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GMB – Integral Strength, Missing Files

GMB – Integral Strength
[Webrip – 2 MP4, 1 PDF]


**** Exclusive ****Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib awesome!This exclusive material brought to you by the participants of theGMB – Integral Strength GBGB Thread: GB is OpenThese are the missing files for GMB – Integral Strength. Specifically, the chart for week 5, and overview for weeks 7 and 8. Enjoy.INTEGRAL STRENGTHBODYWEIGHT STRENGTH TRAINING CYCLEProgress through a variety of BodyWeight Exercises including:PushupsL-SitBridging(Shrimp) SquatsHollow BodyChinUpInverted PressHOW INTEGRAL STRENGTH WORKSWe’ve brought together the best exercises and protocols to improve your strength with integrated dynamic control for better movement skill.Metrics That Make SenseCounting sets and reps works great if you’re lifting a defined amount of weight along a linear path, but is that how the body works in motion?Bodyweight exercise is a constantly changing relationship of leveraged forces, so we use timed sets and intuitive quality ratings for a consistent knowledge of your results.Realistic ProgressionPerforming X reps of Exercise A doesn’t mean you’re ready for Exercise B. It sounds great in theory, but it doesn’t work. Instead, it leads to frustration.Integral Strength gives you a clear method to determine which exercise variation is right for you, so you’ll always know when to increase or decrease the complexity or difficulty appropriately.Exactly ZERO New Exercises!Look, we’re not trying to impress you with how creative we are.For Integral Strength, we chose the minimum effective dose of 10 classic, proven exercises to strengthen the entire body in a coordinated, integral manner that directly improves your performance in any physical activity.


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