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George Hutton – Ego Taming

George Hutton – Ego Taming
[Webrip – 25 MP3 & 2 PDF]



Ignore Negative Social MemoriesRelease all negative social memories and failures. Stop responding based on ancient fight or flight instincts. Eliminate social anxiety and worry. Train your brain to top referencing negativity.    Eradicate Negative Memories    Remove All Failure Signals    Rewire Failure Neurology    Dismantle Fight Or Flight Social Response    Eliminate Social Anxiety    Feel Comfortable In Crowds    Feel Normal Talking To Strangers    Rewrite Entire History    Eliminate Unhelpful References    Release False Fears    Remove Unconscious Blocks Remember Positive Social MemoriesChoose to only recall positive experiences. Vastly increase social comfort and confidence. Feel the likelihood of success in many more situations. Sort through your past and find your vast storehouse of successful memories.    Highlight All Past Successes    Turbo Charge Positive Memories    Only Reference Positive Emotions    Remember All Social Successes    Positively Rewire Social Neurology    Instantly Recall Success Memories    Feel Like A Hero In Social Situations    Enjoy Social Confidence    Subconsciously Positive Emotions    Discover The Treasure Of Your Mind    Resonate With Positive Social Emotions Self EsteemSee yourself as eminently worthy. See yourself as truly deserving all you wish for. Hold yourself in genuinely high regard. Radiate true self love that others will subconsciously accept and agree with.    Judge Yourself As Worthy    Genuinely High Self Value    Understand Your Value To Others    Maximize Your Self Image    Create Evidence Based Happiness    Redefine Your Personal Value    Always Lead With A High Opinion    Be Congruently Valuable    Speak With Deep Charisma    Feel Genuinely Needed    Experience Your True Value Self ConfidenceEasily handle unknown social situations. Feel a true sense of effectiveness in all situations. Develop a deep trust that your inner learner will quickly figure out what to do and get it done. Become a natural leader in social situations.    Re-Discover All Your Successes    Appreciate Your Inner Learner    Feel Confident In Unknown Situations    Resonate Self Assuredness    Speak With True Self Belief    Natural Comfort With Social Uncertainty    Release Your Natural Leader    Discover Inner Self Reliance    Appreciate Real Faith In Your Abilities    Take Bigger Risks Successfully    Experience Growth In All Skills Social StatusLearn to perceive authentic social recognition. Release the need for false and temporary social approval. Seek genuine respect from others to naturally increase your legitimate social status.    Appreciate True Social Signals    Seek Genuine Social Recognition    Ignore False Social Signals    Release Need For Fake Gratification    Be Recognized For Your True Value    Maximize Your Social Interactivity    Resonate Genuine Quality    Deep Motivation For Continued Success    Enjoy Genuine Recognition From Strangers    Re-Calibrate Your Value To Others    Develop True And Lasting Respect OperatorTake control of your mind, your actions, and your results. See the world as pure raw material for you to form into any result. Appreciate the endless opportunities in your world waiting to be operated on by you.    Be At Cause In The World    Eradicate All Victim Feelings    Feel On Purpose    Strive Toward Self Actualization    Be In Control Of Your Life    See The World As Your Playground    Enjoy Getting Involved Socially    Increase Persuasion    Develop Natural Influence    Much More Effective Communication    Your Life – Your Rules Self DefinitionCreate yourself however you like. Decide who you are, and congruently and confidently proclaim that truth to the world. Easily reject any labels you don’t want and be the continuous author and authority of your existence.    Release All Labels    Re-Define Yourself At Will    Be Whoever You Like    Reject All False Designations    Be The Ultimate Qualifier    True frame Ownership    Define Life On Your Terms    Establish Relationships On Your Terms    Leave A Lasting Impact On The World    Define Your Purpose As You Like    Gain Immediate Support From Others Master MixAll sessions mixed together. Used to fine-tune your ego and to be used as maintenance session. Can be used with any collection of memories associated with recent healthy ego validation.    All Sessions Mixed    Gamma Master – Perfect For Real Time Social Activities    4V Theta Master – Quick Re-Calibration    256V Theta Master – Thousands of Voices    Overflow Your Subconscious with New Beliefs    Slow Growth In All Areas    Balanced Ego MeditationSales page:


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