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Inspire3 – Brain Salon (Brainwave Entrainment Suite)

Brain Salon
[3 CDs – 6 FLACs, 1 eBook – PDF]



Can YOU Imagine Gaining Access to a SECRET MENTAL CONTROL PANEL…A control panel that allowed you to CHANGE your state of mind at the click of a button, giving you unprecedented CONTROL over your state, feelings and emotions.How would that COMPLETELY change your life?Think about this…How many times has being in the ‘WRONG STATE’ held you back in life?You’re trying to study, but your mind is elsewhere. You keep getting distracted, you can’t stop fidgeting, and you’re getting NOTHING done.You’re desperate to FOCUS – but CAN’T.You’ve had a rough day at work, and are supposed to head out for the evening. But you can’t shake off that grouchy feeling and get into that happy, peppy mood that others associate you with.You’re desperate to IMPROVE your MOOD – but CAN’T.You’re in bed at night, with a big event happening tomorrow. You NEED to sleep – but you’re spending hour after hour, turning in bed, your mind racing, completely unable to relax and dive into slumber.You’re desperate to get to SLEEP – but CAN’T.Well, that’s all about to change.With the Brain Salon, you can QUICKLY and EASILY turn around ANY of these situations – and many others too.In just MINUTES, you can change your entire state, feelings and emotions, just by slipping on a pair of headphones, and chilling out.But just WHAT is the Brain Salon?The Brain Salon is a SERIOUSLY POWERFUL collection of SIX audio sessions, each designed to bring about a specific state of mind.Whether you’re looking to boost your mood, increase your focus, or become more creative, there’s a session for you.The sessions are built on over 75 years of brainwave research, and use a science known as “brainwave entrainment” to gently influence your brainwaves, bringing about the desired state in MINUTES.Simply slip on your headphones – and get READY for RESULTS!The Brain Salon has received praise from thousands of individuals and industry leaders across the globe, including founder David Riklan, self-esteem author Dr Joe Rubino, and three-time Olympian Ruben Gonzalez.The program was developed at BrainEv Labs by brainwave specialist Craig Tice – and comes from the Inspire3, the same group that brought you the world-famed Brain Evolution System.So, if you want to seriously BOOST your energy levels, if you’d like to enjoy the BEST night’s sleep you’ve ever had, or if you’d just like to CHILL OUT a little bit more……. Then step into the Brain Salon.Many thousands of people know that the Brain Salon delivers AWESOME RESULTS.But how does it actually work?Well, it’s all based on a science known as “brainwave entrainment.”Every state of mind has a unique electrical signature that can be detected in the brain. These signatures are known as “brainwaves.” Using specialized equipment, these waves can be measured and recorded – allowing us to map what brainwaves are present during certain key states of mind.The audio sessions inside the Brain Salon combine special inaudible pulses with lavish natural sounds to recreate certain brainwave signatures, using a scientifically-proven process known as “brainwave entrainment.”Each Brain Salon recording combines entrainment techniques such as binaural entrainment, rhythmic entrainment (isochronic tones) and temporal entrainment for absolute maximum effect.Using these brainwave entrainment methods means that the Brain Salon can recreate brainwave patterns, and bring about certain states of mind – on-demand. States such as increased creativity, deep relaxation, and enhanced focus, for example.It’s a science that is backed by over 75 years of research, and is 100% safe.Are YOU ready to start controlling your state?Would YOU like to discover the SECRET KEY to changing how you feel – just by hitting the “Play” button your CD/MP3 player?The Brain Salon contains six POWERFUL sessions for bringing about EVERY major state of mind – in just 30 minutes.So, let’s take a few minutes out to discover the six exciting sessions – all READY-TO-RUN inside the Brain Salon…Session 1: Ultra Deep SleepPrepare yourself for the best night’s sleep – ever!You’ll probably never hear the end of this session, as it gently sends you into a deep, reinvigorating slumber.Whenever you just need a really great night’s sleep – this is absolutely the session for you.As you close your eyes, this session begins with a 10Hz alpha frequency – and slowly, gently drops into the deeper brainwave patterns, eventually tailing off at 2Hz, leaving you in a state of deep, deep sleep. You’ll enjoy a deep, peaceful rest, without irritation or discomfort. Ideal for playing on bedroom speakers at minimum volume to mask outside noise.Session 2: Power ChillGet ready to chill out, with this deeply relaxing and re-energizing session.You’ll return from the session feeling incredibly tranquil, recharged and grounded – with a big improvement in your mood, too!Whenever you need a break from a stressful situation, whenever you get home from work, whenever you just want to really recharge those batteries – this is the session for you.This session gently exposes the mind to three constantly shifting relaxation frequencies. It incorporates the 10Hz alpha ‘blink frequency,’ which brings about calm, detached relaxation. The presence of the 14Hz sensormotor rhythm (SMR, known as ‘Magic 14’) introduces a powerful feel-good factor. And finally, the 7.83Hz frequency – the most dominant of the Schumann Resonances – leaving you with a strong, grounded, centering, earth connection.Session 3: Creative SparkSwitch on your imagination, and dive into genius with this inspirational session!You’ll return from listening brimming with ideas, thoughts, concepts, and solutions – with fresh mental connections you never before considered.Whenever you need a little inspiration, whenever you want to find that impossible solution, whenever you’d like to see your mind think like a genius – this is the session for you.This session uses a blend of 10Hz alpha, 14Hz SMR and 7.8Hz theta (Schumann Resonance) – similar to the Power Chill session, although combined very differently. This unique formulation is ideal for blending together short and medium term recall, alongside a gentle focus. Liberal sprinklings of 40Hz gamma throughout the session encourage frequent “inspection” of the slower modes of thought, strengthening retention and recall – and allowing you to witness your mind bringing together a number of parts to create something new. Start listening to the session with a puzzle in mind, throw it to the lower levels of your consciousness, and see what happens. Finishes on a calm, alert 14Hz SMR.Session 4: High Energy EspressoGet ready to switch on your mind – and conquer the world!You’ll love the awakened buzz and general pick-me-up feeling this session gives – the perfect antidote to a lethargic mind. It’s morning caffeine in audio format!Whenever you want to speed up your thinking, whenever you need that physical and mental edge, whenever you need to sharpen your presence – this is the session for you.An ideal session, starting calm and ending with fresh invigoration and mental stimulation. Beginning at a dozy 7.8Hz Schumann resonance, this session gently progresses up to the 14Hz feel-good frequency. It then continues through to the 18Hz beta “do-it” frequency, getting the body pumping and ready for anything. Urgency and mental acuity continue to rise, as the pitch and beat of a secondary binaural track rise midway through. Excellent for sharpening your mental state, or for use as a morning alarm clock. The pattern continues and eventually the two tracks finalize at a split 18/22Hz wide-awake frequency, leaving your mind, memory and physical body as sharp as they can be. Be warned: listening to this session too much may make you edgy, or disturb your sleeping patterns.Session 5: Happy PillEnjoy a brilliant boost in your mood – with this digital happy pill!Find yourself reveling in the beauty of life, letting go of all problems and stress – and just generally being a brighter, better, happier, more fun self!Whenever you want to cheer up before a night out, whenever you want to release stress and problems, whenever you want to really boost your happiness levels – this is the session for you.Containing complex patterns of theta, alpha and beta, this session provides the perfect terrain for a light-hearted wander through your personal fantasyland. You’ll find a series of dissociative techniques incorporated to break circular thought and make it almost impossible to dwell on worries. A 10Hz alpha call also triggers the release of serotonin, the brain’s own happy chemical. This combination will leave you calm, alert and with a significant improvement in mood. It can also lead to intense dreaming if used before sleep.Session 6: Razor SharpInstantly switch your mind to laser-sharp focus mode – and get on with the task at hand with absolute speed and clarity!Perfect for getting through big chunks of work, complex studying periods, or any activity where intense attention is required.Whenever you want to put your mind into super focus mode, whenever you have intense chunks of work to complete quickly, whenever you need to sharpen your mind and get on with the job – this is the session for you.This session shifts from the 14Hz sensormotor rhythm through beta to 40Hz gamma, and repeats the pattern over and over, constantly “revving up” the mind with each repetition. The process is stabilized with a 10Hz alpha beat, allowing the brain a place to relax instantly, whenever a let up allows. Use this session any time, and for as long as required to get the job done. Take in a High Energy Espresso on long-hauls for a welcome break. Works without headphones, but the best benefits can be found with them. The session finishes at a fast, revving 18Hz beta. For use mainly with eyes open, engaged in activity – with benefit to be gained from briefly closing your eyes and relaxing.Can you IMAGINE possessing this level of MENTAL CONTROL?Think about being able to consciously decide EXACTLY what your state of mind will be at any one time – just by listening to a simple audio recording!Pack the CDs when you go travelling, or copy the MP3 versions direct to your iPhone or MP3 player. You’ll ALWAYS be ready to change your state, whenever you desire.With the Brain Salon, YOU are in control of YOUR mind.This is your mind’s instruction manual, your cerebral control panel. It’s your SECRET WEAPON in performing better than EVERYBODY ELSE.And we GUARANTEE that you’ll love it.


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