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Heal Your Gut Summit 2016

Heal Your Gut Summit 2016
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                           Heal Your Gut Summit 2016 Heal Your Gut Summit is FREE online from January 18-25, 2016.Your gut is where health starts and healing begins!Gain advice from more than 30 of the world’s foremost experts on digestive health.Attend the Heal Your Gut Summit and learn how to naturally address:    Allergies & Food Sensitivities    Autoimmune Disorders    Brain Fog    Cancer    Candida & Chronic Yeast Overgrowth    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome    Chronic Pain    Depression & Anxiety    Hormone Imbalance    Inflammatory Disorders    Irritable Bowel & Leaky Gut Syndrome    Skin Conditions    Thyroid Disease    Weight Gain    And more!WHY ATTEND?Your gut is the cornerstone of true health, which is why Dr. Josh Axe, Donna Gates and Dr. Eric Zielinski have gathered together more than 30 gut health experts from around the globe to share the evidence-based tools you need to regain control of your health!Gut dysfunction can be linked to virtually every disease and can cause conditions like fatigue, depression, food sensitivities, chronic pain, allergies and many more. These conditions are by and large preventable, but have reached epidemic proportions as the Western lifestyle has infiltrated the entire globe with poor diet choices, stress, toxic overload and bacterial imbalance.Understand and explore gut issues at The Heal Your Gut Summit — because a healthy gut is the foundation for physical, mental and emotional wellbeing! Meet Your HostsDr. Josh AxeDr. Josh Axe specializes in functional medicine and is on a mission to transform the health of millions all across the world. In 2008, he started one of the largest wellness clinics in America and founded one of the top 10 natural health websites in the world, He’s the best selling author of the book Eat Dirt and The Real Food Diet Cookbook as well as the co-founder of the BurstFIT training method. He has also been the physician to many Olympic level and professional athletes. Dr. Axe has been featured on the Dr. Oz show and is a leading expert in plant­-based medicine, detoxification and digestive health.Donna GatesDonna Gates, M.Ed., ABAAHP, is the international best-selling author of The Body Ecology Diet: Recovering Your Health and Rebuilding Your Immunity, The Body Ecology Guide to Growing Younger: Anti-Aging Wisdom for Every Generation, and Stevia: Cooking with Nature’s Calorie-Free Sweetener. An Advanced Fellow with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, she is on a mission to change the way the world eats. The Body Ecology Diet was the first of its kind—sugar-free, gluten-free, casein-free and probiotic rich. Over the past 25 years, Donna has become one of the most respected authorities in the field of digestive health, diet and nutrition. You can visit Donna at Eric L. ZielinskiFounder of, Dr. Eric L. Zielinski is a sought-after natural health educator, motivational speaker and author. Inspired by the timeless principles in the Bible, Dr. Z’s mission is to provide people with simple, evidenced-based tools that they need to experience the Abundant Life. Through programs like Beat Cancer God’s Way–an evidence based (Biblically inspired) approach to cancer–Dr. Z specializes in natural remedies and empowering life strategies, and coaches clients globally through his Abundant Life Coaching practice. Dr. Z lives in Atlanta with his wife Sabrina and three children Esther, Isaiah and Elijah. ScheduleDay 1: Monday, January 18    Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS    5 Steps to Heal Leaky Gut    What You’ll Learn –        Learn what damages the gut lining and causes leaky gut        Eating the most healing foods to address leaky gut        Best supplements and lifestyle habits to practice        Donna Gates, MEd, ABAAHP    Secrets to Overcome Candida & Yeast    What You’ll Learn –        How to do a candida cleanse        Best supplements to eliminate yeast        Why clearing candida is essential to healing leaky gut        Eric L. Zielinski, DC, MPH(c)    Public Health Perspective on Gut Health & Essential Oils    What You’ll Learn –        Top 3 gut-related diseases that must be addressed by public health        What the research says about gut health and essential oils        Key ways essential oils affect gut health        Sayer Ji    Healing the Gut with Herbal Remedies & Surprising Foods    What You’ll Learn –        Research on new herbs proven to heal the gut        Top “healthy foods” destroying your gut probiotics        How probiotics affect the brain and body        Amy Myers, MD    How to Overcome Autoimmune Disease by Healing the Digestive Tract    What You’ll Learn –        Worst foods triggering leaky gut and autoimmunity        The ideal diet to stop autoimmune disease in its tracts        Cutting edge science behind how to heal your microbiomeDay 2: Tuesday, January 19    Izabella Wentz, PharmD, FASCP    Getting to The Root Cause of Thyroid Disease    What You’ll Learn –        Debunk common theories about the causes of thyroid problems        Eliminate confusion between thyroid and adrenal symptoms        Thyroid protocol to improve energy, libido and your hair!        Shelena Lalji, MD    Go with Your Gut: Balance Hormones, Shed Weight & Increase Libido    What You’ll Learn –        Simple secret to healthy hormones, moods and weight fluctuations        Understanding your thyroid’s role in keeping you pain-free        Strategies and food choices that can undo leaky gut        Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN    End Hormone Havoc: The Gut Hormone Connection    What You’ll Learn –        Identify habits that throw off hormone balance        Undo gut damage to improve thyroid, adrenal and pancreatic function        Healthier hormones for weight loss, more energy and mental clarity        Raphael Kellman, MD    Healing the Microbiome & Thyroid Can Heal Gastrointestinal Illness    What You’ll Learn –        Could your thyroid be inhibiting your healing from gut dysbiosis?        How your microbiome helps turn on your good genes        Your thyroid’s influence on inflammation, cells and hormones        Jessie Hawkins, PhD(c), MA    Pediatric Gut Health: Why it Matters and How Herbs & Oils Can Help    What You’ll Learn –        How infant gut health will determine health into adulthood        Natural alternatives to gut-impacting pharmaceuticals        3-step approach to preserving the microbiome from pharmaceuticalsDay 3: Wednesday, January 20    Ty Bollinger    Boost Immunity with Gut-Immune-Cancer Connection    What You’ll Learn –        Best diet to activate immunity at the gut level        Amazing herbs and supplements to boost immunity        How to beat cancer at the gut level        Webster Kehr    Preventing Cancer at the Cellular Level in the Gut    What You’ll Learn –        What causes cancer at the cellular level        How the gut can weaken the immune system and lead to cancer        Cancer treatments never talked about that could save your life        Peter Osborne, DC    Stop the Grainflammation Cycle: End Pain & Autoimmune Issues    What You’ll Learn –        Decrease risk of cancer and infertility by addressing food intolerances        Factors contributing to a leaky gut and an autoimmune response        How to live pain-free without water retention, weight gain and fatigue        Chris Wark    Focusing on Gut Health to Beat Cancer    What You’ll Learn –        Hear how a cancer death sentence radically changes your life        Beat cancer by focusing on gut health and immune repair        Chris shares exactly what he did to beat cancer!        Jonathan Landsman    The Oral-Gut Health Connection    What You’ll Learn –        Hear how poor oral health causes gut problems        Learn why thoughts and feelings affect digestion        Implement timeless tips to conscious eatingDay 4: Thursday, January 21    Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DABFM    How to Heal Fast by Cleansing Your Colon & Liver    What You’ll Learn –        Lies from the pharmaceutical companies that are keeping you sick        How to detox to improve digestion        Revolutionary herbs for reducing gut inflammation        Leo Galland, MD    Why Your Allergies Could Be Signaling Bigger Problems    What You’ll Learn –        Why your microbiome (gut) matters        Beneficial bacteria to increase health and longevity        Learn about the bacteria found in naturally lean people        Wardee Harmon    Reversing Seasonal Allergies in the Gut    What You’ll Learn –        How allergies start in the gut        Why a traditional food “healthy diet” isn’t enough        Practical tips for fermenting foods        Summer Bock    How to Rebuild Your Digestive System    What You’ll Learn –        Why stress may be the #1 cause of leaky gut        Healthy recipe ideas to restore your digestive health        The power of fermented foods        Jordan Rubin    Beyond Probiotics to Heal the Gut    What You’ll Learn –        Key microbes that heal the gut        How to overcome inflammatory bowel disease        How medicinal mushrooms can boost your immunityDay 5: Friday, January 22    David Perlmutter, MD    Heal Your Gut by Going Grain Free    What You’ll Learn –        The shocking evidence on how grain affects the brain        Healthy recipe ideas for gut health        Is intermittent fasting actually good for your gut?        Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN    Your Brain on Gluten: The Shocking Connection    What You’ll Learn –        Understand the gut’s very important role in neurological health        Is gluten putting you at risk for pathogens, inflammation and dementia?        Why gluten could be the culprit that’s affecting reproductive health        Trudy Scott, CN    Healing Anxiety Through the Gut    What You’ll Learn –        Psychobiotics and their role in anxiety and depression        How to supplement with targeted amino acids to boost neurotransmitters        Importance of a nutrient-dense diet for gut health        Jill Carnahan, MD, MD, ABFM, ABIHM, IFMCP    Mind-Altering Microbes: Change Your Gut, Change Your Brain    What You’ll Learn –        Discover the root cause of illness with a Functional Medicine approach        Is your gut health affecting brain inflammation and depression?        Feed your gut to boost diversity and thrive        David Jockers, DC, CNS    Gut-Brain-Skin Axis    What You’ll Learn –        Cure most skin and brain conditions by healing the gut        Most ignored “Silent symptoms” of poor gut health        Functional nutrition approach to restore whole body balanceDay 6: Saturday, January 23    Steven Wright    How the SCD Diet Can Heal Your Digestive Tract    What You’ll Learn –        How to beat gas and bloating        Why digestive enzymes are your best friend        The ideal diet for healing leaky gut        Mike Mutzel, MS    Gut Health for Fat Loss, metabolic Health & Inflammation Reduction    What You’ll Learn –        How nutrition impacts gut hormones and your metabolism        Natural nutrients and good bacteria that stimulate gut hormones        Find out if you have this very important gene for great gut health        Brian Mowll, DC, CDE, IFMCP    How to Lose Weight by Improving Digestive Health    What You’ll Learn –        Best supplements for improving insulin and cortisol        Why sugar is your gut’s worst enemy        Top tips for losing weight by focusing first on digestion        Kellyann Petrucci, MS, ND    Slim Down, Burn Fat and Lose Weight by Balancing Your Microbiome    What You’ll Learn –        Two hidden reasons why people can’t lose weight and are chronically ill        Eating food according to your nutritional blueprint        Heal your gut with bone broth in just 21 days!        Janice Joneja, PhD, RD    Nutritional Solutions to Recover from Irritable Bowel Syndrome    What You’ll Learn –        Is your diet is creating an immune system response?        Genetics and stress in IBS and how to alleviate the symptoms        Learn about the best nutritional approach for IBS painDay 7: Sunday, January 24    James Maskell, CEO Evolution of Medicine    A Tale of Two Ecologies: Yours and the Planet’s    What You’ll Learn –        Why the future of health requires community, not just medicine        Your role in the new, emerging integrative model for healing        What microbes can teach us about ourselves and our planet        Gerard Mullin, MD    A Happier Gut: The Gut Balance Revolution & Diet Roadmap    What You’ll Learn –        Best dietary plan for IBS, Colitis, Crohn’s Disease and SIBO        Prevent metabolic syndrome when you befriend beneficial bacteria        Surprising key to optimal health, weight, digestion and more!        Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC, MS    What You Must Know About Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)    What You’ll Learn –        Learn about SIBO, how to tell if you have it or are at risk        Why antibiotics might not be the best choice for treating SIBO        Key protocol for to improve brain function and fix the gut        Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS    The #1 Cause of GERD, Gas, Bloating, Indigestion & Weight Gain    What You’ll Learn –        Correct the tummy glitch known as “The Great Masquerader”        Develop the superpower of gargling to reset the vagus nerve        Banish constipation, nausea, hemorrhoids and parasites forever        Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)    Healing Your Gut with Homeopathy    What You’ll Learn –        Learn about homoeopathy and how it relates to all gut disorders        Critical dos and don’ts of homeopathy        Easy-to-use homeopathic remedies for the 10 common gut issuesDay 8: Monday, January 25 : Encore Dayupload by adishonerv69


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