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Hans Christian King – Video Class: Intuitive Psychic Development (Compressed) [WebRip – 6 MP4, 3 PDF, 9 MP3)

Hans Christian King – Intuitive Psychic Development Video Class (Compressed)
[WebRip – 6 MP4, 3 PDF, 9 MP3)


Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! Note: This is a remake I made for myself that I am uploading for the convenience of others who may want it in a smaller size. Since I want to keep it here, I am making it Exclusive and setting limits. Note 2: There are 2 different video versions, one is a straight small MP4, the other is an ipod version. No need to download both unless you want to. Also, if you want the best quality, please download the original videos. These are good enough for me, but then, I’ve never been fussy. Original: ~~~…Video Class: Intuitive Psychic DevelopmentFull description:This course is the foundation of Hans King’s teachings. The three Intuitive Development Classes in this course form the basis for personal communication with Spirit. Upon completion, you will have hands on experience with requesting and receiving information from Spirit and will understand how to use Guidance in your everyday personal decision processes.* Over 7 hours of class time.* You will receive the Video AND Audio recordings of the live class, which have been professionally edited. * We’ve separated out the exercises so it’s easier to use them for your guided meditations.* Includes hand-outs. (Note: Audio version is available in a separate product already up – only the audio exercises are included here) Details: Psychic development is spiritual development. Intuition is the natural ability inherent in every living being to communicate with Spirit. Through these classes, you will become comfortable with receiving information from Spirit and your Angel Guides. The Intuitive Development Classes are the foundation of what Hans Christian King offers his students.Through practical, hands on experience, each student will have plenty of time to get comfortable with exercises that will greatly enhance your communion and relationship with Spirit. No longer will you ever approach a situation feeling alone. Once you complete this curriculum, you will indeed be comfortable with calling upon Spirit and accessing your True Self in order to guide you through any situation. The core psychic development classes are divided into three levels, all building upon one another: Intuitive Psychic Development: Level 1 1. Guiding you to discover the psychic qualities – that you already possess 2. Learning how to enter altered states to begin to receive impressions, symbols, and feelings from Spirit 3. Breathing exercises, mindfulness training, and quieting mental chatter 4. Psychometry: receiving impressions and information from objects 5. Opening the heart, getting out of the head Intuitive Psychic Development: Level 2 1. Selecting individual techniques specifically for each person 2. Guided exercises in a peaceful and safe environment 3. Learning discernment 4. Differentiating between spiritual and emotional feeling 5. Knowing the difference between conscious thinking and having awareness of received information from Spirit Intuitive Psychic Development: Level 3 1. Deeper guided practice 2. Using personal Spiritual Guidance in everyday personal decision making 3. Understanding “being in service” and working with the public 4. Meeting “service” challenges in a positive manner **Customer Testimonials** “I just have to say Thank you…I am home! Just viewed the first video , this is awesome ! I even started humming and singing on the break which I have not done in many years!!! I am so grateful for these teachings. I never thought a course in Spirituality would also be a course in personal development… that was a total surprise!” ~ Kathy ” Wanted to tell you that for the first time I really experienced the energy of Spirit while meditating and doing the 3-door exercise. Felt lots of energy going into my body… yeah! Thanks for putting together these courses!” ~ Beatrice “I recently listened to the Intuitive Development and Sacred Relationships class last week, and I want to tell you if you think you cannot afford to buy these classes, I want to assure you, you cannot afford NOT to get them. Each time I listen to the classes, (I think I listened to Intuitive Development 4 times and Sacred Relationships 3 times) as you go through your journey in life you begin to understand Han’s teachings more and more. Listening to the classes over and over encourages one to continue practicing the teachings and practice is really the key here. As I had not listened to them for a while, do you know I forgot I had a Doorkeeper? Oh my goodness, now I speak with my Doorkeeper daily and especially before going to bed to provoke dreams and visions and it really works great for me. So when you decide to purchase a class you can listen to them over and over and the information is cumulative. I love these classes. Thank you Hans and Alfred for being key players in my Spiritual development. I will continue to listen to the classes over and over and I have had indeed had many “Aha!” moments.” ~ In Love and Light, Phyllis N. Price: $295.95~~~   VIP+ Now Power Users: 2 days Users: Please upgrade, as per the rules, or download the original. Thank you for understanding! ~~~ IN Joy! ~~~


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