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George Hutton – Pre Framing: Resonate Like A Magnetic Tuning Fork and Dominate All Social Situations

Pre Framing – Hutton, George.epub
[1 eBook – 1 Epub]



A wise man once made a very astute observation: There are very tiny minority of people who make things happen. There is a slightly larger group that watch things happen. Then there is everybody else who asks, “What happened?”People Are CluelessIt doesn’t take much to control others. Most folks are desperate for somebody to tell them what to do. If you can find anybody who is brave enough to pull their attention away from their device, chances are they’ll have a blank stare.Human HierarchiesThe idea’s been around for a while. Humans as hierarchical social creatures. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that the higher up you are on the pecking order, the better life will be. The more money you’ll make, and the better relationships you’ll enjoy.How It HappensEverybody knows about social status. It’s the oldest game in the book. Machiavelli didn’t invent the idea of using manipulation to get ahead. He just wrote it down. Primates have been stabbing each other in the back since the dawn of time. All to climb over each other on the social status ladder.frame StrengthThis happens because we all have a very powerful, very innate ability to measure frame strength. We walk into a room, and without even thinking about it, we know. Who has the strongest frame, and who has the weakest frame. Since the dawn of time, the rule has been simple. Whoever has the strongest frame is in charge. Whoever has the strongest frame leads, and everybody else follows.Building frame StrengthYou can build frame strength just like a muscle. With consistent practice, you can build your frame as strong as you want. The stronger your frame, the more naturally people will follow you. And what do those with the strongest frame get? Anything they want.Massive AdvantageOnce you see the relationship between this secret practice and how you can literally control the emotional state of those around you, you will be hooked. Luckily, this is one of those skills where the more you practice, the better you’ll get. This means you can out-frame any group you like.Not MagicThis is not magic. This is not metaphysics. This is not PUA baloney. This is hard science. Biology, evolution and communication. All measurable and testable. Start as simply as you can, and work your way up. There is no limit to what you can achieve with a strong enough frame with the proper content.Social SituationsShow up and everybody will want to hang out with you. Everybody will want to be in a conversation with you. Whatever you suggest will seem like the most natural thing in the world.Work SituationsSo long as the content of your frame is consistent with your business model, they’ll go along with it. Hiring managers will beg to hire you. If you’ve got the basic skills, they’ll be eager to pay you whatever you want.Make A Mint In SalesIf you’ve ever considered a career in sales, this is your golden ticket to fat paydays. Having a strong frame is probably the easiest place to apply this technology. Why? Because once you’ve got the right frame calibrated for the right situation, then you’re done. Set and forget.Become A Social ExperimenterOnce you get past the first few exercises (done safely in your home) you can unleash your powers on the world. Most of them don’t involve even making eye contact with others. Just showing up, radiating the frame you’ve chosen beforehand, and watching the magic.Surface Level Communication Is Least ImportantAfter you’ve done enough practice, you’ll learn the secret of human communication. That the surface structure, the words, are the least important. Once you’ve got the deep energy calibrated and worked out, the words won’t matter. Show up, smile and say, “hi,” and they’ll be begging to obey you.File Size: 1385 KBPrint Length: 124 pagesSimultaneous Device Usage: UnlimitedPublication Date: September 16, 2018…


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