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Francine Ramirez – Fabulous 50s and Beyond 2014

Fabulous 50s and Beyond
[ 37 MP3 – 1 HTML File Set ]



        Fabulous 50s and Beyond                                           hosted by Francine Ramirez              37 Experts Reveal the Secrets to Creating Passionate,                                Joyful and Abundant Lives Now!       Are you ready to stop feeling like everyone around you is living the life                 of their dreams while you stand watching on the side lines?   You deserve to live to your full potential and stop settling for anything less.That’s why I’ve brought together some of the world’s greatest thought leaders  and inspiring minds to share their wisdom in this incredible Free telesummit.    • Are you feeling burned out?    • Do you think you are too old to change?    • Are you so overwhelmed that you just stay stuck?                    If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it is time to                                              Re-Ignite the Fire Within!   After all, 50 is the new 40, and 60 is the new 50!  No matter what our age is,   we are surrounded by infinite possibilities.  Let’s look in all the right places.JOIN ME TODAY IN UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO CREATING YOUR BEST LIFEEVER WHILE:    • Embracing all of who you are    • Expressing your powerful self    • Creating renewed energy    • Discovering the freedom you truly desire    • Receiving step by step directions on designing your new life   “You do not need to know precisely what is happening or exactly where it is all going.      What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present         moment and to embrace them with courage, faith and hope.” ~ Thomas MertonHi everyone, my name is Francine Ramirez and I want to invite you to the Fabulous 50s and Beyond Free Telesummit.Let me tell you why I organized the summit.I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed, to feel burned out, to feel too old and too tired to even attempt to make a change, and I really know what it’s like to be so gripped with fear, and get so overwhelmed, that you stay stuck.  There were days when I just felt as if I were in a deep dark tunnel with no light, and no way out.I can clearly see now, how staying in a business I once loved, was no longer feeding my spirit, and it caused me more suffering than was ever necessary.  How’s the saying go, pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.That’s why I’ve organized this telesummit, to share with you how I took a big leap of faith, and began to re-design my life.  I have selected some of the most fabulous and authentic experts, who will inspire you to take your next step.When you attend this summit, you will gain insights and clarity about what is possible.  You will experience wonderful healings.  You will know without a doubt, that life offers us plenty of opportunities for infinite possibilities.  And most importantly, you will discover that age is just a number.  So, take a leap of faith and join me on this transformational journey.               Meet our Fabulous 50s and Beyond ExpertsRemy Chausse – Living Life as an Exclamation Point!Remy is the best-selling author of “Living Life as an Exclamation Point! She helps people find the calling of their soul and bring true purpose to life.You will learn:    • To live life as an exclamation point!    • #1 reason for getting stuck    • How to get unstuck    • How to find your soul selfDr. Joe Rubino – Your self-esteem affects every area of your lifeDr. Joe is the CEO of the Center for Personal Reinvention. He is acknowledged as one of the world’s foremost experts on the topic of elevating self-esteem.You will learn:    • How our self-esteem affects every area of our lives    • The price we pay for staying stuck in low self-esteem    • 3 keys to healing your past and raising self-esteem    • The top values we have within us to create our dream livesSusan Tolles – How to deal with life transitionsSusan is a Master in Midlife Reinventions and Funder of Flourish Over 50. She is an internationally recognized expert for women over 50.You will learn:    • How to deal with life transitions    • How to move through fear, doubt, and worry    • How to navigate through perfectionism    • The most important tool needed for personal well beingMoira Shepard – Why we haven’t received what we desireMoira is a transformational teacher who heals through consciousness and energy. Clients, listeners and readers report feeling profound shifts and changes in their energy, attitude and behavior with just one session with Moira.You will learn:    • The reasons why we haven’t received what we desire    • Recognize if you are not a good receiver    • The reasons it’s so difficult to receive    • How to start receiving our good right nowDr. Pamela Moss – What is a soul guide?Pamela joyfully expresses her purpose as Your Soul Guide and Life Purpose Activator. She loves to help people in midlife get clear about what you really want now and to fulfill the purpose you so deeply long for. Her unique work is featured in a #1 mysticism bestseller, college textbooks and private art collections across the USA.You will learn:    • What is a soul guide    • Recognize how you block yourself from creating your dreams    • Experience the 5 senses to clarity    • Learn where possibility can take usSharon Hess – Never give up, you always have a choice!Sharon is an “Intuitive Money Healer” who has spent her entire life guiding men and women to bringing millions of dollars into their life by helping them break through to a smooth flow of money. Her keen and witty approach will help heal the money wounds by discovering what yours are.You will learn:    • Never to give up, you always have a choice    • To see the Divinity in you and learn to live from there    • Why taking responsibility is so important    • To put everything in perspective and give up the need to be rightDr. Robert Pease – Your ego is really trying to protect youRobert Pease holds a PhD Degree in Transpersonal Counseling and Mystical Science. He has experienced millionaire status to homelessness, sexual abuse, a catastrophic automobile accident, 9/11 post traumatic stress syndrome as well as multiple near death experiences. It became evident that his journey was to discover deeper levels of awareness; opening up to Grace and knowing “It is all about love.”You will learn:    • Learn how our ego is really trying to protect us    • All of life is a choice and a decision we make    • What you can do to feel good    • To recognize your belief systems and if they are really working for youNikkea B. Devida – Why you struggle to meet your goalsNikkea is your go to resource for proven, effective systems to get clear, get “unstuck”, get going, and get results. Her clients often call her their “secret weapon to become unstoppable”, because she is gifted at identifying the root cause of a problem and the right system to create resultsYou will learn:    • Why people struggle to meet their goals    • How limiting beliefs stop our progress    • How we must change our beliefs on a subconscious level to succeed    • B-T-F-A=RHelaine Harris – How to develop your intuitionHelaine focuses on assisting clients to magnetize love, abundance, the right clients or job for them. Helaine is an intuitive business coach, healer, and founder of An Awakening Center, which blends over 45 traditional and alternative modalities to assist clients in fulfilling their life’s dream.You will learn:    • How to develop your intuition    • Some business mistakes people make    • The importance of being still and going within    • The 5 step system to develop your businessKrystalya Marie’ – How your thoughts, feelings and beliefs affect youKrystalya is an international speaker, trainer, self-love enthusiast and self-empowerment guide. Through the Healing Power of Love and Sacred Power Symbols, Krystalya empowers you to discover your own innate abilities for healing your body, mind and spirit.You will learn:    • How our thoughts, feelings and beliefs affect us    • Why affirmations may not work for some people    • How important is our intuition    • How to trust the guidance we receiveAmy Pearson – Are you an approval addict?Amy is the owner of She’s a master certified Martha Beck life coach, a coach mentor and instructor for Martha Beck’s life coach training. A former approval addict (with occasional relapse) she is now addicted to success. Her mission is to empower every heart-centered entrepreneur to magnify their tribe, make great money, and make an epic impact while doing their unique thing in the world.You will learn:    • What it means to be an approval addict    • Do you have an external persona    • What is the one third rule    • What does it mean to live brazenBrent Phillips – How science and technology are meeting spiritualityBrent was an MIT-trained engineer who was disabled for 7 years until he experienced a miracle when his arm instantly healed from a single session of energy healing. Today he is widely considered a master healer, is author of “Where Science Meets Spirit: The Formula for Miracles, and is the creator of the Formula for Miracles energy healing system and the patent-pending Formula for Miracles audio technology.You will learn:    • His incredible story of healing and awakening    • How science and technology meets with spirituality today    • How resistance keeps us from Awakening    • How we benefit from AwakeningHazel Palache – How hypnosis can help youHazel is a transformation expert, clinical hypnotherapist, best-selling author and certified coach who works with women entrepreneurs 45+. She is the founder of “Your Stairway to Wealth” and also holds certifications as an NLP practitioner and stress management consultant.You will learn:    • Learn about hypnosis and how it can help you    • How to shift your energy    • What is really behind procrastination    • How staying focused can pave your way to successDr. Sheri Hoff – The 4 pillars to successSheri is an internationally popular radio show guest and is the host of her own podcast on itunes. She holds a PhD, a Master’s degree in Organizational Management and two bachelor degrees. She holds certifications in executive coaching, spirituality coaching, business coaching, professional life coaching, and group coaching.You will learn:    • How to tap into the power to create your desired lifestyle    • 4 Pillars to success    • The difference maker in positive change    • What it takes to live with more peace, passion, energy and joyAmy Scott Grant – How to shatter your patternsAmy is blessed with a gift for reaching people at their core. She is the 2013 Thought Leader of the Year Finalist, who creates rapid breakthrough results by permanently clearing truckloads of blocks, doubts, fears and limiting beliefs at the deepest core level.You will learn:    • How to shatter your patterns    • Tips on what to say to stop the pattern    • How past lives sometimes affect your life    • What one action are you willing to take today to step into possibilityRikk Hansen – 5 Keys for rekindling purpose and passionRikk is one of the nation’s leading experts in guiding mid-career renewal. He is founder of Brilliant NEXT and has pioneered a trademarked system called “New Fire Discovery” that has helped numerous mid-career women and men find new certainty of purpose and direction for their next lifework path. (Bring paper and pen for the interactive exercise Rikk will lead us through)You will learn:    • What is the time “Between Dreams”    • How we navigate through this time    • Discover the map of life    • 5 Keys for rekindling purpose and passionPam Ragland – Everything is in perfect timingPam is a powerful healer and has perfected helping people change effortlessly. Her quest to help people more quickly led her to discover revolutionary breakthroughs, including Quantum Thought Shifting, which restores you back to your true nature, by removing lifelong limitations.You will learn:    • Everything is in perfect timing    • To look on the bright side of challenges    • How negativity (resistance) does affect our lives    • To step into your own power by embracing the truth of who you are and not believing in the limitations placed on usKaya Singer – What holds you back from being the best you can beKaya, of is known as the wise woman entrepreneur specialist. She stands as a champion for passionate women entrepreneurs who want to fully step into their wildness and grow their business. She is the author of “Clear Your Focus Grow Your Business”, as well as over 30 other programs and eBooks aimed to inspire, support, and educate.You will learn:    • How your relationship with your business can change    • The importance of having support    • The great wisdom we can offer after we’re 50    • What holds us back from being the best we can beCarolyn Cooper – Discover how your mindset can affect youCarolyn is the founder of the Carolyn Cooper Simply Healed Method. She teaches cutting- edge energy healing without any hype or mysticism, just purely and simply speaking the language of the energy systems to help our minds and bodies align and balance.You will learn:    • Importance of connecting to ourselves    • Simple tools to implement in our lives    • Discover how mindset can affect you    • Learn about generational healingJoshua Bloom – Moving energy at the cellular level can transform your lifeJoshua has been featured on the front page of The Washington Post as one of the first success coaches ever to be featured in the mainstream media. He has developed and produced his own Quantum Healing certification training program called Come to the Edge. He believes that anything is possible and everyone has the power to live as who they are capable of becoming.You will learn:    • About how anything is possible    • About Being Reiki    • How moving energy at a cellular level can transform your life    • Experience balancing your bodySherry Gaba – How our thinking can be addictiveSherry is a licensed psychotherapist and life coach, who has helped hundreds of people cope with lifelong addictions, including substance abuse, shopping, gambling, food, sex and love, co-dependency, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, single parenting and divorce.You will learn:    • How our thinking can be addictive    • How trauma can be underneath every addiction    • How survival mechanisms can later become addictions    • Experience a somatic exerciseSusyn Reeve – Why we face the same challenges over and overSusyn is the co-founder of Self, the best-selling author of “The Inspired Life: Unleashing your Mind’s Capacity for Joy.” Susyn has 35 years of experience as a Master Coach, Corporate Consultant, and Interfaith Minister. Some of her clients include American Express, New York University, Exxon, Continental Airlines, and the Metropolitan Museum.You will learn:    • Why we face the same challenges over and over    • How to transform blocks and obstacles    • Importance of having tools to use in our lives    • How to see the gifts in every challengeAdam King – What is parallel awareness?Adam is a visionary and leader in transformational personal development. He is the creator of the Tessera Method as well as many other programs and experiential works.You will learn:    • About parallel awareness    • The Tessera method    • Experience 3 exercises—The Blueberry, The Restaurant, and The Memory Shell    • The Purpose of life/Positive choiceDaniel Gutierrez – How our most dominant thoughts create our livesDaniel is an international business consultant, radio personality and renowned motivational speaker who has inspired people to make positive changes that lead to success. Daniel has served as President of PRIMER, a prestigious national leadership organization based in New York City. He is also an advisor to the Department of White House Personnel for the Obama Administration.You will learn:    • 3 things you must remember to live a life of peace and tranquility    • How our most dominant thoughts create our lives    • The 2 highest vibrations we can resonate in    • What it means to “Dance in the Chaos”Misa Hopkins – How we can discover our own innate ability to healMisa is a teacher, healer, speaker and spiritual director of the New Dream Foundation, committed to the healing and awakening of the Sacred Feminine nature. After spending several years studying with medicine women, and receiving her mystical initiations in the Sacred Feminine and Masculine, Misa now helps people around the world discover their own unique relationships to Yin and Yang energies to help them heal and awaken. (Make sure you listen all the way to the end of the recording as Misa sings a sacred healing sound for Prosperity)You will learn:    • What is Sacred Feminine energy    • How the Sacred Feminine is different from Sacred Masculine energy    • How to bring ourselves back into balance    • How we can discover our own innate ability to healBill Bauman – Grace lives in all of usBill has worked as a psychotherapist, psychological consultant, seminar leader, business entrepreneur, peace advocate and spiritual visionary of life’s possibilities. Over the past ten years, Bill has specialized in mystical and inspirational leadership. He speaks about the wonder and power of the soul and leads people to embrace their spiritual, mystical nature as a path to true freedom.You will learn:    • To embrace love for who you are at 50 and beyond    • How Grace lives in every one of us    • How as we grow older we gain freedom to be ourselves    • Experience the heart and soul meditationSheva Carr – How to live a legacy instead of leaving oneSheva is the architect and Director of HeartMath’s HeartMastery Program, the CEO of Fyera/Heart Ambassadors, and the founding Executive Director of the Fyera Foundation and Sunflower SunPower Kids. Sheva speaks to people all over the world on how to access heart intelligence and inner peace, in order to receive the benefits of the heart’s impact on consciousness, health, performance, creativity, and social change, to create cultures of personal and global peace.You will learn:    • How to live a legacy instead of leaving one    • How emotions and consciousness are connected to the heart    • How emotional reaction to the stress response triggers the physiological results    • Experience the attitude breathing tool for heart coherenceMary Beth Vanderlinden – How to tell Divine messages from your mind chatterMary Beth is one of 26 energy healers in the world to be trained in the 111 Activation and the Universal Sphere process. She is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Medical Intuitive, Level III Reconnective Healing Certified Practitioner, Reconnection Practitioner, Registered Nursing Assistant, and Licensed Passions into Profits Coach. Mary Beth has studied Energy Medicine with Donna Eden, trained with Sonia Choquette in developing your intuition, and was trained in Mediumship by James Van Praagh.You will learn:    • How to tell Divine messages from your mind chatter    • The value of muscle testing    • Definition of a Medical Intuitive    • Techniques to protect your EnergyKim Coleman and Veronica Runyon – Everything is energy, everything has consciousnessKim Coleman is a facilitator, coach and speaker of consciousness and healing energies for over 22 years. Veronica Runyon is a speaker, healer, mentor and coach who loves to share science, consciousness and Universal principles that explain and support the ease of success and the elegance of living the lives we desire.You will learn:    • Everything is energy first; everything has consciousness    • We are the alchemist creating our lives    • We always have choice in any situation    • Experience the Creation Energy Tool to activate what is already within youNina Price – Self-awareness means self-careNina Price is a former Silicon Valley high tech marketing exec, who after twenty years in the computer industry learned that it was time to do something else. In 2001, she pushed her own reset button, and reinvented herself as a board certified healthcare professional so she could serve other women as they tackled the transformations that come with midlife. Today, she is a business/wellness coach who practices acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Palo Alto, Ca.You will learn:    • The things we can learn from Midlife    • How Midlife can open new doors for us    • How we can be a super hero    • Self-awareness means self-careAndrea Conway – The myths about fearAndrea Conway, Law of Attraction Marketing Coach, helps spiritual solopreneurs and business owners receive the income and success they want from the business they love. Andrea has been successfully self-employed since 1992, when she walked away from her high tech corporate marketing career to start her first business. Since making the leap to successful self-employment, Andrea has created two highly profitable 6-figure businesses and knows it’s never too late to begin or to create a phenomenal success.You will learn:    • The myths about fear    • We were created to be happy and to have love and success in our lives    • How perceptions continue to change as we grow older    • Law of Attraction ExerciseMike Evans – How patterns of behavior can help or hinder usMike Evans has sought since he was a young man to help “raise the consciousness of the human race.” In this endeavor he met one-on-one and face-to-face with the Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Stephen Hawking and many others in an effort to find a way to create a life that included abundance and peace of mind. In addition he worked inside the White House for President Clinton as well as starred with Oscar nominated actor Robert Downey Jr. in the film “The Last Party.” He has created a simple 5 step process to manifest anything you desire.You will learn:    • The importance of having a support system    • The importance of having the desire to change    • How patterns of behavior can help or hinder us    • How repetition of positive information can help retrain our mindsBurge Smith Lyons – Break Down, Break Through, Break FreeBurge Smith-Lyons is president and CEO of Essence of Being Inc., which offers personal development programs for adults, families and children. She specializes in helping people identify what she calls “Bubble Talk”—subconscious negative self-talk that blocks them from achieving what they want in life.You will learn:    • Break Down, Break Through, Break Free    • What Bubble Talk is    • Tools and techniques to shift your mindset    • Trust and allow and don’t ask howAriadne Sassafrass – You can create whatever you desireAriadne Sassafrass is an Empowerment Coach, Energy Transformation Expert, Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator, Conscious Body worker and Telesummit Hostess. She is highly trained in leading edge alternative health and wellness approaches that are grounded in the extraordinary power of intuition, Psychic and Energetic Awareness. With joy, gentleness and elegance, Ariadne offers up effective tools, techniques and expertise, that can contribute to instantly shifting you from any and all limitation, unease, and dis-ease; while also facilitating you to receive new possibilities and empowering you to create whatever it is you desire in your life. Ariadne offers group classes and private sessions worldwide both in person and online.You will learn:    • Experience clearing of limited beliefs    • Awareness of who we are is a strongness not a wrongness    • What would happen if we stepped out of control and opened to possibility    • We are highly aware beings and we can choose to create whatever we desireRichard Shultz – The meaning of surrenderRichard and his company Wisdom Ways support individuals and organizations in discovering, integrating and actualizing their true potential; creating the ultimate, authentic success and fulfillment experience.You will learn:    • The meaning of surrender    • It’s time to share our lives by contributing to others    • Emotions are energy in motion/clarity plus emotion equals our dreams    • The power is in CHOICE/everything we need is already within usFrank Moffatt – How to find value in your lifeFrank Moffatt is an international best-selling author, motivational speaker, lifestyle coach and founder of the educational community “Your Second Fifty”—dedicated to improving the lives of people in their second fifty.You will learn:    • To trust that the Universe supports you    • How to find value in your life    • It’s time to stop judging ourselves and limiting ourselves    • After 50, we have a lot to give and an opportunity to help othersFrancine Ramirez – Your Fabulous 50s and Beyond hostOne of my guests offered to interview me as a sort of finale to the Fabulous 50s and I said, hmmm, why not?! So today, you have the opportunity to learn about me and some of my challenges, as I step into learning to live my life by design rather than default.  Hope you all enjoy it!Francine Ramirez has been a Licensed Interior Designer, practicing high-end residential design, for the last 32 years in South Florida. She has been the CEO of Francine Interior Design, Inc., for the last 17 years. Her designs have been published in Florida Design Magazine, Audio-Visual Design Magazine, Palm Beach Design and Boca Design.    Deciding to Live her Life by Design, and taking a Leap of Faith, Francine has moved into Intuitive Coaching, and Energy Healing. She has studied with Sonia Choquette in developing her intuition, and has become an energy practitioner trained in Carolyn Cooper’s Simply Healed Method. Francine’s passion for helping people create their dreams and helping them eliminate any misconceptions to creating those dreams was the catalyst for designing the Fabulous 50s and Beyond Telesummit.    Thank you to each and every one of you for your participation in the Fabulous 50’s and Beyond Telesummit. I am so grateful to each of you for listening to all the wonderful speakers, and my hope is that you have been inspired to truly live your life by design, that you are open to any and all possibility, and that you are willing to take whatever inspired action is necessary for you to live your dreams.    I feel so blessed and grateful for all that I have learned on this journey, for all the new possibility that has opened for me, and for all the support of every speaker who willingly gave of their time and wisdom to teach all of us about life. It has been a continued growing experience for me, and has presented me with much value and appreciation for what life has to offer. I now understand more clearly how precious and valuable each minute is and how many blessings I have.


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