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Genpo Roshi – Zen Eye Membership Site (Part 1)

Zen Eye Part 1
[21 CDs – MP3, 12 MOVs, 8 MP4s]



This is a part of a GB. It was bought with the remaining funds of another product, so it has immediate access to VIP/Elite and PU. Keep it exclusive. Guys considering the HUGE amount of files there is on that site I will upload them by parts.  Check out the details here: Part includes – Mugaku Sensei (all talks)- Taizan Maezumi Roshi- Special EventsI uploaded the Video files in MP4 format (read by Ipod and VLC for example) in order to save some space and a high quality audio MP3. I’m sure this is enough considering the amount of info this product will have and it will save a lot of GBs on all the other authors. —————Taizan Maezumi Roshi – Abundant LifeMonday, April 10th 1995 – 63 minRoshi expounds his vision of the Kai (Precepts) as the expression of how we embody the awakened life. This talk was given at Green Gulch just before his death in 1995. Category: Taizan Maezumi Roshi ArchivePlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (21 MB) | Audio (7 MB)Taizan Maezumi Roshi – The Mind and Spirit of ZazenSunday, September 23rd 1984 – 78 minIn a wide-ranging & intense talk given on his first visit to Europe, Roshi explores every aspect of the practice, meaning and power of Zazen. Category: Tghe Mind and Spirit of ZazenPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (27 MB) | Audio (13 MB)Taizan Maezumi Roshi – Responsibility in PracticeThursday, May 17th 1979 – 41 minDeveloping deep faith, each one of us is fully responsible to live the Dharma, in our practice, our life, and our community. Roshi looks at this responsibility and how we can work intimately together with wisdom & compassion. Category: Taizan Maezumi Roshi ArchivePlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (14 MB) | Audio (4 MB)————————————–Special Events – Poetry NightThursday, July 19th 2007 – 85 minGeorge leads the group in a blend of silent sitting and poetry reading. Each participant draws on their experience of what comes up as they open to each other’s energy and voices, to go away with a store of thoughts & images as a resource for further writing.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (238 MB)| iPod (147 MB) | Audio (79 MB) | Audio (10 MB)Special Events – Beyond Words and LettersThursday, July 12th 2007 – 47 minSimon leads the group in exploring the question, “Where does poetry come from?” This warm & informal evening offers a delightful anthology of poems read by participants, moving to the students’ own poems on the question of the evening, poems which are accomplished and inspiring.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (141 MB)| iPod (86 MB) | Audio (32 MB) | Audio (11 MB)Special Events – Shuso Hossen 2007Sunday, May 13th 2007 – 79 minThe audio and video of this Shuso Hossen are a little different, the Video is shot with one camera and edited, so it is shorter. The audio is full length. This Shuso Hossen is the final event of a month long training period (Ango). Peter Verbogt as the Shuso, gives a short talk and then engages the assembly in Dharma combat.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (142 MB)| iPod (73 MB) | Audio (55 MB) | Audio (18 MB)Special Events – Shiho CeremonySunday, May 13th 2007 – 14 minThe audio and video of this Shiho Ceremony are a little different, the Video is shot with one camera and edited, so it is shorter. The audio is full length. This ceremony is for Richard Taido Christofferson, and make him a Zen Teacher, a Sensei.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (43 MB)| iPod (22 MB) | Audio (10 MB) | Audio (3 MB)———————-Mugaku Sensei – Suffering Is OptionalSunday, November 25th 2007 – 53 minMugaku Sensei lays a foundation of understanding the traditional teachings about the causes of suffering, and the insights that awareness of change and inconstancy in our life brings. He shares with us how our practice can help develop attentiveness, concentration and awareness so that we can learn to shift from the troubled self to the Absolute, and then bring that sense of clarity, spaciousness and peace to every aspect of our life.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (161 MB)| iPod (94 MB) | Audio (24 MB) | Audio (12 MB)Mugaku Sensei – Who Binds You?Sunday, September 9th 2007 – 55 minLeading from the story of the 31st Patriarch’s awakening, Mugaku Sensei presents a thoughtful and thought-provoking inquiry into the source of our dissatisfactions with our lives – how our hopes and fears separate and constrict us. He draws on deep personal experience, everyday life, and Buddhist philosophy and engages students in a fruitful dialogue. This is a realistic and grounded approach to the question, “Why do I seek to practice?” and the issues this question brings up.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (162 MB)| iPod (81 MB) | Audio (18 MB) | Audio (12 MB)Mugaku Sensei – Thinking About FaithThursday, July 5th 2007 – 64 minMugaku Sensei gathers contributions from the students, inviting them to express their ideas about how they experience faith and how our practice reveals what we have faith in. He relates this to a range of Buddhist and Zen teachings and practices.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (187 MB)| iPod (109 MB) | Audio (44 MB) | Audio (7 MB)Mugaku Sensei – Continuing Practice After Big MindThursday, June 21st 2007 – 64 minSensei analyzes the elements of the experience of the Big Mind process and relates it to traditional practice. He looks at how they address the central issue – the primary focus of Buddhism, why we suffer. It’s about human suffering and what mind-set it comes from. And it’s about joy, about peace and being content with things as they are, getting in synch with reality. Sensei examines in detail the unique emphasis of Zen – both Rinzai and Soto approaches, the context of different Buddhist schools, and the lineage of Kanzeon Sangha, describing some essential elements of responsive & responsible on-going practice in detail and in dialogue with students.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (189 MB)| iPod (112 MB) | Audio (44 MB) | Audio (7 MB)Mugaku Sensei – Still SearchingSunday, June 3rd 2007 – 67 minSensei gathers insights from the group, a rich & inspiring selection revealing how much we have in common. In the safe & loving space of the community, we discover that we came fully endowed with what we were searching for. We learn to look, and the idea of a fixed entity called self dissolves. Drawing on the story of Shakyamuni’s flower and Master Bassui’s teaching, Sensei moves on to facilitate the voice of the Self, the voice of the Not Self, and the integrated transcendental Apex. Question & answer close the session.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (225 MB)| iPod (91 MB) | Audio (39 MB) | Audio (15 MB)Mugaku Sensei – Introduction to Zen 1 Class 2 March 2007Tuesday, March 13th 2007 – 65 minWhat is Zen Practice? Sensei looks at the basics of posture and practical issues concerning how we begin to work in our meditation practice.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (299 MB)| Video (290 MB) | Audio (26 MB) | Audio (19 MB)Mugaku Sensei – Oddness Self & OtherThursday, March 8th 2007 – 68 minMugaku Sensei looks into the experience, as a Westerner, of encountering the form we have inherited and adapted from our founding Japanese teachers. The otherness and oddness of the form challenges our habitual & cultural patterns and expectations – we have to look again at who and what we think we are. In this process, we may awaken to a clear still space of awareness, a not-knowing, without any fixed identity.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (412 MB)| Video (331 MB) | Audio (47 MB) | Audio (16 MB)Mugaku Sensei – The Sense of IdentitySunday, February 25th 2007 – 55 minHabits, old patterns, the claustrophobia of our fixed ideas of our identity – Sensei explores how awareness of what happens so often in family relationships can bring to light the stories and dramas that limit our ability to respond freely, openly & compassionately.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (256 MB)| Video (187 MB) | Audio (12 MB) | Audio (22 MB)Mugaku Sensei – As It FlowsSunday, February 11th 2007 – 66 minWith clarity, humor and skill, Mugaku Sensei leads us from the fundamental insights of the Buddha to illuminate the two core practices of zazen and Big Mind. A widely varied audience contributes freely to a powerful insightful dialogue in which we experience the Self, the No-Self (or Absolute, Big Mind) and the Transcendental, which includes, embraces and integrates all these perspectives.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (276 MB)| Video (218 MB) | Audio (26 MB) | Audio (15 MB)Mugaku Sensei – It’s Not Just for YourselfSunday, October 29th 2006 – 50 minMugaku relates the Buddha’s fundamental insight into the nature of suffering to the realities of our life and our practice of compassion and insight.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (300 MB)| Video (220 MB) | Audio (21 MB) | Audio (11 MB)Mugaku Sensei – Introduction to Zen Level 1 Class 1 October 2006Tuesday, October 10th 2006 – 84 minIntroduction to Zen Meditation Michael Mugaku Zimmerman Sensei teaches the basics of Zen Meditation in relation to posture, practice and the Big Mind process. Introduction to Zen level 1 Class 1Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (338 MB)| Video (271 MB) | Audio (28 MB) | Audio (15 MB)Mugaku Sensei – Will the Real You Please Stand Up?Sunday, October 8th 2006 – 60 minOur true self, true nature, is the “Person of No Rank”, not the dualistic self caught in the drama of good & bad. Roshi looks at how we can appreciate the preciousness of the Dharma and practice it in an immediate, less self-centered responsible way.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (394 MB)| Video (239 MB) | Audio (20 MB) | Audio (10 MB)Mugaku Sensei – What Brings Us Here?Sunday, September 10th 2006 – 56 minWe share a deep sense of anxiety & angst with the Buddha. Mugaku Sensei shows how the story of Buddha’s life & the path he offers give us a lifetime endeavor, a form, a sense of movement that brings us to a sense of freedom, a sense of what it is to be truly human – in Zen, this is not an intellectual approach but a path of direct experience. Category: Western Zen Is for EveryonePlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (268 MB)| Video (192 MB) | Audio (19 MB) | Audio (6 MB)Mugaku Sensei – Buddha & RebirthThursday, August 31st 2006 – 74 minMugaku Sensei traces the concept of rebirth from pre-Buddhist ancient India when the aim was escape from the wheel of rebirth & death, & its transformation in Buddha’s teaching of emptiness, impermanence, compassion and karma. He relates this to the human need & desire for justice and how it conditions our vision of the world. Category: Deepening Zen PracticePlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (175 MB)| Video (98 MB) | Audio (25 MB) | Audio (13 MB)Mugaku Sensei – Grief and ImpermanenceThursday, August 24th 2006 – 57 minSensei works from the teachings of the early sutras and his own experience of bereavement – looking from both the Absolute & a deeply human perspective. He explores how we see & take care of grief in dialog with the students Category: The Mind & Heart of ZenPlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (112 MB)| Video (67 MB) | Audio (19 MB) | Audio (10 MB)———————–Waiting times:VIP/Elite: ImmediatePower Users: ImmediateUsers: 10 days


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