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iAwake Technologies – Douglas Prater – Stealing Flow

iAwake Technologies – Douglas Prater – Stealing Flow
[WebRips – 6 MP3 + 6 WAV, documents – 1 PDF]



Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elsewhere will get you banned!iAwake Technologies – Douglas Prater – Stealing Flow [WebRips – 6 MP3 + 6 WAV, documents – 1 PDF]Product Page: you ever been so fully engaged in something – a creative practice, a sport, a conversation, a meditation, or even (gasp) your job – that it felt completely effortless? Perhaps your sense of time seemed to fall away, and the hours flew by in what felt like a matter of minutes. Or maybe time slowed down, and every second of your experience came alive in rich and vivid detail? When this happens, our “inner critic” goes silent, freeing us from the doubt and fear that held us back. Action merges with awareness. We trust our intuition. And we experience the richest, most enjoyable moments of our lives.If you’ve ever experienced what I’m describing, you’ve experienced what psychologists call the “flow” state. Athletes call it “being in the zone”. For experienced meditators, it’s jhana. Characterized by selflessness, timelessness, effortlessness, and richness, the flow state helps us perform at our best, live our happiest and most fulfilled lives, and bring our gifts to the world. Most of us have had this experience at some point in our lives. For many, though, this state of flow feels elusive, like the stars need to align under perfect conditions for the experience to unfold.stealing-fire-book-smallSteven Kotler and Jamie Wheal have written a fascinating book on flow states, called Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work, in which they explore the ways in which people are purposefully accessing states of flow. They don’t know about iAwake and Stealing Flow – yet.About the Stealing Flow tracks:Quote:01 Warm-up is a full-spectrum, whole-brain workout. Ideally used before beginning the day’s work, or as a morning meditation. 02 Stealing Flow – with subtle affirmations is a program for inducing flow in creative work.03 Stealing Flow – clean is very similar to the previous track, but it excludes the subtle affirmations. 04 High Focus, in addition to providing a pick-me-up when energy is flagging, is excellent for editing, proofreading, or debugging. 05 Breakthrough is a deep theta track designed for brainstorming, problem-solving, and creative exploration.06 Release, Relax, Recharge is used to wind down when you need a break. OPEN TO ALL


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