old. The weight doesn’t come off like it used too.”This program will work for anyone at any age. It has been successful with people in their 20′s, 30′s, 40′s, 50′s and 60′s. There simply isn’t such a thing as being too old to transform your body. You just need to want it.    “I can’t afford it”This program is for people serious about changing their body. This program is people looking to make a monumental change that others admire. This program is for people that want their dream body and want to maintain it for the rest of their life. A change of this magnitude will not come for free. It requires a commitment and it requires an investment. The reality is you will not find a cheaper alternative that will get you the results you desire. The results you need.I charge $100 per hour for my live coaching services. It would cost you well over $2,000 for me to teach and coach you through the details in this program.    “What if it doesn’t work for me?”I’m so confident it will work for you that if you are not satisfied with the program, for any reason, it is free.I will provide you with an iron clad, no questions ask 60 day money back guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with 4 Day Fat Loss let me know and I will return your money. No strings attached.You Really Have Nothing To Lose… EXCEPT Body Fat!Only $47 $27Are You Ready To Start MELTING Body Fat, TRANSFORMING Your Body, Increasing Your ENERGY And Getting More Healthy Than You Could Have Ever Imagined?If you are a person of action and want to forever get rid of unsightly body fat, then order 4 Day Fat Loss NOW.If you want the feeling of your clothes always fitting just right, then order 4 Day Fat Loss NOW.If you want people to look at you with admiration, then order 4 Day Fat Loss NOW..If you are ready to transform your body and change your life, then order 4 Day Fat Loss NOW.This is obviously a massive value at a very low price. On top of that it is completely guaranteed.However, this introductory offer will not last forever. I can not guarantee that the price will even be the same tomorrow.I can guarantee that if you do not act now your body will be the same tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that. That will not change until you make the move to change something.4 Day Fat Loss is the answer you have been looking for. I look forward to hearing your story of success… 4 days at a time.Sincerely,James Gaida PN1, CFT, SPNNutrition & Fitness CoachFat Loss Expert


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