Private Library for Anything and Everything – ‘Being yourself’ in social situations

[Audio – 1 mp3]



Why do people like people who are spontaneous?    * Maybe it’s because they’re funny    * Maybe because they make you relax    * Maybe it’s because they seem honest; like they’re not hiding anythingWhatever the reason, people who can ‘be themselves’ socially often seem more attractive. And what’s more, you can be sure they’re really enjoying socializing too.But just what is ‘spontaneity’? What does it mean to ‘be yourself’?Well let’s take a look at the opposite to see if that clears things up for us. When you are being very self conscious socially, you are:    * More anxious    * More aware of yourself    * Consciously monitoring everything you saySo, when you are feeling spontaneous, you:    * Feel more relaxed    * Are aware more of others than yourself    * Allow your communication to ‘flow’ and you trust yourselfAnd this last point is really the most important. The ability to trust yourself allows you to relax and really enjoy social situations, without having to watch everything you say, guessing how others will react, and whether it is funny or not.The Being Yourself Socially download will help you retrain your unconscious responses to social situations so you are able to:    * Relax socially    * Let your communication flow without having to think about every word    * Be yourself and so attract others who like ‘the real you’


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