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Hans Christian King – Modern Abundance Package

Hans King – Modern Abundance Package
[WebRip – 25 MP3, 14 MP4; eBook – 5 PDF]



For your highest good – take Spirit’s hand and let’s get startedReprogram your thoughts and habits with tools, prayers and exercises that will support your ability to quickly experience greater health, wealth, meaning, joy and peace in your lifeThis is a one time only special offer exclusively for The Aware Show!Item 1. Modern AbundanceThis video class will guide you toward a new understanding of prosperity, as Hans teaches you that we each have a right to abundance. All that you need is already here waiting for you, even if the appearance seems otherwise.What You Will Learn:Hans King will gently and compassionately guide you to abundance, over the multiple obstacles that have been keeping you back so far. These classes have been transformative for many people by:Showing you the ways you sabotage the things you want to have in your life.Recognizing the symptoms that tell you you’re off your path in life.Practicing exercises that will make you available to receive abundance.Discovering simple ways to connect to the power of Spirit to help Them provide prosperity – for your highest good.Item 2. Prayer CirclesEach prayer circle has a different focus:Session 1: Finances and AbundanceSession 2: RelationshipsSession 3: HealthWhat You Will Learn:Learn how to pray in a new way, and orchestrate deliberate changes in your life.During these prayer sessions, the spiritual guides of Hans will gather your own guides and Masters together, to magnify the power of the prayer you are working on.Once you show up ready to change, Hans’ guidance will show you the way. All you need to do is allow the change, and Spirit will make the changes happen in your life.Item 3. Change your Life by Changing Your IntentionsWalk with Hans Christian King as he teaches you how you can change every aspect of your life, simply by changing your intentions.What You Will Learn:Changing your intentions is not an accident. It is a deliberate choice based on your core beliefs and the goals you want to achieve in your life.These four lessons will help you to recalibrate your direction in life. They are:There are No LimitsYour True Potential and Your IntentionsSetting Intentions and Your DharmaTo Our Highest Good AlwaysItem 4. Lessons on AbundanceWhat You Will Learn:1. Money, Abundance and ProsperitySpirit asks us, “Why do you remove yourself from your Source?” All that you need you are already attached to. When you do not have what you desire, instead of complaining, look to see how you have separated yourself from God. Hans teaches that in order to work with Spirit, you need to be in tune with universal energy so that your thoughts and intentions are in sync with the efforts of your Guidance.2. Your Right to AbundanceMany people believe that abundance belongs to someone else. They look at other people’s luxury cars and big homes, read about others’ lavish lifestyles, and wish that they could have those things. Whenever those thoughts arise you are saying to the universe, “I can’t have that. I don’t deserve it.” The lesson for us is that all we have to do is to believe, set our intention and hold an unwavering, unflinching confidence that we know where we’re going and what we’ll accomplish. Realize that no one in the Spirit world judges you. Hold your beliefs close to you and watch the miracles happen.3. Finding your Abundant HeartAbundance is rooted in harmonizing with the spiritual energy that surrounds us always. The main way to do this is to shift your perception from thoughts of lack into thoughts of abundance in the moment. In all of Hans’ spiritual teachings, the path is to already be that which you desire. This way you are already the vibration of that which you want to attract. It also sets a clear message to Spirit through your vibration of the life you wish to live. It is your vibration, created by your thoughts, that either disconnects you from – or allows you to be in – the flow of spiritual energy.4. Is Abundance Available to Everyone?Abundance is available to ALL people on this planet. It is not reserved for a certain group. If you are looking outside yourself, thinking it is over the hill or around the corner, you are looking in the wrong place. When we ask God to help us to become abundant, we are actually saying that we are not abundant, and are therefore acting out of lack and scarcity. People who operate out of the Truth that we are always connected to our God (our abundance) know that they are already in abundance. When you are sitting in your natural abundance, you flow with it and it is you. In other words, when you are sensitive to the flow of your Guidance, God can much more easily direct you to the miracles that are already being provided on your behalf.Bonus 1. Intuitive Psychic DevelopmentThis course is the foundation of Hans King’s teachings. These three Intuitive Development Classes form the basis for developing a personal communication with Spirit. Upon completion, you will have hands-on experience with requesting and receiving information from Spirit and will understand how to use Guidance in your everyday personal decision processes.What You Will Learn:Psychic development is spiritual development. Intuition is the natural ability inherent in every living being to communicate with Spirit. Through these classes, you will become comfortable with receiving information from Spirit and your Angel Guides. The Intuitive Development Classes are the foundation of what Hans Christian King offers his students.Through practical, hands on experience, each student will have plenty of time to get comfortable with exercises that will greatly enhance your communion and relationship with Spirit.No longer will you ever approach a situation feeling alone. Once you complete this curriculum, you will indeed be comfortable with calling upon Spirit and accessing your True Self in order to guide you through any situation.The core psychic development classes are divided into three levels, all building upon one another:Intuitive Psychic Development: Level 1Guiding you to discover the psychic qualities – that you already possessLearning how to enter altered states to begin to receive impressions, symbols, and feelings from SpiritBreathing exercises, mindfulness training, and quieting mental chatterPsychometry: receiving impressions and information from objectsOpening the heart, getting out of the headIntuitive Psychic Development: Level 2Selecting individual techniques specifically for each personGuided exercises in a peaceful and safe environmentLearning discernmentDifferentiating between spiritual and emotional feelingKnowing the difference between conscious thinking and having awareness of received information from SpiritIntuitive Psychic Development: Level 3Deeper guided practiceUsing personal Spiritual Guidance in everyday personal decision makingUnderstanding “being in service” and working with the publicMeeting “service” challenges in a positive mannerBonus 2. The VOID: Opportunities During The Appearance of Loss & FailureThe ‘Void’ is a time between two cycles of energy when more seems to be going from us than to us. But there are possibilities that exist for us only when we are in the Void.If you are wondering why you seem to experience so many losses during turbulent times, or if it seems that Spirit might be purposely taking things from you, then you need to access the spiritual resources that you are already carrying within you, so that you can learn the lessons that are only learned in the Void.What You Will Learn:Video 1: Understanding The Void: What is the Void and How Does it Affect Our Lives?Video 2: Understanding The Void: Why Would Spirit Purposely Take Things From Us?Video 3: Emerging From the Void: What Opportunities Exist for Us in the Void?Video 4: Emerging From the Void: Spiritual Resources that are Always Available to Help Us Emerge from the Void.…


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