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Hemi-Sync® Support for Journeys Out of the Body

Hemi-Sync® Support for Journeys Out of the Body
[6 CDs – Flac, 1 Ebook Manual – PDF]


Description Out of The Body: The out-of-body-experience (OBE) is a state in which one’s consciousness appears to depart the physical body allowing perception by means other than those of the physical senses.Hemi-Sync® Support for Journeys Out of the Body is an in-home training series designed to provide Hemi-Sync® audio-guidance to those who desire to achieve this state. With practice, one can be brought up to the borderland sleep state, and through it, to experience the out-of-body state with full conscious awareness.”The greatest illusion is that mankind has limitations”  Robert A. Monroe 1915In 1958, a successful businessman named Robert Monroe began to have experiences that drastically altered his life. Unpredictably, and without this willing it, Monroe found himself leaving his physical body to travel via a “second body” to locales far removed from the physical and spiritual realities of his life. He was inhabiting a place unbounded by life or death. His record of these explorations has comforted millions of people who have experienced paranormal incidents.


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