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How to Make Black Salve for Cancer

Black Salve_Meditopia
[6 – WMV, 25 PDFs]


www.meditopia.orgI want to post this as it is information that everyone should know about since the rate of cancer is increasing dramatically.How to Make Black Salve for cancer video and ebook by Greg Caton How the author came to discover formulas and methods that cured thousands of cancer patients over a 14 year period … the majority for well under $100 … over 99%, topically; over 50%, internally. The foundation for most of this work was well-developed in the 1800’s — effectively suppressed by Organized Medicine for financial gain.Contains Patents, Formulas, and Case Histories on Effective Cures for Cancer, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes … all effective, all with extensive histories, and all officially suppressed by medical authorities. Discusses the how and why behind official medical suppression.Why most commercial marketed herbal products on the market don’t work — how regulatory authorities allow and even encourage marginal “natural” products so that the reputation for “alternatives” in the marketplace is adversely affected.The Great American Medical Holocaust: How official medical suppression dating in the modern era from the 1840’s has prematurely killed tens of millions of people. How the U.S. FDA has used the powers obtained through American imperialism to squash real medical advances, domestic and foreign. How such medical suppression is helping to bankrupt the so-called “health care” system.How entropic societal forces will eventually bring an end to the Holocaust, creating an era of truly effective, non-toxic, non-invasive, inexpensive medical treatments and protocols. This will mark the end of the current era of medical barbarism and financial servitude. How every reader of this book can contribute to that process.The cultural, political, and economic structures that will evolve to create a Meditopia — a state where true ‘health care’ replaces the current, profit-based ‘disease & symptom care’ model.Alpha Omega Labs is best known for Cansema® — an effective cure for skin cancer, based on suppressed formulary information dating back to the 1850’s. Over a 20 year period, Alpha Omega Labs has been responsible for curing thousands of cancer cases.The first two videos below (which should be seen sequentially) reveals the basics of making an escharotic preparation — like the ones that thousands of physicians and private citizens have been making secretly since at least 1858 (and probably back much farther). The second in this series has some additional pointers which were left out of the first video on zinc chloride. About half of the content was read from a teleprompter and other half spoken extemporaneously. I threw the entire project together in 24 hours — start to finish. So there’s plenty to criticize — believe me.Before you view either of these videos, you are advised to at least read Chapters 1 and 2 of the online Meditopia book”Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organizations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them.”   Linus Pauling 2   Two-time Nobel Laureate   1901-1994″ . . . there is no disease whose prime cause is better known. That the prevention of cancer will come there is no doubt. But how long prevention will be avoided depends on how long the prophets of agnosticism will succeed in inhibiting the application of scientific knowledge in cancer.”   Otto Warburg 3   Also a Two-time Nobel Laureate   1883-1970″The American public has no idea how politics secretly control the practice of medicine. If a doctor dares to introduce a natural, less costly method, no matter how safe or effective, Organized American Medicine can target this doctor for license revocation using fear tactics and legal maneuverings. Why do holistic therapies threaten medicine? (Firstly) They involve a major change in scientific thought. (Secondly) They imply that current methods are inadequate, and, (Thirdly) they threaten huge profits … ”   James P. Carter, M.D., Ph.D. 4   American Physician   Baton Rouge, Louisiana   Author: “Racketeering in Medicine””It is very difficult to believe that the very centers entrusted with research in cancer at such enormous expense are ‘inhibiting the application of scientific knowledge in cancer’ but it is not so difficult to understand once the economics of cancer is grasped.”The treatment of cancer is, after all, a business which is very lucrative and very expensive for the customer. The goal of most exclusively profit-minded business men is to sell their commodity at the highest price possible in a market where they can eliminate all competition and customers have no choice but their commodity. Such entrepreneurs secure a monopoly by convincing their customers that theirs is the only valid product available and that competitors are frauds whose product is worthless.”A monopoly of any market is a sure source of profit; a captive clientele has no other choice. The sellers can charge any price the market will bear and can evade any responsibility for bad results because they do not and cannot give any guarantees. They eliminate all critics of their products and challenges to their authority. Their business prospers; thousands of new customers constantly replace those that disappear.”The original John D. Rockefeller was no mean hand at spotting the commercial possibilities in any enterprise. As his millions came in, he kept reinvesting in the most profitable businesses. One day when appendectomies were the rage in the medical profession, a surgeon told John D. that everyone should have an appendectomy before the age of sixteen as a preventative. The oil wizard saw the point at once… ‘Why, you’ve got a better thing than Standard Oil’ … ”   Nat Morris 5   “The Cancer Blackout” (1959)2013-11-14 00:07:53 GMT (6 days ago) — Forum:  Request To Upload  — Topic:  Food Revolution Summit 2013 by John & Ocean Robbins  — Post:  #580487 Food Revolution 2012 is uploaded as individual files.)Food Revolution Summit 2013 by John & Ocean Robbins9 folders with 25 mp3 total for 628 mbcategory: food/drinkBroadcasting WorldwideAPRIL 27- MAY 5, 2013Our speakers will share their expertise in areas like:   Heart disease is the #1 killer, but it can be prevented and even reversed without drugs, surgery or excessive exercise. Find out how.   Discover the nutrition that can help you prevent (and sometimes even cure) cancer.   What are the top foods to avoid if you want to protect yourself and your family from GMOs?   Recent reports say soy is toxic. Is it true? What’s the real story?   Which fats are healthy for you, and which are so hazardous that they should come with warning labels?   Find out about affordable superfood breakthroughs that can give you health and vitality.   Most vegetarians thrive. But over the years, some get sick or change course. Are they lacking vital nutrients?   What are the health benefits and common pitfalls of a plant-strong diet?   Type 2 diabetes is destroying lives, but it is completely preventable. Get empowered with the blood sugar solution!   Which micronutrients are the most important for a strong immune system?   How can you know if you are allergic to certain foods, and what can you do about it if you are?   Multi-vitamins could be hazardous to your health. Find out why!   Millions of people are eating raw or mostly raw diets. Is this a nutritional breakthrough, or a dangerous fad?   Organic foods are increasingly popular. Are they worth the cost?   Modern factory farms are breeding antibiotic resistant bacteria. This is killing tens of thousands of Americans every year. Find out what you can do about it.   Use of the herbicide Roundup has increased three-fold since 1997. What doesn’t Monsanto want you to know about its real health and environmental impact?   You can help save the environment with your spoon and fork. You can actually stop big-agribusiness and build a better world by eating right.   Find out how to be a positive influence on others. Yes, you can get your family to eat healthy like you instead of looking at you like a nut. We’ll give you tips.   Find out how you can stock a healthy pantry without spending a fortune.


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