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Frank Kinslow – Beyond Happiness: How You Can Fulfill Your Deepest Desire

Frank Kinslow – Beyond Happiness (2009).pdf
[1 ebook (PDF)]


This new exclusive material is part of  the The Matrix Energetics Experience group buy.This group buy forum is listed at: Happiness:How You Can Fulfill Your Deepest DesireAuthor: Frank KinslowPublished: 20081 PDF with bookmarks added.Beyond Happiness offers an animated reading experience that engages the reader from the very first page. By asking gently probing questions and offering simple exercises, Beyond Happiness makes the journey through its pages profoundly significant for every reader. Drawing from such reflective and varied sources as the Upanishads, Einstein and Popeye the Sailorman, Beyond Happiness answers the age old questions, “Who am I?” and “What is my purpose?”  Moving beyond the relative reach of happiness, Beyond Happiness shows the reader how to appreciate the lyrical mystery that is his life, not in the future, but at this very moment.The website for this material is at: keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks to Tork for starting this group buy and to everyone who is supporting this group buy.Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 1 weekPower Users (PU): 4 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute to the group buy at: are the standard group buy lead times.Thanks, Mazen


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