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Gary Douglas & Dain Heer – Worldpuja Radio Shows – 2011-2013

Gary Douglas & Dain Heer – Worldpuja
[93 MP3s]



Gary Douglas & Dain Heer – Worldpuja Radio Shows from 2011-2013Website and shows no longer available onlineIncluded are missing 2013 Radio shows from following upload in ConsciousnessHosted by Gary Douglas & Dr. Dain HeerWhat if there is a completely different way of being in the world… that would allow everything in life (the good, the bad and the ugly) to come to you with ease, joy and exuberant expression and abundance glory? What if you could live your life from consciousness? And what if that could change everything — your money situation, your relationships, your body and the world? In this new radio show, Conversations in Consciousness, Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness, and Dr. Dain Heer will turn your reality upside down… In these conversations you will be introduced to a totally new perspective of what is TRULY possible!Access isn’t like anything else you’ve tried. It is a set of life-changing tools, techniques and processes designed to empower you to create the life you desire. Access is an energy transformation program which links seasoned wisdom, ancient knowledge and channeled energies with highly contemporary motivational tools.In each show, Gary and Dain will introduce practical, dynamic, and pragmatic step-by-step processes to facilitate you in being more conscious in every day life and eliminate the barriers you have put up to receiving.What if you were willing to nurture and care for you?What if you would open the doors to being everything you have decided it is not possible to be?What would it take for you to realize how crucial you are to the possibilities of the world?What if you’re more amazing than you’ve ever dared to imagine?This is a radio-show for anyone who has always known that something different is possible… Yes, you! Tune in every Friday of the month at 4:30pm Pacific. What if this is what you’ve been looking for?Warning: You may laugh a lot on your way to consciousness.“The greatest potency is the ability to change, transform and choose.”— Gary Douglas“Your point of view creates your reality. Reality does not create your point of view.”—Dain Heer“Conversations in Consciousness” airs every Friday of every month on the World Puja internet broadcasting system. 9:30am Pacific / 12:30pm Eastern time — or members can listen to the archives 24 hours a day.Biographies20 years ago, Gary Douglas started to develop Access Consciousness with the knowing that a different way of functioning in the world must be possible. His purpose with Access is to create a world of consciousness and oneness — where consciousness includes everything and judges nothing.Simple, effective, and to the point, Access is a set of tools, processes and questions that enable people to create change in any area of their life. Born in the American Midwest and raised in San Diego, California, Mr. Douglas has always been on a spiritual path, seeking deeper answers to life’s mysteries. His innate curiosity has allowed him to question what didn’t seem to be working in life and to seek alternatives to the popular views and accepted wisdom of today.Today Mr. Douglas’ workshops can be found in 25 countries and is offered by over 600 facilitators worldwide. Mr Douglas continues to travel all over the world facilitating advanced classes on subjects ranging from bodies, the Earth, animals, conscious children, possibilities, relationship and money.The techniques of Access Consciousness are being used world wide to transform lives and bodies in private practices as well as in conjunction with addiction recovery, weight loss, business and money, animal health and many holistic health modalities such as acupuncture and chiropractic care.Mr. Douglas has written several books on the subjects of money, sex, relationship, magic and animals. In 2010, his novel The Place became a Barnes & Noble bestseller. His latest book,Divorceless Relationships, will be published in August 2011.Dr. Dain Heer is an international speaker, author and the co-creator of Access Consciousness. He travels all over the world, facilitating advanced seminars and workshops. Within Access, Dr. Heer has developed a unique energy process for change for individuals and groups, called The Energetic Synthesis of Being. He invites and inspires people to more consciousness from total allowance, caring, humor and a phenomenal knowing.Dr. Dain Heer has a completely different approach to change. He teaches people to tap into and recognize their own abilities and knowing. The energetic transformation possible is fast — and truly dynamic.Dr. Heer started work as a Network Chiropractor several years ago in California, having worked with bodies since he was in college. Dr. Heer came across Access Consciousness at a point in his life when he was deeply unhappy and even planning suicide.Access Consciousness changed everything. When none of the other modalities and techniques Dr. Heer had been studying were giving him lasting results or change, with Access Consciousness, his life began to expand and grow with more ease and speed than even he could have imagined possible.Dr. Heer hosts a regular radio show entitled Conversations in Consciousness, and has been a guest of multiple radio and TV shows. He has written a series of books on the topics of embodiment, healing, money and relationships. His latest book, Being You, Changing the World, was published in June 2011.


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