Private Library for Anything and Everything – Stop Comparing Yourself

Comparing Yourself.mp3
[1 MP3]



Ever heard of ‘comparanoia’? OK, it’s a made up word, but how beautifully it captures the rather crazy nature of our tendency to compare ourselves obsessively with other people!Of course, comparing yourself to others is a very human trait, and has been with us since the dawn of time. We can be sure that even stone age people had a form of ‘keeping up with the Joneses’. In its place, such social comparison can even be beneficial, and where would ‘fashion’ be without it? Whole industries depend on you continuing to compare yourself with other people!When comparing yourself to others becomes detrimentalAlthough it’s true to say that comparison with others has always been around, it’s also true that nowadays we are much more actively encouraged to engage in this comparison, and given many more opportunities to do so. Just look at the news bulletins, the newspapers, the magazines, and all the advertising which surrounds you.And this is where the trouble starts.You look around at other people, and it seems that they have it all. They have the money. The smart clothes. The fast cars. The exciting careers. The glamorous holidays. The fancy houses. There’s no mistaking the message: “You should be just like them!”. You can soon begin to feel as if you’re some kind of failure if you are not totally focused on getting all this for yourself.The effect of too much comparisonAnd while striving to improve your lot in life is admirable, if your sole goal is to “be like so-and-so”, you risk missing out on something really important. You risk missing out on really being yourself, following your own unique path in life, expressing the individuality that is you. Would you really want to give up your uniqueness to become a clone? Wouldn’t you rather enjoy your own life rather than someone else’s?Breaking free of the pressure to compare yourself with othersStop comparing yourself to others offers you a way to free your mind from the relentless pressure to use other people as your yardstick. You will learn to see through the hype and understand why imitating others is a false dream.Stop comparing yourself to others will help you rediscover the true value of your unique path in life – and be ready to defend it.Download Stop comparing yourself to others and reclaim the unique gift that you are to the world.


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