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Hypnosis Business 101 – Using Your Dentist To Build You An Unending Supply of Clients –

Hypnosis Business 101 – Using Your Dentist To Build You An Unending Supply of Clients – [1 MP4 Video]
[1 MP4 Video]



Hypnotists: Give Me Just One HOUR … not kidding and I’ll Give Your The Powerful Buzz Words and Phrases To Get Dentists  to Send You Unending Referrals Or Better Still …. Beg You To Work With Them ! ****************************************************The Biggest Challenge For New Hypnotists has always beenHow Do I attract Clients now that I’m trained  and Earn $$$ At My New TradeThis is why only  2 % of those going through theHypnosis diploma mills ever make a buck in the industry ..****************************************************Every Business as you know,  is 85 percent marketing.You could be the best hypnotist on the planet andno one will know. You could waste a small fortune placingads, sending out flyers, web promotion ….and still not attract a single client …Here .. revealed for the first time ….The secret he has been keeping to himself the lastten years, keeping himself constantly booked and making oodles of money WITHOUT spending a nickelon marketing is the EXACT BUZZ WORDS, ScottSandland uses to get himself an endless supplyof clients from the Medical and Dental field.******************************************************Why Would Dentists Ever Want To Give You Their Valued Clients ?******************************************************Why? Because you will learn in this brief 1 hour video howyou will add $$$  to their income stream and givethem the edge over their competion?That’s why we’re asking you NOT TO SHARE this video withyour fellow hypnotists … because they may jump on theseideas FIRST !****************************************************Who IS Scott Sandland And Why Should You Listen To Him ?Scott Sandland, 15 years ago was a high school atheletesuffering and constantly in pain from his grueling workouts.He explored hypnosis and found it gave him the edge.Soon he was helping all his fellow athlete with the creativeand ingenious techniques he developed.10 Years ago … Scott PROVED to DENTISTS .. He could geta person into trance and instill anesthesia in a patient fasterthan any chemical substance … creating an exclusive market all too himself in the San Diego/ LA area for the last ten years -*********************************************************Can You Invest 1 Hour To Find Out The ExactWords You Need to Say To A Medical Practitioner To EnterThis highly LUCRATIVE MARKET And Get Unending Referrals ?******************************************************THESE ARE THE REAL Hypnosis BUSINESS  INSIDERS SECRETS REVEALED … For the FIRST TIME IN THIS NICHE !!I know you heard that line before on many internet marketingcourses … but this is NOT AN INTERNET MARKETER SPEAKING ..This is a guy just laying it out … spilling his guts …. tellingyou like it is …. he’s giving you the keys to his personalbank account …. And all you have to do is set sometime aside to listen … And then take action  … andyou could easily be raking in a 6 income figure in thecoming year ….Well .. What Are You Waiting For ?Are You going to click on another broke hypnotists course …or something that is invaluable … AND CAN HELP YOUAND FRIENDS when they have a dental problem ….


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