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Grow Taller Now

Grow Taller Now E_book.pdf


This is a good book, no bullshitFrom the book:Height is a very subjective term. What one person considers as tall may be short to someone else. Nevertheless,there are many personal, professional, financial and gender advantages to being taller such as the following:· women are naturally more attracted to taller men· society associates attributes power, intelligence, leadership, confidence, and competence to tallerindividuals· better self-confidence and self-esteem· taller men are inexplicably selected 75% of the time for a job compared with shorter men with similarcredentials and experienceLike it or not, height does play a part in our daily lifestyles and chances of success. It may the deciding factortowards your professional and personal successes. Here’s another little known fact – 95% of all the tall people inthis world have shorter parents and grew taller as a result of certain factors that will be discussed in this book.Personals AnalysisIt is not surprising that taller men are preferred more often than shorter men. While the medium height for menin the United States is 5′ 8½”, the most preferred height for a man is 6′ 0″. This is true for almost anycombination of woman’s attributes. There is some interesting differentiation. For a short man (5′ 4″ andshorter) living in the United States, the best states to live in are Idaho, Maine, Vermont, and Wyoming. A shortman has a greater chance of being included in a woman’s preferences. This is probably because these stateshave relatively low populations. Women have fewer choices and so are more likely to compromise and includea shorter man in their preferences. In contrast, California, New York, New Jersey, Washington D.C., Nevadaand Arizona are the worst states for a short man. In these states, women’s expectations are highest, againprobably because the states are so populous and there are many choices.Of course you dont have to be tall to get women or to get anything in life. It sure would make things alot easier though. I dont use this book for women, rather for my happiness.


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