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Glenn Osborn – The Force

Glenn Osborn – The Force
[8 tapes – 16 MP3s]



Sharing outside this tracker will get you banned!Sales page: Guide on How To Use THE FORCE To Make Women HIGH It All Started While I was Testing a 3 Billion Dollar Subconscious Copywriting Strategy That 2 Mentors DevelopedWe’ve combined their ESP, psychological NLP words in direct mail tests discoveries.COINED a name for what they did to sell 3 billion of stuff with sales letters – “Buried Interactive Emotional PROOF.” Laser printer – ed it all out. Read it out loud.(EDITOR’S NOTE: I can hear you say, HUH? But hey – If Gary Halbert can practice copywriting tests in bars. I can practice NLP WORD F-o-r-c-e Power out loud or even in Malls and stores.)Anyway…138We were playing around with these 168 (ancient chinese) billion dollar NLP weirder than kahuna concepts. Weren’t getting any closer to the GOLD until:# A – We noticed THE FORCE connection btwn George Lucas movies:# B – The Las Vegas Millionaire’s usage of the FORCE.# C – The FORCE hidden In The “Buried Interactive Emotional Proof Copywriting concept.# D – Our Fathers Day Experiments with the Pink Hippopotamus metal Chicken# E – It came like a FLASH bulb that this is like ham radio. A new under the fence way to test written copy. Face to face.BE CAREFUL when you try this yourself. It’s a bit like wearing a dog’s Shock collar. (I really did ease into it bit by bit. NLP FORCE is a 2-way connection, after all. Before you download it please read the following “testimonial” from one of our fellow members about Mr Osborn:Quote:A quick comment.  I have spent an afternoon with Glenn Osborn.  He is a total NutJob.  He thinks he is a NLP God.  He hasn’t got a clue. I had e-mailed Glenn with a question on one of his programs (He sells on Ebay)When he found out I lived so close (he’s in Baltimore) he asked me to come and meet him and he’s sell me the product I was interested in, in person.  He was going to demonstrate his NLP prowess for me.Now you have to understand, this guy thinks he is a chick magnet, with the use/help of NLP.  He looks like Barney Fife.  Seriously!  This guy is a 50 something virgin.  I don’t think he’s ever been layed in his life.  He went to ANCHOR our waitress, so she wouldn’t be unable to resist his “signal”.  I guess not!  His anchor was to wave his arm wildly in the air.  He assured me that WAS NOT the anchor, and I was not observent enough to catch the subtlety of his actions.  He assured me, afterwards, that he got her to do everything he asked of her.  Yeah…He asked for more food, and she brought it.  I was so impressedI paid him for his program, and left.  I had a 1 1/2 hour drive, so I put his recordings in the car stereo.  OMG, I knew within 10 minutes I was getting my money back.  Total rambling trash!I did get my refund, and he had the nerve to ask me for a testimonial.  He had an new program and would send me a free copy in exchange for a positive review.Take my advise.  Pass on anything that Mr. Osborn puts out, even when you can get it for free.


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