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Entheos Academy – How to Quit Being “Busy” and Return to Purpose with Jason Barger

How to Quit Being Busy and Return to Purpose with Jason Barger.mp4
[WebRip – 1 MP4]



Class OverviewThis class will invite you to think about ReMembering differently. Renew your commitment to the people, projects and purposes that are your highest priorities. Are you being effective, or just busy? (Check out the Top 10 Big Ideas from the class below!) Your ProfessorJason Barger is an author, consultant, servant-leader, and respected speaker. He adds value to organizations that are passionate about Culture Creation, Leadership Development, and bringing their Mission to life.How to Quit Being “Busy” and Return to PurposeWe are bombarded by over 3000 marketing messages and distractions every single day. Where we put our eyes, our hearts, and our focus is what ends up defining the lives we live. This discussion will invite you to think about the word remember differently. It will help you think about ReMembering every single day—renewing and recommitting to the people, projects and purposes that are your highest priorities. Are you busy or effective? Join the class and discussion. The Top 10 Big Ideas1Busy or Effective? We can find ourselves running around all day but accomplishing very little. We jump from task to task, meeting to meeting, and distraction to distraction. A Harvard Business Review study causes us to ask the question, are we busy or effective? What does effectiveness look like in your life and work?   2Where You Look is Where You Go! Where we put our eyes is where we go in life. Training ourselves to think about where we want to go, WHY we want to go there, and how we want to journey, are the first steps. Focus requires thoughtful decisions about our highest priorities.3Remember What the Point Is In our rush to achieve, score, win, or whatever the pursuit, we can’t forget what we’re actually trying to accomplish. So often we as individuals, teams or organizations get so caught up in the rat race that we forget our core—purpose. We must learn to return to WHY. RePurpose along our journey.   4ReMember and ReNew The prefix “re” means to “return to again.” In a busy and distracting world we need to remember our highest priorities. But, we also need to think about the word remember slightly differently. We need to ReMember: renew and recommit to the people, projects, and purposes that are our highest priorities.   5ReLease Your Baggage Often what holds us back in our lives is the baggage we carry. The Events, Consequences, and Thoughts that weigh us down. Part of this process to return to purpose and live an authentic life is to let go of the mental constructs and stories that hold us back. When we release the baggage we are able to move forward.   6ReCast Your Vision We need to put on new eyes. We can get so trapped in the past or our current routines / habits that we need to be encouraged to see our future through a new lens. No matter    where we are in our life and work, we have the opportunity to cast a new vison. Where are we trying to go next and what are we compelled to bring to life in the world?7ReSpond with Compelling Action Our “response-ability” is everything. In a fast-moving culture, how we respond is what often defines our success and effectiveness. What does it truly mean to be a First Responder in your life, in your relationships, in your family, on your team at work, in your company, or in the world? Those who respond with compelling action are the ones who create profound ripples along their path.   8Dare to Begin Our world is in need of a different form of leadership. In fact, the word leadership has been hijacked in the last decade. No longer is leadership only about the person on the top of the organizational chart who barks out orders and tells everyone what to do. 21st Century Leadership is calling us into a more compelling leadership that begins from a place of service and dares us to challenge the status quo in our life and work.9Own It It’s not just a slogan from Southwest Airlines, it’s about your life and work. Creating the life you want to live requires personal ownership and commitment to the journey ahead. It begins with purpose, is rooted in a vision of the future, and then moves forward through ownership. We need to remember “It Is Possible” and practice a courageous Bias Toward Action.    10Step Back from the Baggage Claim Personal development, leadership development or culture-work is not a “drive-thru” experience. It requires an ongoing ethic of returning to purpose and renewing the most critical priorities in our lives. The most effective and successful entities are the ones who are able to Step Back from the Baggage Claim in life and work so they are able to move forward, together. Are you passionate or merely interested? Join and share the journey!


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