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James Coyle – THE FREEDOM BOOKThis little book is intended to provide spectacular, innovative and outside-the-square solutions for almost any issues you have!Generate freedom and security by dumping your problems!It has taken me 50 adult years to learn how to live properly and basically everything I have learnt in the way of attitudes and beliefs (usually the hard way) has been explained in this small book. No matter what you do you will still make mistakes but hopefully after reading this they will be small ones. The giant mistakes are the ones that mess up our lives totally and I will teach you how to correct these and hope to prevent you making more. It has been said that an old head cannot suddenly impart knowledge and wisdom to a new head but I am certainly making a major effort to help you with this material!What you will read is compressed wisdom based on absolute reality and a lifetime of experience. It gives you hands-on, practical and outside-the-square solutions to your problems which are totally workable in almost any situation. Some of the solutions to your current problems will absolutely amaze you as in hindsight they will become obvious. This book also presents you with a lifestyle philosophy that will totally change your life for the better, sometimes in a quite spectacular manner!CHAPTER HEADINGS INCLUDE – Personal Freedom, Financial Freedom, Emotional Freedom, Spiritual Freedom, Poverty Freedom, Asset Freedom, Business Freedom, Job Freedom, Fear Freedom, Choice Freedom…….. PLUS MUCH MORE!I have written this book to help as many individuals as I possibly can so have kept the price low to make it easily affordable. If this knowledge does not solve your current issues then I don’t know what else will!!Life is an interesting journey but at times is a little hard to relate to. It is the only journey we will make in this physical life and we have to make the best of it, even if it turns out to be a total disaster! I am hoping that by presenting this small book I will help others avoid the stupidity side of life and end up with a reasonably joyful existence. Life is there to be fulfilled! It is not intended to be an experience of total drudgery or an 80 year coffee break!A couple of hundred years ago individuals had no choice. They worked from 6 am in the morning until 6 pm at night doing the most mundane of activities and earned only enough to feed their family and keep a roof over their heads. There was little possibility of changing jobs as there was massive unemployment. Their choices were nonexistent. They were stuck in this miserable situation all their lives in atrocious working conditions.These days we have the freedom of choice. We can actually leave a job and exist on government handouts for a limited period and this is usually sufficient to supply food and shelter. There is the opportunity to become massively wealthy no matter what your educational level. Many of our richest millionaires clearly went to school mainly to eat their lunch but still they achieved outstanding success. So intelligence and education have little to do with success. Don’t lose any sleep if you are one of these educational under-achievers …….the opportunities are still available!The difference between these ultra-successful individuals and the man-in-the-street is in their attitude, belief system and their ability to analyse problems and opportunities properly. They make their life-changing decisions based on universal reality…. not on their own personal fairies-in-the-bottom-of-the-garden type of reality.This is the situation I want you to be in after applying the principles in this book!…


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